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Re: Whats the biggest firefight you have ever had?

Posted: 2008-10-24 00:20
by burghUK
kashan today got 24 kills in a MIG fighter dropping bombs on a hill completely covered in US.

Re: Whats the biggest firefight you have ever had?

Posted: 2008-10-24 01:30
by WildBill1337
ive got 3.

On Jabal, our team (MEC) mad a full out siege on the east beach. i functioned as a scout. first, squad 2 made an attack by themselves and got destroyed. i held up on the mountains picking off americans here and there after i took out their heli. eventually squad 2 came back and established a firebase. our entire team was gathering at the firebase, assembling our attack plan. the US forces tried to take out our FB a couple times, but thanks to my 1337 rocket launcher skills, we were able to repel their heli attacks. then we laid full siege. version 0.8

a long time ago on Jabal, my squad was in 2 vodniks patrolling about, heading for the east beach. as we were going through a small valley, an at4 flew past one of our vodniks, then we took grenade launcher fire. we jumped out and had a full 6 on 6 squad battle for about 10 minutes. eventually we repeled the enemies. (version 0.5 or earlier. we could spawn on squad leaders. aka, a very long time ago.)

recently, on that chinese map with the government complex, local temple, estate, and fishing village, and those 2 bridges (forgot the name) there was a ridiculously one-sided firefight. we had 3 full squads that had just secured the temple and we were preparing to attack the chinese MAIN. some of our guys spotted a squad of chinese gathered near the little barn to the west of the temple. (we had elevation advantage.) eventually, we had 18 guys gathered on the ridges shooting down at the barn. tracers were flying, cutting into the wood, then one guy with a HAT fired a rocket into the enemy area, and some poor chinese guy went FLYING about 30 feet into the air. eventually we ceased fire and went to secure the area. it looked as if Chuck Norris himself had visited the area. no survivors. version 0.8

Re: Whats the biggest firefight you have ever had?

Posted: 2008-10-24 04:18
by Solid Knight
I was on Muttrah and I was in an APC at the MEC fortress killing their entire team as it was the only place they could spawn. Ah ha ha ha, they couldn't even spawn inside the fortress they had to spawn in the parking lot.

Re: Whats the biggest firefight you have ever had?

Posted: 2008-10-24 07:16
by cyberzomby
Wheeter wrote:Operation Archer as insurgents, my squad and two other squads assaulted the top of the canyon and took out all the US team after an hour of suppresive fire, lucky hits, rushing and a massive cqb battle to take out the guys inside the bunkers, I love that map :D
Sounds really cool! Would have loved to be there haha! Mine is probably some Kashan in bunker round with just 1,5 or 2 squads against 1,5 or 2 of our own. Havent experienced anything big scale yet. Altough I do play a lot :( Just never seem to happen.

Re: Whats the biggest firefight you have ever had?

Posted: 2008-10-24 14:23
by Panzar
Operation Ghost Train, whenever you take North Bridge theres always a firefight...LAT's flying everywhere, grenades going into the bunker

Re: Whats the biggest firefight you have ever had?

Posted: 2008-10-24 16:52
by Caboosehatesbabies
I've had a few great ones.

Best me vs enemy squad. ... -here.html

Best team vs team firefight: ... amiel.html

Best Armor fight: ... post827835

Though probably the funniest firefight I've been apart of happened on Ramiel

I was on the RIP server as the USA and were were having a good INS round, US had 7 caches down , but INS were making us pay for each one. Our team had been using Firebases ALOT during that game, and had probably built around 6 total, though they would get destroyed sometimes.

With around an hour left and 100 tickets and 3 Caches till the US won, my squad managed to wrangle 3 humvees. This has to be in the top 10 funnest moments in PR because we tore around the city in a 3 Humvee convoy, 2 people in each, .50cal's thundering, turning in and out of alleys, it was AWESOME! The funniest firefight happened when we turned down one of Ramiel's main roads and I, driving the lead humvee, saw a squad on INS with a technical. I quickly put a marker on them, stopped and told my squad to open fire. As if it were planned, the two humvees following me pulled up along side and the three 50's opened up. There were so many red tracers it looked like Vegas and in just 3 seconds every INS and the technical was destroyed. I laughed, told my guys good job, and we got back in file and kept rollin.

I wish I had footage of it, it was the most one sided firefight I have ever seen.

Re: Whats the biggest firefight you have ever had?

Posted: 2008-10-24 17:05
by TAW_Cutthroat
Top left of Ramiel map. It was something like 25 vs 25 players over one cache. Suicide cars, grenades, molotovs, strykers, the full works. Absolutely epic.

Re: Whats the biggest firefight you have ever had?

Posted: 2008-10-25 11:53
by hellbounde
its got to be at the village in Al Basrah,

there were two brittish squads, Surround the village from the West and the South, and there were lots of random insurgents dotted around in the houses.

the first squad from the south moved up to the wall and split into two fireteams, pepperpotting up until they got te the centre and were pinned down by fire from the north, thes is when the second squad moved round to the north to flank

we eliminated the forces from the north, but there was a respawn point in the big two story building which we were going to take out later whence we had eliminated the forces.

the first squad had lost half of their men by this time, so we called ina scimitar to give us aiding fire.

most of the enemy were now stuck in the 2 story building by the second squads elimination of the enemy forces. the first squad attempted to get round the south of the building where there were less enemy fire.

the enemy had spotted the scimitar and they had an RPG with them, they took a shot but luckily missed, by this time the 2nd squad (my Squad) had managed to get close enough to the building to put some grenades into the top floor.

this had luckily taken out the majority of the force to allow the scimitar to leave to do some other business. The first squad set up a perimeter around the building to make sure there were no other enemies coming to help.

my squad then switched our rifles to auto and launched in some CQB in the building. the engineer that was with us threw some c4 on the top floor just to make sure the building would get destroyed along with the spawn point.

And thats the end of the big battle.

PS: This battle was in PR 0.75, if you were wondering why the engi had c4