Project Reality 0.7 Pre-release Teaser

Project Reality announcements and development highlights.
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Post by G.Drew »

means u can pop a guy as soon as u see him

[R-COM]BloodBane611: I do like the old school rape...However, it's a bit awkward to be a white boy blasting the old school in public....
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Post by OkitaMakoto »

This all looks good. I agree with the earlier comment on PR starting to look more and more like its getting where you guys all want it. Can't wait to get the final release! :)
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Post by IronTaxi »

you guys will all love going to become the mod we have wanted...

no more popping up and shotting people in the more teamwork....check
Tank crews need to be dedicated and truly value their vehicle...check
Increased immersion for soldiers..remove minimap...check

these things alone will help me enjopy PR again...yeah its gonna be a tough learning curve but no tougher than it has been up till now...

:lol: :lol:
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Post by agentscar »

On Al Basrah I was in a Warrior defending VCP on the south entrance on the street.I lived for like half the WHOLE round.Then I got bombed from the back by a jihad bike,becuase noobs weren't covereing my rear...I ALWAYS VALUE MY VEHICLES!After my Warrior blew up,I just kinda sit in my chair,looking at it burn... :cry:

not to be patriotic,but,when I'm in my ole' M1 Abrams and I die,then it gets personal,lol.
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Post by Doom721 »

I truly feel sorry for the sap who doesn't read the manual and hops into PR .7 to his certain demise...

I've played PR since .3 almost every other week at least, if not daily - and the learning curve for .7 is going to be a dousy even for me..
"FAIL" - Right after you drive on the grass in Gran Turismo 4
Playing PR since Halo dropping spec ops and SL spawn ;) ( .3 :razz: )
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Post by agentscar »

I've played PR since right before v0.5 was about to come out.So the end of .4 I guess...But yea I'd feel sorry for those un-lucky fellows,eh Doom721? :lol:

Can a DEV. give an estimated PR version,that Fallujah West and the new Muttrah City will be in?Same for U.S. ARMY. (PLEASE BE .8 OR .7 PATCH!)
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Post by ConscriptVirus »

prob 0.8 for muttrah. it was meant for .7 but htey wanted to release it sooner (WHICH IS NOT A BAD THING)
"These things we do that others may live"
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Post by agentscar »

I know,we may be in-patient,but if they give it to us sooner,it'll be more stable and beautiful!
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Post by ReaperMAC »

:thumbsup: one wicked update.
PR Test Team: [COLOR="Black"]Serious Business[/COLOR]
[R-DEV]dbzao: My head Rhino.... (long pause) My beautiful head
[R-DEV]Rhino - If you want to spam do it in the tester area please.
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Post by 00SoldierofFortune00 »

Any hope of the other Officer's getting Grenade Launchers? After all, that is pretty realistic. The Officer is basically just a Squadleader which in real life usually carries the GL.
"Push the Envelope, Watch It Bend"

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Post by Rhino »

ConscriptVirus wrote:prob 0.8 for muttrah. it was meant for .7 but htey wanted to release it sooner (WHICH IS NOT A BAD THING)
correct, if you guys noticed we put up a forum poll to see what you guys thought. It was either wait for muttrah + a bunch of other things to be done, when we already have qinling, fools road and mainly lots and lots of code updates all basically ready to roll which would greatly improve PR (ie, whats in the changlog above) and do a sooner release and keep you guys happy which we have done.

Fallujah West has no real timeline on it since Duckhunt is now in the Royal Marines and he cant easily work on his maps when not at home on leave so I can not tell you at all when that will be ready. Muttrah City (v2) should be ready with v0.8 providing everything goes well thou there is still a huge amount of work to do on the map.
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Post by Ablack77 »

I take off my hat off to the project reality team.

This is by far, going to be the best PR yet.

Can't wait.
There he goes. One of God's own prototypes.
A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
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Post by Rachio »

Uh yea im guessing U.S Army is coming in .8 but other wise every thing looks great, lol since im a bh pilot i love the fact of supplies instead of avoiding the havoc or mig all the time lol and does bh have a co pilot now?
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Post by Wheeter »

Shockingly awesome news!

I would just like to know what you have planned for that Operation Archer map?
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Post by IronTaxi »

archer will come...but its not quite done yet... (despite what katarn may say) ;-)
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Post by Rhino »

echo wrote:Hey,

I see that you guys have said you are going to remove the mini-map, now would this apply for the jets? In Rhino's video in the original post, it has a square mini-map, I assume this is for jets only, right? (Seeing as you'd be going off the map all the time if you had no sense of direction)

Thanks... bloody job well done! :twisted: Can't wait to kill some people with that JDAM. - But damn that thing could be a nuclear bomb. :mrgreen:
infantry dont have the minimap thou all vehicles do have it, as in a tank, jet etc you do have a screen with a map you can just glance at.
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Post by Outlawz7 »

agentscar wrote:On Al Basrah I was in a Warrior defending VCP on the south entrance on the street.I lived for like half the WHOLE round.Then I got bombed from the back by a jihad bike,becuase noobs weren't covereing my rear...I ALWAYS VALUE MY VEHICLES!After my Warrior blew up,I just kinda sit in my chair,looking at it burn... :cry:

That's not valuing your vehicle Mr. Wtfpwnsolotanker.

I was wondering, what will happen to tanks now, when their engineer gets killed, since there's no more SL spawn? + engineers are target practice for all the scoped/zoomed weaponry all the time.

Also, was the M1A1 mesh fixed, so there's no more one-shot-kill exploit?
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Post by Darkpowder »

[R-DEV]Rhino wrote:infantry dont have the minimap thou all vehicles do have it, as in a tank, jet etc you do have a screen with a map you can just glance at.
Well that is an inspiration from Bovingdon, i would say :)
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Post by bosco_ »

Outlawz wrote: I was wondering, what will happen to tanks now, when their engineer gets killed, since there's no more SL spawn? + engineers are target practice for all the scoped/zoomed weaponry all the time.
Retreat to base for repairs or let the engineer bring up a repair vehicle :O

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