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Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-04-13 03:59
by ShockUnitBlack
I don't like a lot of the stuff I hear (retard and race jokes and comments come to mind) and I wish I heard less of it - they're crude shots anybody can make and very few, if any of them, are actually funny.

Guys, let's be classier - and funnier.

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-04-13 04:22
by maniac1031
I hate when people bring up racism your just drawing attention to it and making it a big deal. I'm not offended when some one calls me a guinea or some other Italian slur, no one thinks twice if a "non white" person calls some on a honky or cracker, Yet if I where to call a black man a n***** every one would be in uproar. The fact that in this country blacks call complete strangers n*****s yet if white guy where to do that it would be a hate crime is in itself racist. Due to the fact that you are saying it is alright for the black guy to say it but it isn't for the white guy. Just my two cents.

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-04-13 04:53
by [508th_PIR] Grey
Jolly wrote:Roleplaying is fine, I don't mind whatever they call PLA in Game.
We do it either, but contain no insult.

But I heard someone call another Chinese player---Monkey on mumble once, that's unacceptable and made me angry.
Where's the distinction? It's OK for you and others to use racial slurs unless those slurs are directed at your race? Double standard.

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-04-13 05:23
by KiloJules
Maniac, even though you might have a point with what you are saying, we are not discussing "racism in America" here. The point is more about the worldwide racism (playerbase from all over the place) that actually happens in game.

For instance, I can't even remember a round of Lashkar or Silent Eagle without someone at some point in the game making some stupid Germany-Nazi-Bundeswehr-etc comment. I have yet to hear a good joke regarding something like this anyway but as a "world citizen" that happened to be born in a place where horrific things happened some 75 years ago I am offended by people who throw me in the same pot as A. Hitler and E. Braun...while I am playing a game.

On the other hand as people stated bias is common and the occasional "Allahu Ackbar" is sth. completely okay...for some reason.

For the IN GAME languages: Even the Germans think it is funny how the "Bundeswehr" talks. A Russian clan mate told just some days ago how he thinks the spoken Russian in game sounds not natural as well. As in people wouldn't talk that way. It is hard to tell where the morale cuts the line between still funny and racism.

Some days ago I was talking to a Canadian. The first German words I heard from him were not "Schei?e" or "Schlampe" but instead:

"Alles gut!" "All good!"

And still...

Although I don't live any "nationalism" in real life, perspective changes a little in game. I mean, come on, I am a young, brown eyed, black haired son of the desert that destroys million dollar worth military hardware with some self made explosives and 5 minutes later I bring those guys democracy with my battle tank...cause I got teamswitched.

Show respect! In game and in real life.

TL;DR: racism is tricky and often enough people are not aware of acting racist; picking up the mindset along with the "kit" as some sort of roleplay might occur; behave and hug!

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-04-13 05:32
by illidur
people who cry about racism are just being niggardly for attention.

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-04-13 06:04
by Tim270
maniac1031 wrote:I hate when people bring up racism your just drawing attention to it and making it a big deal. I'm not offended when some one calls me a guinea or some other Italian slur, no one thinks twice if a "non white" person calls some on a honky or cracker, Yet if I where to call a black man a n***** every one would be in uproar. The fact that in this country blacks call complete strangers n*****s yet if white guy where to do that it would be a hate crime is in itself racist. Due to the fact that you are saying it is alright for the black guy to say it but it isn't for the white guy. Just my two cents.
What you are %100 missing is that there is a context and history to racism from whites to blacks, be it through slavery or socially, you cannot deny that, it has and does exist. This issue simply does not go 50/50 both ways, where is the racism to whites other than being called silly slurs that are easily brushed off? have they undergone slavery or social repression? no. Thus, while you might not find someone issuing a racial slur to you, someone else may as there is a president for it. Thus thinking about committing to such comments should be given more thought.
people who cry about racism are just being niggardly for attention.

What a simply absurd thing to say. A childish attitude to the topic at best.

My only thoughts on the subject are that server admins should do their best remove and administer their servers free from racism as best they can. We are all here to enjoy the game as best we can, why dont we focus on that?

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-04-13 07:49
by IINoddyII
illidur wrote:people who cry about racism are just being niggardly for attention.


Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-04-13 08:29
by Jolly
'[508th_PIR wrote: Grey;1758990']Where's the distinction? It's OK for you and others to use racial slurs unless those slurs are directed at your race? Double standard.
In Game, I mean you can call PLA's nick.(Alright I am a bit confused about the word racism)
In Chinese, we call PLA "共军", it means poor equiped Army and consist of peasants.(But it was old time) It's acceptable.
But if someone calls monkey, it's quiet horrible.

( I am totally confused about racism and your standard.....Poor English skill)

I mean, intentional insult is not unacceptable, to anybody!!

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-04-13 08:39
by IINoddyII
List of ethnic slurs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

would be a good guide Jolly.

In broad terms using a word or phrase deliberately used to 'put down' another person for no other reason except their heritage would be considered racist.

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-04-13 08:42
by Incognito84
maniac1031 wrote:I hate when people bring up racism your just drawing attention to it and making it a big deal. I'm not offended when some one calls me a guinea or some other Italian slur, no one thinks twice if a "non white" person calls some on a honky or cracker, Yet if I where to call a black man a n***** every one would be in uproar. The fact that in this country blacks call complete strangers n*****s yet if white guy where to do that it would be a hate crime is in itself racist. Due to the fact that you are saying it is alright for the black guy to say it but it isn't for the white guy. Just my two cents.
Do they teach critical thinking where you go to school?

Basically you're saying that you hate when people draw attention to racism because it's unfair that some people can seemingly use racial epithets while others might get in trouble. As far as I know, the use of the dreaded 'N' word is a part of black culture and there are hundreds of years worth of reasons in your country for a white person not to use it. That wasn't the point of this post, however.

The point of the OP was about the use of racist remarks in a computer game. I can't immediately recall ever hearing the 'N' word in PR nor many other slurs. It wasn't until I started playing PR: V that I started hearing a lot of them all at once which is why I made a post urging players to mind their manners.

I'm not saying that I'm some kind of PC nutjob that wants the guns to shoot roses. I'm simply saying that letting this kind of behaviour run rampant could cause people to feel unfairly hurt and excluded. In the privacy of your home or with your friends you can do what you want but these servers are public places where an international community gathers. That means you should mind your conduct or stop playing.

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-04-13 08:50
by NoxNoctum
[R-MOD]IINoddyII wrote:You're a fucking idiot

Why not allow adults to have a mature discussion.

BTW I fully expect an infraction...but obviously this is a touchy subject for me.. lost control apologies to anybody offended.
That word has no connection to the "n" word fyi. Though obviously he only used it to stir up the pot :/ It basically means miserly or stingy.

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-04-13 08:53
by Incognito84
NoxNoctum wrote:That word has no connection to the "n" word fyi. Though obviously he only used it to stir up the pot :/
It doesn't even make much sense in the context he used it in.

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-04-13 08:59
by IINoddyII
Even if it was in response to maniac1031's post.. deliberate choice to troll..

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-04-13 09:18
by Dunehunter
Infraction given to illidur for flamebaiting.

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-04-13 23:11
by doggreen
to reflect

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say
I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day
You'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say,
I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day
You'll join us
And the world will live as one

John Lennon

the lyrics of this song seems to have been written for today

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-04-14 00:06
by burghUK
It's only racist if the intention is to insult. The fact anyone can be offended by a word unless said by someone of the same race is totally obscene and only proves that point.

I don't get upset when people call me a jock , it's just what we get called. no big deal.

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-04-14 00:28
by MaSSive
burghUK wrote:It's only racist if the intention is to insult. The fact anyone can be offended by a word unless said by someone of the same race is totally obscene and only proves that point.

I don't get upset when people call me a jock , it's just what we get called. no big deal.
Urban Dictionary: Jock

Id put a facepalm meme here but Im off to bed now.

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-04-14 00:42
by NuclearBanane
Warning: This text isn't for the weak of hearth or the prone to flaming.
This text may seem offensive but the point lies beyond it.
Do not attack a single part of it as its a single text.
You are not required to reply no matter your social views or moral responsibilitys
Keep this in mind and Move along citizen :gob_icon_
I hope some people can see why this topic is hard to touch,
at the end of the day we aren't going to go around talking about it until someone offends us or offends someone there.
And even at the end if we talk about it in a political sense and trying to make it apart of our ideologies and trying to spread it around to attempt diplomacy is a bad idea.

Like you can see, the people with power need to cover their hinds while the offender needs to point the finger to the next offender on the other side of the fence.

>>Notice all the Server Admins and RCON who post as well as the people coming from the pre-verbial fence. This is not an attack but a simple fact of life when this topic arise anywhere with diplomatic intentions and me outlining it for you <<

And in the end the victim is still open to be offended again.
And lets be real here, we've all said a " iffy " remark just to laugh it off because its something we know is bad to say and normally don't believe in but people say it over the Internet as its a place to get away from the rules of our real life where social conscious exist.

I've never met someone who didn't make a joke about stereo types and thats life.
If you wanna join the SOPA band wagon and get all " Purge the unclean " well stay clear of me and roughly the rest of the Internet as most people use the Internet as an outlet.

Now I understand what the problem is that people aren't being mature but people are just having fun. And mabe you should to.
I play PR seriously, I get mad when we lose our chopper like the rest of you and I get mad when trans is failing miserably.
BUT when I hear something " offensive " I laugh and keep playing.
Why? Because its a game, what I heard is in the game, and while I play the game its just a game. And does it bother me what he said?
No because I assume we are all just having fun because when I play, everybody is friends together and work together.
Its actually something I like about PR.

We are all having fun

And together we are having fun blasting away other people, they are real because someone on the other side got angered has he got frag'd.
And when we do something stupid, like get us all killed or fall off a bridge or do something tactically unsound and dangerous we laugh.
We are having fun, and when someone slurs.... why should we care? Why should we stop having fun?

We only care when we start attacking each other. Thats when I get offended, when someone tells a guy in the game something provocative.
Why? Because now its not us having fun, its us fighting.

thats why I stated

Until someone attacks you, keep walking

And racism is in all the entertainment you go to, Movies, Songs, articles, books and Games. So why should it be different with this game? ( Not advocacy but its an Idea )

Now avoiding the clich?s response that are pre-school like " Ignore them and ask them to stop "

I think we need to all hug. Because let honest, with out the guy who posted before me and the guy who will post after me.
We make up the community of PR, and the real reason we play is the community, not the game which it is attached.
The game can be good but the community is what keeps you playing. ( And there is a great game to this the community is 80% of the fun )
And you can try to deny it as much as you want but you'd be dead inside.
I love my squad mates ( Until I'm SL ), I can have fun and connect with someone from somewhere I'll never go and keep playing.

When did you reach prestige 10 lvl 70 in PR?

When everyone knows you...


All this to repeat, until you are offended, we don't need to talk about it.
And even when you are, don't try Diplomacy or Ideologies.
History proves that its a bad way to go about things and history repeats it self when one doesn't learn from it.
I'm not telling you to be quiet HOWEVER I'm saying we should try to be more positive about our situation.

burghUK wrote:It's only racist if the intention is to insult. The fact anyone can be offended by a word unless said by someone of the same race is totally obscene and only proves that point.

I don't get upset when people call me a jock , it's just what we get called. no big deal.
Thats a good way to put it.
Accept yourself, accept the way people act and accept that it literally means something which they wish they had but they couldn't as no one had the choice. Nether do we choose who calls us what.

There is a lot of hate on Canadians which we tend to right but most people who live by the above statement don't return the favor but move past it. The laws of motion do not need to apply to our emotions, we are not particles*.

We are made of particles but we do not need to act like them

I'd seriously like us to lay rest to this, even after it was unlocked it didn't accomplish anything. I might of had 2 thesis' to prove; ultimately the one that this mess should be avoided, but once the spark started it couldn't stop. Maybe we can all learn a little bit from this thread so we can hopefully try to avoid repeating it.

It causes to much drama with He said she said. We should avoid going there.
Have a good weekend.


Note: laughing about does remarks is bad however you must understand the context.

Re: A bit too much racism on the servers

Posted: 2012-04-14 05:17
by PoisonBill
[quote=""'[R-COM"]MaSSive;1759433']Urban Dictionary: Jock

Id put a facepalm meme here but Im off to bed now.[/quote]

Jock, individual of the Scottish people, especially Scottish soldiers :? :

[quote="NuclearBanane""]We are all having fun[/quote]

Fun can sometimes get overboard, and if it is fun for a group of people or a individual, it doesn't mean it's fun for everybody. Making a squad called "NIGGAZ" or acting like a "german" would in WWII saying "Muahha, I kill jews", is taking it a step to far. We can only hear each others voices, and that on mumble; something which is mostly PTT. We cannot see a persons face, he might laugh but you don't know how he/she feels. Some people who are used to racism can hide what they really feel quite well (IRL) (like me), I'm not so keen in showing emotions, so if I'm gone one day you would never really know why. Yes we have to stick together, but not create some kind of facade where we think nobody is offended.

Luckily I choose the right servers, where the admins understand this, and also the players I play with most of the time.


You don't see this face on mumble ^ (not me)