Suchar wrote:<snip>
Project Reality can grow for itself and its genre. Problem is there is way too many FPS games, some of them have negative effects on the character of society like Call of Duty. But for certain things PR doesn't have that other games have, if somebody could make these things, we grab these players from other games.
No other game I could find has fast ropes(Thank you Japan Clan for your work) in intense combat simulations, playing dead, climbing trees, suppression of camouflaged enemy. DEVs said they couldn't break the vehicle seat code, you did. Said you couldn't do fast ropes, Japanese players did. Many things you thought were impossible with the game, are not impossible.
But 2 things other games do have, is flame throwers and arresting people realistically with riot control tools. GTA 5 has mods for arresting people role play, "Ready or Not" also arresting some people and shooting others. Players have an itch or a fix for certain things, that is why they switch games. I find many ways to play Project Reality.
Civilians in this game going for realism, get instantly mowed down and arrested by lone wolfing breachers, so we can't do crowds. Rewards those breachers too much like its an arcade game, takes away need for cuffs from rest of BLUFOR squad.
Realistic capability is taken away of having rock throwers, arrest teams, balance of controlling insurgent fighters who are using the crowd in some way. So much lost realism, suspense, intensity, planning, identifying the last man by insurgent clothing to touch a weapon kit in the crowd that is in front of the roadblock, so the tank can't blow roadblock, artillery can't be called.
If we got the Flame thrower M2 kit on Vietnam/WW2 maps, just like how Iraqi Insurgents have special kits laying in main. Then get the napalm doing what it should on the ground, bodies and at night. We got to be cooler than the other games.
We can grab players from games with Flamethrowers like Battlefield 1, Rising Storm and others because we also have playing dead, climbing trees, super FOB assets, many real factions, more ERAs and lots of other stuff. This game is not even done.
We already have the Zippo M67 tank flamethrower, also needs work and featured in more maps. Night map with tank flamethrower would make great game trailer to bring people in.
Then with the civilians getting instant arrested by shotgun, un-realistic, you need body contact to arrest IRL, removes realistic game capabilities of arrest teams, crowd control with vehicles/shotgun, rioting crowds amid fighting, few ways to save from or avoid, rewards lone wolfing breachers too much, removes need for cuffs if a squad has a breacher.
I have quit the game when that happens sometimes to me. I am sure for others too the frustration is real and we would prefer the alternative below instead.
If we changed shotgun on civilians from health bar loss to stamina bar loss (ON CIVILIANS ONLY) or gave it door breaching, buckshot, and beanbag. We could have rock throwers defending roadblocks against area attack, tanks, APCs without worrying about a breacher with a semi-automatic shotgun mowing the crowd down in instant arrest, just the arrest teams and moving slowly from no stamina.
We have run enemy off with rocks in the past, I used to kill that way frequently, its just when that dang breacher comes out of nowhere.
So civilians stay in view of the cache and fighters. Drop kit, mix in with the other similar clothed guys in the crowd, wait 2 minutes that way, have a weapon kit in the crowd to cycle. Weapons in Iraqi civilian/Gaza crowd=REALISM for ROE opportunity on snipers. Cheerio or somebody wanted RKG grenades in civilian kit, well that tactic is one way to do it by just having kit in the crowd. LESS WORK FOR MORE REALISM.
These 2 things alone, all the creativity people can express tactically from their imaginations with each other in teamwork, especially in regard to the civilian shotgun arrest function change. The suspenseful intensity of the situation with civilians or the fear of the flame thrower.
Otherwise the problem is there is WAY too many FPS games. Anybody can make a video game and they do. If you look at how many players other games have, 600, 1000, 10,000. But then you have 100,000-1,000,000 playing Call of Duty Warzone daily. That type of Call of Duty multiplayer I can't stand, fast pace, un-realistic, minimal to no teamwork.
I get my fun out of tactics, intensity of fighting, having more brain power than or just fooling the enemy, but as the same time I like to go up against my own tactics to learn counter tactics which have their own counter tactics, so I teach them.
A lot of these games like Call of Duty or Fortnite creates silly minded trolls who only joke around, rage, lone wolf, take vehicles from others to rush and abandon that could be used longer, actually use some ammo and along side stronger vehicles. I personally have 0 interest in those types of games.
Then the clear psychological neurological effect it has on people, repetition of "spawn, sprint, jump, shoot, prone, shoot, die". They call it fun, but they are sitting there drinking energy drinks and tournament players are taking ADHD drugs to make their minds work faster for an edge in a waste of time un-realistic video game.
You see it manifest in game rage, toxicity where the only words in their mind are slurs of frustration, trolling out of dissatisfaction in gameplay and many other behaviors. I have seen a terrible friend of mine push his spaniel dog off the couch every time he got killed on Call of Duty Black Ops.
LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR, we don't want these people in Project Reality unless they adapt immediately in search of this type of game, where they stop or slowly stop being that way.
This game has a clear mission against that type of player and player development from early childhood by providing an alternative to that mass corporate franchise. Imagine if Call of Duty was more like Project Reality in fighting and teamwork with 1,000,000s of people playing. So many homes with kids screaming at a Call Of Duty, the fighting with each other to have a turn play that trash.
I would like a game like Project Reality, on the masses for children and teenagers to develop on, not have their brains neurologically jacked up by Call of Duty. A game that makes children think. Society would have less bullies if in their free time for video games they practiced teamwork instead of slurs, insults, being toxic, developing bad social interactions.
Then there was people like me, stuck in the loop of consoles un-aware I had this game to play that could run on a laptop. Always wanted a game with realistic terrain, projectiles, teamwork, feel of a big battle.
But I was un-prepared for the simulated trauma, from the images, sounds and situations that nobody lives in the real world to talk about.