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Re: Polish Forces - development update #1

Posted: 2014-08-17 20:26
by tankninja1
Soviet tech meets American RIS rails.

Also hurray for EoTechs.

Re: Polish Forces - development update #1

Posted: 2014-08-17 23:45
by houdaifatam
Very interesting (Im back) :D

Re: Polish Forces - development update #1

Posted: 2014-08-17 23:55
by X-Alt
Argentum wrote:This is a russian RGO (at right)
Also the black painted grandes in USSR/Russia is a training grenades, not sure about polish
The Polish RGO-88 looks like a copy of the RGD-5 (kinda outdated now), with some changes to the fuse, maybe with a retexture it could pass as one, certainly better than the F1?

Re: Polish Forces - development update #1

Posted: 2014-08-18 19:09
by Argentum
X-Alt wrote:certainly better than the F1?
F1 much more dangerous than RGD-5 like any other defensive grenade (in USSR/Russia grenades are divided into offensive and defensive), RGD-5 is offensive hand grenade it has the much more light fragments and more explosive, F-1 has heavy fragments, less explosive and larger effective casualty radius, uses only from the shelter. Just different types.

Re: Polish Forces - development update #1

Posted: 2014-08-18 22:45
by Death!
Argentum wrote:in USSR/Russia grenades are divided into offensive and defensive
That is interesting to know.

Re: Polish Forces - development update #1

Posted: 2014-08-20 03:49
by Archerchef
So are they blufor or opfor?


Re: Polish Forces - development update #1

Posted: 2014-08-20 11:37
by Midnight_o9

Re: Polish Forces - development update #1

Posted: 2014-08-20 15:12
by AbrahamK
really really cool!

Re: Polish Forces - development update #1

Posted: 2014-08-21 23:43
by X-Alt
Argentum wrote:F1 much more dangerous than RGD-5 like any other defensive grenade (in USSR/Russia grenades are divided into offensive and defensive), RGD-5 is offensive hand grenade it has the much more light fragments and more explosive, F-1 has heavy fragments, less explosive and larger effective casualty radius, uses only from the shelter. Just different types.
That being said, the RGD-5 was retired quite a bit later than the F1 (which is supposedly now used for the training role), and would fit the modern Russian Ground Forces better than the F1. Perhaps multiple RGD-5 grenades could be used for the Breacher and some other kits, and the F1 as a placeholder for the RGO?

Re: Polish Forces - development update #1

Posted: 2014-08-22 13:43
by J.Brawn
Looks very good.

Re: Polish Forces - development update #1

Posted: 2014-08-24 20:24
by erikkir
Good job on the Polish Forces, but I do believe Norwegian Forces is more needed for PR than this (as there is 4 Norwegian maps per date)

Re: Polish Forces - development update #1

Posted: 2014-08-25 03:35
by JTtheOKIE
Polish Special Forces are really badass.

What I find most intriguing about the Polish military is their combined use of western and ComBloc equipment.