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Posted: 2007-11-27 09:28
by Swe_Olsson
Muttrah CITY !!!!!

Posted: 2007-11-27 21:58
by [DVB]
karkland was the first, but my first "PR" map was Jungle Fever.

Posted: 2007-12-03 03:30
.5 Al Basrah as USMC

I remember spawning at the checkpoint where the gas station used to be and defending it with a few other guys from insurgents trying to spawn camp the APC that always spawned there

Posted: 2007-12-05 14:58
by <1sk>Headshot
Steel Thunder.

I spent the whole map crawling about in a ditch terrified as APC's and infantry ran right beside me.

Posted: 2007-12-05 17:04
by Smuke
EJOD got killed in under a second.

No joke

Posted: 2007-12-05 18:01
by Rambo Hunter
ZhangShuang Security or however you spell it.
I only play SP so i didn't have much to choose from until .5 or so.

Posted: 2007-12-06 18:06
by CaRL858
I think mine was Operation Greasy Mullet, back in .05.

Posted: 2007-12-06 18:45
by Rhino
Fushe Pass was my first map, vack in v0.2, the first v0.2 where there was no custom maps in PR etc. Hated PR when I first tryed it, had to get convinced again to try out PR with jellybelly and shitewolf etc which then after playing on GoO and zatar 16p etc was lots of fun :D

Posted: 2007-12-06 20:18
by LtSoucy
lol Rhino not like PR! Same with most but iam seeing most of the members are from 0.5and 0.6 releases.

Posted: 2007-12-07 03:05
by diesel14lars
Gulf of Oman the day of the .1 or whatever the first release was, that just upped the weapon damage and got rid of the xhairs. Myself and a few other guys were checking it out for the 21CW tournament.

Posted: 2007-12-07 07:32
by Rhino
LtSoucy wrote:lol Rhino not like PR! Same with most but iam seeing most of the members are from 0.5and 0.6 releases.
why I believe that vBF2 pubbies can be PR vets in time.

Posted: 2007-12-07 11:06
by LtSoucy
why I believe that vBF2 pubbies can be PR vets in time.
True all 0.5 people are vets and 0.6 people will once 0.7 is released.

Posted: 2007-12-08 01:13
by BloodBane611
My first was OGT, got my butt beaten all over that map, had no clue what was going on. It got better after that.

Posted: 2007-12-10 18:15
by Gyberg
not sure, probably oasis or CP Abadan back in 0.25

EDIT: But in was when I met Fuzzhead on Jabal and got to play with him (0.25/0.3) I reached salvation! He showed me the true potential of this mod. Since then I have never looked back ;)

Posted: 2007-12-11 03:33
by DavidP
I really dont remember. I think it was .5 airport :? But my best times were on .5 basrah. :D I loved that map!

Posted: 2007-12-11 17:20
by crudge
my first time was .609 it was bas and a dude called alex 6 something was trying to help me get the SVD but i kept dying....that was funny

Posted: 2007-12-11 21:43
by BetterDeadThanRed
Qwai river and I HATED it. I was so unimpressed that I didn't even try it again for months, then when I played on the TG server it completely changed my opinion. Now PR is practically all I play.

Posted: 2007-12-12 14:57
by MikeDude
don't know... very long time ago..
i played PR from the very first patch!

X-fire: Mikey1

Posted: 2007-12-12 20:16
by Surround
My first map was that big dam map, one of the oldest ones. It was during 0.4. Damn I was satisfied with the mod. I was so amazed about the view distacne and that you really had to travel for some great figthing.