Blaze_02 wrote:Will the devs keep doing manual update for every patch?
The situation is: I like to play online but I also like to play local in our laptops with my friends who isn't familiar with PR. So I kind of need to introduce them to it but they don't have the luxury of internet (yet) and it would be great if I can download patches manually for their client to update so that I still can play coop locals with them and online alone.
PS: We usually share our internet for when we play coop local.
i posted this on similar question, this is updated Version ... e-lan.html
i posted this on similar question, this is updated Version 12,2015 version1,42
How to install without internetconnection on LAN:
I. Goto download full 1.41 Version Downloads | Project Reality
Its a big 7 Gigabyte file download
II. Download Splitter Software from HJSplit for Windows
use hjssplit Software to split the 7 giga installer into 3 parts
because DVD size is 4 giga only
now there are 3 possibities
1. IF you have portable USB harddisk: Copy the 3 splitted files of the
Project reality installer 1.41 in a portable USB harddisk,
if you can copy the 7 Gigabyte full installer the do it, i could not copy there is alimit of 7 giga for files to copy in some hardisks ( win 7 home 64 bit)
TIP: also copy on usb harddisk: the hjs split Software and the Project reality Manual
2.other possiblity : burn the 3 parts on DVDs
TIP: also burn on DVD the hjs split Software and the Project reality
3. at the LAN use hjssplit Software from USB portable harddisk or dvd
to copy the parts to the pc to install it
4. Use HJSPLIT to join the 3 parts in to the pr installer ( 7 Gigabyte)
5. install on every PC,
6 if you want to install last update Version you still Need Internet, i found
not other way
current Version ist 1.42,
online you can only Play with 1.42 updated Version
before updating to 1.42 check to have market in Options" Keep update files" so you can copy them to other Computers in the update folder
if someone has more tips or corrections for this guide feel free to add
other tips from other users
If one of the pc's sets up a share, the rest can copy the installer from there. Splitting stuff up isn't needed then. Or simply use a large enough usb stick .
Hmm, I *think* that if you download the individual patches, you can simply run them individually, as they are opened by the updater?