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Re: [List] Top 10 Best kills!

Posted: 2009-05-19 22:59
by Zeppelin35
I've got a good story here.

It was close to the end of a round on Fallujah and we had lost 8 caches so far. I noticed on the map there was a known cache with no one defending it. So as leader of my squad I asked them to head to my location but I'm guessing they were pinned down back at the hideout since they weren't moving. I thought I'd have some time to set up a few defences but how wrong I was. There I saw a single marine looking for the cache. Using my awesome stealth skill I snuck up on him and popped in in the back.

At this point I began running up the stairs to the cache when I saw a few enemies outside. After a few shots being fired and me getting shot I pulled back and patched myself up when three US Marines tried to enter the room. I kept them out for a bit but they pushed their way in. Knowing if I were to stay I would die I pulled back to another room in which I slaughtered the invading force. After that I ran into yet another room to heal myself which is when I heard the sound of a medic reviving soldiers. If I waited they would surely kill me so I stormed the room, emptying every last bullet I had, killing them all. I decided to stay in the room and defend the cache to the death.

The marines kept coming. During their second wave they began throwing nades into the room so not to confront me. After the bombardment one entered the room and was quickly put down. I noticed a second and ran after him, killing him shortly after. It was hear where they finally destroyed the cache when I was tending to yet another batch of wounds. I wouldn't let them get away so I killed the last remaining marine in the building...or so I thought. When I attempted to leave the area I noticed one marine waiting for me with his sights already on me. So at this point you may think that I'm dead, WRONG! I went prone and fired a burst into his face, killing him right there without recieving a single bullet.

I decided to stay a while longer in the area when I noticed yet another squad of marines approaching from the west. I guess after killing 8 of their men they wouldn't just let me walk away. They had seen me first and opened fire. I ran between windows poping shots at them but they kept approaching. I knew I couldn't kill them at that range so I ran to the bottom floor and escaped under some light fire.

After that nothing happened until I found a fire base. I was ready to take it out after killing three more guys with by sneaky hit and run tactics, but before I could the round was over. The Americans had won.

Re: [List] Top 10 Best kills!

Posted: 2009-05-21 13:09
by DanishPride
Must be when i was playing with my clan .. i got teamswitched to the insurgents while they were driving around in a humvee after some kills i pick up a grenadier kit and just for fun shooting down the road when i hear my clanmates yelling WTF and i ask what happened and they told me that they were killed by a grenadier ... (^^.) one nade, 5 kills :D

Re: [List] Top 10 Best kills!

Posted: 2009-05-21 15:36
by zvenner
I was MEC on Muttrah and we built a firebase right under the hotel ...
Additionally we put up a stationary AA near it and while I set in this AA and looked up for some helicopters, an enemy APC drove right behind me ... At first I didnt notice it but when I turned back and saw it I just shot without even thinking about killing it, but then BOOM -> APC killed by AA :)

I lol'ed !

Re: [List] Top 10 Best kills!

Posted: 2009-05-21 16:10
by SkaterCrush
Mine would have to be on Archer playing OPFOR...

So I was in a pug with some guys who I'd played with before, and we took a Huey to the airport to push down from the north on the western caches (if there were any). We end up getting raped by a technical and an AA kit. When we respawn our squadie (unbelievably) wanted one of us to go sniper to watch over the squad and report on enemy positions in the area from a hill. So while were regrouping at main, I see in chat.

Dude: BIG RED HEADED SOUTH TOWARDS MAIN. ETA 30 SECONDS. Were like oh shit, so our squadie quickly gets us in order, and right before we're about to board the chopper I see big red coming around through the WESTERN entrance. I go to my squadies (after picking up sniper kit) "I'm taking the shot". They all go "Naw man we can make it out, but I was convinced I was gonna take that shot. So keeping still, standing up (easier to hit the driver), I wait until Big Red about 20 feet away to take the shot.


Big red slows to a halt, not 3 feet in front of me. Apparently he wanted to road kill me before detonating, which looking back was sort of stupid...Anyways I saved BOTH helis, 3 humvees, one logistic truck and about half of our teams. I guess it wasn't meant to be a awesome sniping day because our heli got shot down about 10 seconds after taking off :(

Re: [List] Top 10 Best kills!

Posted: 2009-05-23 13:18
by ozliam41
I was at 10000 alt in the air and someone lazed a target for me i was in the a-10 i came down to 9568 alt and set the missiles of i it 1 tank a apc and a truck.Than droped a couple of bombs at 10000 feet it took the bombs a min and a half to hight the enemy tank.

Re: [List] Top 10 Best kills!

Posted: 2009-05-23 23:11
by gaurd502
Went on yesterday, on Kashan
We were MEC and we had South village and North Village. The US were all going towards the South village. I put a RP up by the radio tower in the hills and the rest of my squad except two scanned the horizon. My other Two squad members were getting ready in jets. Then we see a blackhawk for just a second. Then he went behind a hill so we could not see him. They were really far out. So we were watching them with your binoculars and my GLD(I think that's what it is). The black hawk takes of an leaves.Then over the hill come 6 infantry moving together. We had no shot so we waited, they moved up a hill and put a RP in a house. They set up a perimeter and sat there for about 30 seconds. The I heard Jets are up. I lazed the house and waited. The jet flies over and then the house and the whole squad is destroyed.

We ended up killing two tanks 12 infantry and a little bird.
One other kill was a Abrams sitting really still and two squad members in a Helli, they flew really slowly to the Abrams and the Abrams paid no attention and was shooting at a house. One squad members drops some C4 out the back and they fly away and the tank blows up.

Re: [List] Top 10 Best kills!

Posted: 2009-06-12 01:12
by goguapsy
I saw a SM of mine going to get runned over by a bomb car... he starts shooting like crazy at it, and when the car is like 1m away, the driver gets killed, and my SM said "well, thats the third time I kill someone from the windshield"... he was so damn lucky if he delayed for 1 sec he would be DEAD :P

Re: [List] Top 10 Best kills!

Posted: 2009-06-12 08:07
by CrashNemesisII
On karbala a few days back I did a complete Michael Bay (without the babes) kill. I was left behind by my squad and decided to take a little bird ride towords them. I specified the grid but the pilot found no better idea than to drop me on a roof.
--hold on this is gonna go really fast and sound rediculous--

I was rifleman specialist, so as i see he's planning on dropping me on a roof with no ladder i prep my grappling hook but accidently push my fire button too soon, the hook goes flying and attaches itself on a building across the street. I get out of the bird break out my M16 only to see an RPG heading our way. I release a burst of 5.56 towards that area and leap to my certain death off the roof as the rocket blows the Lb sky high, in mid air I notice my grapple cable pass by and quickly press my enter vehicle key, which made me catch it and safely rope to the ground, i checked my score and turns out those three bullets shot on the roof took out the rpg shooter.

the littlebird pilot was dead and my squad was held up in a firefight two blocks over so no one saw my awesome move. FML :p

Re: [List] Top 10 Best kills!

Posted: 2009-06-12 08:24
by TomDackery
Go ahead and skip to 1:45.

Re: [List] Top 10 Best kills!

Posted: 2009-06-13 04:38
by vava54
My best kill was probably as an insurgent.

I was near a cache, when sudently I hear a littlebird coming... Then I realise he's pretty far (Over 100 meters) and I have an ied kit. So I know I probably wont even hit him but I give it a try, I aim for 1 sec or less, and take a shot.

The littlebird slowly start to go down and I see that the rotor is stoping... (wtf?) he then crash, killing the 5 passenger that was in it. I actualy "sniped" the pilot.

That was luck, but lucky kill still count no? :D

I actualy sniped the p

Re: [List] Top 10 Best kills!

Posted: 2009-06-13 06:11
by KarateDoug
Yesterday I was playing muttrah city as mec. I had a med kit and was rolling solo.

Im near north city, hear a marksman on a roof somewhere. I wanted his kit so i went on a hunt. Had a few shots popped at me along the way and managed to evade them.

I get to a spot where i know an apc is only about 20m away from me. I hide inbetween 2 buildings and see a u.s. dude running across the street. I shoot at him a few time, he falls back. i fall back to where i figured he'd go. He does. I kill him as he stands behind an apc. He was a medic. Crewman jumps out to switch kits and revive him. I shoot the crewman. Driver switches to the turret. (1 min warm-up!) I grab my phospherous, run to him, his turret pointed right at me. I look at him with barrel to my face for a second, laugh, toss the phospherous and run to my alley. He gets out, i prepare myself and we shoot as he turns the corner on me and he nails me. But I did manage to get him down 1 crewman.

Re: [List] Top 10 Best kills!

Posted: 2009-06-13 06:29
by War-Saw-M249
soloing is a bad thing in a helicopter, I dont normally do it but the server was half empty and the apache just sat there so I hopped in and in Kashan Desert I flew to the mountain north of MEC main and landed on the eastern slope of it waiting for somebody to get unlucky. the position I landed in was deceiving too, tilted sideways to the left almost looking dead. an AA rolled by and for about a 5 second burst of MG the AA blows up and unknowingly a havoc had just seen what had happened and started opening fire upon me with his 30mm cannon but lucky for me I was still and his pilot was slightly nudging forward so the gunner couldnt get a proper shot off and my angle was perfect I pointed my gun at the havoc and within a couple seconds the havoc goes down. from there on I knew I was exposed so I flew more north behind the hill now and I waited for the raged havoc pilots to show. about 3 minutes later they did, in a tank. I just barely saw them and I was out of my comp chair so I quickly dove in, pressed C to zoom in, and as I did all that the tank was aligning his gun to my chopper so I quickly loaded the hellfire and put a shot down right on him and he exploded. after that the round ended and I was surprised that the tank just sat there for 5 seconds staring at me for a good shot when I fired for a terrible shot and still hit him.

Re: [List] Top 10 Best kills!

Posted: 2009-06-13 21:04
by Robinio
I got a officer kit on an insurgency map (can't remember the name)
So I was on a roof shooting insurgents on an other roof I got both then I walk down and start to walk towards the enemy building and I think... An Acog would NOT be good in CQB, so I remember I got officer kit (though I was not SL) so I took up my M9 and got 3 kills, then I walked up to the building and got 2 more with my M4, then I got 1 kill with the M9 before I died, and that area was swarming with enemies.

Re: [List] Top 10 Best kills!

Posted: 2009-06-14 04:27
by freeway
broke my record 21 kills and 1 death :D ( it was 16 kills ) by using lee enfield => 1 lee enfield = 21 guys .

Re: [List] Top 10 Best kills!

Posted: 2009-06-14 13:24
by [A9]Bard
Yesterday night I got relly lucky... didn´t know it could be done.
Shot pilot in attackhuey with rifle without the sights up... chopper crash without pilot and moments later it says I got a kill.. that was the only shots i took for a while so I´m pretty shure it was me killing him.
T&Tsqnldr was my squadleader - thank you also for a good evening with great fun and teamwork.

Re: [List] Top 10 Best kills!

Posted: 2009-06-14 13:57
by seph567
Dunno server or date anymore. It was as MEC on Muttrah Citty. The whole team got ripped over and over again by a pretty good gunship team. no APCs, AA or stuff available. So we did some nice infantry battles around the dead-end-street and one of the US-boys was carrying a HAT kit. I managed to get the HAT kit and noticed the apache flying very high above the docks. I just saw it's gray-shadow-outlines in the sky and was so pissed-off by that thing that i tried it with the HAT. bullzeye ;)

Re: [List] Top 10 Best kills!

Posted: 2009-06-15 04:49
by Flaringo
Me and friend were playing on this server yesterday. Can't remember the map name, but it had docks and a fortress and some stuff. Anyways, our team was doing horrible, and we had no good squads, so we made our own one and just messed around. First we jumped into this truck, him being the driver and me in the front seat. We drove for a bit until we saw a another truck driving in front of us. I ask my friend "is that truck friendly? I can't see it on the map and it doesn't have a name on it". So I start firing at it, my friend starts driving after it and the other truck starts trying to cut us off. After a while, we almost lose him, but manage to find him, only his truck is parked. We get out and the guy in the truck starts firing at us so we get to cover as quickly as we can. We heal ourselves and peak out, only to find that the truck is gone. :(

So we start walking around in the area, we see a guy inbetween some buildings, but out of our sight before we could get a shot. I said "I'll get up on this building to see if I can get a shot at him from above". After climbing up, I hear gunfire and my friend dies. I'm on my way down from the building as he says "He's right beside my body!", so I go turn around and peek over the edge of the building, looking down on the guy who shot my friend and his 2 friends. I take some shots killing one of them, one guy notices me and starts firing, I take a hit or two but I kill him too. I go away from the edge, change position and peek back out again, and I see this guy throwing a smoke, obviously confused out of his mind, and boom, one shot and he's down. :D

I felt so awesome.

Re: [List] Top 10 Best kills!

Posted: 2009-06-18 08:52
by Fishbone
On Asad Khal. We were flushing out the MEC from North City. The flag was not moving however so it meant there were still plenty of enemies around. After a while we had the MEC cornered. I saw a single soldier so I ran into a house next to him. Then to my surprise I saw an entire squad lying next to each other in front of my window. I put my rifle on full auto, got up and nailed them all in one clip on continous fire.

The flag then started to be capped again. :)