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Re: PR:Vietnam - BETA 3?

Posted: 2012-09-17 12:45
by AfterDune
Thank you all for voting. I think we got enough votes for "yes", so you can expect a final Vietnam installer soon :) .

Quick Q&A

What is this final Vietnam installer?
It'll basically be Beta 1 and Beta 2 combined, with some tweaks. Any improvements this version will have, are then also done for v1.0 (or done better).

Do I need previous version?
No. This installer will be a standalone thing. There's no updater and there's no need to install any previous versions.

So we can expect Vietnam servers (and players!) again?
Yes... well, so long as you help us inform the PR community about this. The more players are aware, the better. Advertise on your clanforum, your communityforum, facebook, etc.

The PR team should focus on v1.0, dude! Why waste your time?
The entire team is working on v1.0. I'm doing this on my own as I'd like to play some badass Vietnam too. This is the last attempt to get Vietnam going on v0.97. Besides, any optimizations made now will also be included in v1.0.

And don't worry, more changes for Vietnam are planned for v1.0. More about that later in blogs or highlights.

Re: PR:Vietnam - BETA 3?

Posted: 2012-09-17 13:44
by ChallengerCC
Great news! You guys did a realy good job.
The [QRF] will try to host, on our Gaming Days every Sunday and Tuesday 20:00 GMT+1 Vietnam Maps beside the PR normal Maps. :razz:

Re: PR:Vietnam - BETA 3?

Posted: 2012-09-21 18:18
by AfterDune

Re: PR:Vietnam - BETA 3?

Posted: 2012-09-21 23:54
by UKrealplayER666
I'm so pleased by this you have no idea :)

Re: PR:Vietnam - BETA 3?

Posted: 2012-09-22 13:51
by Wakain
freaking awesome! :)

Re: PR:Vietnam - BETA 3?

Posted: 2012-09-23 09:15
by Jamaican
seen a server running beta3 already! how soon does it go public




Re: PR:Vietnam - BETA 3?

Posted: 2012-09-23 14:28
by AfterDune
Not too long. Found some little bugs we wanted fixed first. When it's all good, we release. Stay tuned..

Re: PR:Vietnam - BETA 3?

Posted: 2012-09-24 13:20
Hope QRF keep to their word so we can have a bit of PRV awesomness.

Re: PR:Vietnam - BETA 3?

Posted: 2012-09-24 23:38
by doggreen
AfterDune the printscreen above this beautiful. I do not see the point of being able to play the new version :)

When the PR Vietnam is released we can use the ANDERS SOUND MOD v 0.5?

I came up with this question, because as the PR V runs on the same server with Normal PR, 99% of the servers is running today with anders sound mod v 0.5.

Re: PR:Vietnam - BETA 3?

Posted: 2012-09-25 00:54
by Kevokpo
yes you can use ander's sound mod some sounds may be replaced by the ones ander made, some may not. all this if the server allows you to use the sound mod.

Re: PR:Vietnam - BETA 3?

Posted: 2012-09-25 05:08
by AfterDune
It's up to the servers to allow it, it doesn't have anything to do with PRV :) .