LimitJK wrote:while most complaints concentrate on the exaggerated sustained fire deviation increase, both changes take away from the uniqueness and specialised role the AR fills, reducing infantry gunplay variety.
Exaggerated how? By how much? How are you able to tell?
LimitJK wrote:faster deployment deviation settle pushes AR into a more mobile, less base of fire direction.
Didn't know everybody liked waiting 10 seconds until your weapon was settled in when in a CQB situation.
LimitJK wrote:higher sustained fire deviation punishes good positioning with medium to long range fields of fire (punishes base of fire)
If anything it could be argued that it's less effective, not punishing. On the other hand, it offers a substantial increase to mobility changes, especially for GPMGs which didn't have that cheeky "let's switch to undeployed mode to not increase deviation for the deployed mode" exploit Smek was claiming to be peak game design.
Base of fire also does not mean "stationary", it's a term for the supporting element of an assault, and, if necessary, the element will readjust their positioning if necessary.
LimitJK wrote:and ability to supress (supression is a function of accuracy, currently peeking a set up AR to shoot back is a viable option [as first shot accuracy is the same, and follow up accuracy comparably decayed]).
Given that deployed LMGs and GPMGs have much better accuracy values, almost no recoil as well as movement-induced deviation not being a factor when holding a position, I don't see that claim holding up at all. How reliable you're able to engage said machine gunner will always depend on your own accuracy too. If you hit, great, now hit him 2 more times while "struggling" with the recoil, meanwhile the MG can just fire away. Peaking an MG less lethal than before, ok, but it's not like you're going to win that kind of engagement repeatedly.
LimitJK wrote:to the realism people: the ARs role on the squad level is as the main casualty inflicting weapon. suppression doesnt just happen, its the believable threat of the ablility to kill the enemy through accurate fire.
furthermore a rifles effective range under combat conditions is generally estimated at 300m, while the AR pushes the the envelope of effective fire out to 500m+ (which the recent nerf doesnt reflect at all).
Ok, so, I have no idea where those ranges are coming from and I imagine it's just the usual number toss to "prove a point", yeah? Much like others here were really quick to claim something without any kind of source to back up their claims. Wanna see how if I'm putting your numbers up against something a little more substantial?
The Bundeswehr claims the following "effektive Kampfentfernungen" for their main infantry arms relevant to this discussion:
G36: 500m
MG3: 600m
MG4: 600m
MG5: 600m
And though I personally believe that if the MG3 is considered effective at 600m, the MG5 might very well reach up until 800m, the sharp disconnect between the effective ranges of these weapon systems you're tossing out simply isn't there. Partially because LMGs/GPMGs are fired from an open bolt which makes them less accurate than a closed bolt system. Partially because the hit reliability is also contingent on the type of fire. If you're firing aimed single shots, well, then that's one thing, but the game promotes this type of behaviour by having noticeably higher accuracy than assault rifles in this regard. If you're firing bursts, well, the game promotes that too because the increased deviation per shot, the cap and the time it takes to decay the FireDeviation subset is less than what you'd see on the assault rifles.
The only thing you can't do anymore is hold mouse 1 and the game will do the rest. I understand that removing this easy mode changes ARs drastically for the worse, but anybody with some experience behind one of these things(eg. CptFuture, Zwilling) knows that a machine gun is only accurate when firing short bursts of about 3-5 rounds. And depending on range every shot past the first or second is not going to land on a human size target. Which is very much accounted for now.
Really, the only reason why it's such an issue is because 1) it's a change from the past, and we can't have that, and 2) because you and others here have expectations with regards to the ease in killing a target that these weapons physically are having issues to meet even when eliminating the human element.