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Posted: 2007-12-30 18:43
by Kan3ra
ouuu... yeah, it's fanatastic :D ,relase after 2008 (no! before :D )


Posted: 2007-12-30 18:44
by SWIZZ=kettcar=
I hope the Devs will put more than 2 new Maps into this Version. Its importend to bring new Stuff and Maps to the Players to hold PR to the "most played" Mod on BF2.

Thank u all for your Work^^

Posted: 2007-12-30 18:50
by hall0
Thats for this great mod :D

Posted: 2007-12-30 18:50
by prinsen
Anyone got an idea of how much will have to be downloaded?
Same as 0.6?

Posted: 2007-12-30 18:55
by JS.Fortnight.A
M4nicMin3r wrote:Yer me too...., is this going to be a FULL release? or a patch like was mentioned in an earlier poll?
0.7 has had a few too many changes to be considered a patch so it will be a full client release. In final testing, the core and map installers together weighed in at 1.95gigs in size. So do get comfy and relax with a drink of your choice, perhaps a good movie or tv show while it downloads.

Posted: 2007-12-30 18:57
by sunken

Posted: 2007-12-30 18:59
by GrayeKnight
*has to read the file size twice*

well, that should be fun. ;)

Posted: 2007-12-30 19:01
by (HUN)Rud3bwoy
I think I will gather some money to donate to the dev team. They do such a fantastic job that I feel bad they are doing it for free.

Nice Job!

Posted: 2007-12-30 19:01
by kckid2599
Now we can say .6 "is so 2007."

Posted: 2007-12-30 19:07
by M4nicMin3r
[R-DEV] JS.Fortnight.A wrote:0.7 has had a few too many changes to be considered a patch so it will be a full client release. In final testing, the core and map installers together weighed in at 1.95gigs in size. So do get comfy and relax with a drink of your choice, perhaps a good movie or tv show while it downloads.
Ok ty fer the answer..., my next Q would be, do you know what time will it released?, id hate to be messing around at 8:30pm to start a download on new yrs eve :|

Posted: 2007-12-30 19:07
Best News after this boring X-Mas :D !!!!!!!!


Posted: 2007-12-30 19:18
by Alex6714
Do we know yet what sort of time GMT it will be released? As on my 512k it is going to take a while to download. Not that important, just interested. :)

Posted: 2007-12-30 19:21
by Top_Cat_AxJnAt
I suspect it will be before 12:00 GMT midday becuase on the opposite side of the world it will be almost 1st of Jan BUT THEN AGAIN the DEVs might still be desperately trying to finish some things off so..........11:59 pm on the West Coast of America it "is"!

Posted: 2007-12-30 19:21
by seki
Are we going to get passworded torrent? :S I hope so.. because it is going to be pain in the butt load 2gb file from public site.

Posted: 2007-12-30 19:22
by darkNight
Please DO NOT release it after 8 pm GMT!!!! New Year's Eve party is more important than PR ;)

Posted: 2007-12-30 19:25
by Golden7B
Oh yeah!

Hang overs are best to test a new release !

Posted: 2007-12-30 19:29
by Fabryz

i can't wait i can't wait i can't wait i can't wait

edit: oh yes, try to release it in a rasonable GMT+1 time please :)

Posted: 2007-12-30 19:29
by Antonious_Bloc
supahpingi wrote:US army in 0.7?
You guys never stop asking.

Posted: 2007-12-30 19:30
by darkNight
Gotta new video! Just found it :mrgreen:[/youtube]

Maybe this will help some guys waiting for the great release 8-)

Posted: 2007-12-30 19:30
by Spearhead
The time of release is not set in stone yet. As far as I know it was aimed at afternoon US time which would be at night in Europe. Treat this as a rumor rather since even I don't know the exact time right now. There's going to be a torrent as usual and I saw Sofad organizing some mirrors. I recommend checking the site every now and then but don't forget any party arrangements you may have for tomorrow.