Re: Most Realistic Moment of your time in Project Reality?
Posted: 2009-06-30 22:01
by Scot
Asad Khal, when it was first introduced, fighting from East to West through the city, climaxing in a final assault on a MEC FB, where of course, I issued the order:
Twas win.
Re: Most Realistic Moment of your time in Project Reality?
Posted: 2009-06-30 23:22
by cfschris
Muttrah City, .75. Me and my cousin were on USMC, Reconnaissance team out in the mountains behind the Construction site (Him sniping, me spotting with Officers kit).
After him getting 14+ kills and locking down a large area of the map, a whole squad had come up the backroad in an attempt to take us out. I take out the M16 and begin in one helluva intense fight alongside my sniper. Both of us get badly wounded, and when 2-3 enemy remained down below I called in a MediVac LB.
I threw smoke on our position on the ridgeline, and a minute later the LB arrives (onboard medic, miraculously) and hovers a foot or so away from the ridge. Under fire, we make an epic jump across empty space onto the helo
Heres where the really realistic stuff kicks in. Me and my cuz are lettin out whoops of joy as we're passing over Muttrah city at about 200 feet. The bay comes up below us, and we continue flying for about 4 seconds over the bay when we get a lockon tone. Immediately, 2 AA are flying towards us. One whooshes by, the other scores a direct hit and kills the pilot+medic in the cockpit.
Plummeting in a pilotles chopper to certain death 200 feet below, I'm freakin out, breathing fast and sweatin. It was one of those split-second survival choices; either stay onboard for certain death, or fling ourselves off the helo while we still had the altitude to drift away enough from the impact explosion (and judging it so we didnt fling ourselves at an altitude where our own impact would kill us).
We fall for a good 50 feet and I yell JUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We freefall for 2 seconds and smack the water at high speed. Chopper explodes on impact, blood loss is is incurred to both of us by water impact combined with helo splash damage. I get on the radio and begin calling for another helo- we're both bleeding fast and have less than 2 minutes left.
He dies first from bloodloss. Soon thereafter I succumb to the bloodloss, and as I begin staring up into the sky, the deep thump of the rescue huey is heard directly overhead. T'was epic
Picture from that round (this was moments before being hit):
More times:
.5, getting shot down in the A10 over the heart of Basrah. Hit by AA and caught fire, I had to bail directly over the city. Evading capture, I make my way out into open desert, pop signal smoke and get a helo lift home.
Another time- On Qwai, defending government offices with a kickass FOB for a good 40 minutes. All the enemy outside the compound stop firing and back off.
This promptly scares the SH*T out of all of us. We knew JDAM was incoming. We knew that there was a low chance of survival if we tried to escape the compound (they had us surrounded). Being SL, I took the only other seemingly possible option- take cover in the firebase (this was back when they were sandbag bunkers). I order all men spare the medic to take out their shovels and hold down leftclick. All holding our breath, we hear the incoming whistle of the JDAM. SKIDOOSH!!!!!!! We all instantly die
Re: Most Realistic Moment of your time in Project Reality?
Posted: 2009-06-30 23:24
by Saobh
Moved to "PR Tales from the Front"
Re: Most Realistic Moment of your time in Project Reality?
Posted: 2009-06-30 23:29
by Wilkinson
.8. Was doing a public game with my old clan the 13thMEU. was about 12 of us on same side. On Ramiel, we get ambushed by stryker. They threw fire and missed with loads of rpgs. It was scary movie realistic. I was suppressed the whole time. I was medic and went to get a guy healed up. All of a sudden 2 technicals come in from different sides and wipe out about 4 guys. Stryker rolls back in and cleans up nice.
Our total kill score went from 35 to about 60. Keep in mind this was the 2 squads Combined.
All In a Matter of about 2 Minutes.
Best Round of Project Reality. Ever
Re: Most Realistic Moment of your time in Project Reality?
Posted: 2009-06-30 23:36
by cfschris
Oh yeah, I also forgot about my most amazing and realistic helo crash-
Was transporting some troops as USMC on Muttrah, in an LB. I was returning them to Docks from just south of North City. Just as I'm entering a turn with rudder, we get locked and hit by an AA. One man flies off the helo, killed, as we enter into an uncontrolled sideways flight condition. We slam into the top of a warehouse rooftop, two brave souls hop out onto the rooftop as we're dragging across it at high speeds. We come off the otherside of the rooftop (3 men still onboard) and then narrowly avoiding two cranes, coming to a skidding halt between some ship containers on the docks. 6 men survived the crash (including myself )
Re: Most Realistic Moment of your time in Project Reality?
Posted: 2009-07-02 15:54
by herbanator3
Not sure if this is super realistic, but i want to share it anyways..
It was on Muttrah, and was on the USMC side. Me and my Squad Leader were being transported in a little bird and our pilot was killed somehow.. he might've been shot / disconnected / crashed.. i can't remember. So anyways the pilot dies and me and my SL are sitting in the little bird shitting our pants whilst falling to our deaths, but somehow we didn't die... the little bird fell to the ground and we both bailed right before it hit. Neither of us took any damage, and the little bird didn't take hardly any either, it just amazed both of us.
Re: Most Realistic Moment of your time in Project Reality?
Posted: 2009-07-02 16:44
by AppLeNaToR
My most realistic moments are those, where somebody is doing shit like:
Killing you because you got a kit "He wanted"
Killing you in any vehicle (and the vehicle as well) "he wanted" and fuckin it up for the whole team.
Killing your teams Rallypoints / Firebase
Doing baserape when it is not allowed
Using kits/Assets and dosen't know how (never been @ the training server) and losing the Kit/Asset within 2 minutes....
All that bad stuf players can do..
It reminds me that the players i play with and against belong to the most stupid race found on a little planet called earth: HUMANS......
Re: Most Realistic Moment of your time in Project Reality?
Posted: 2009-07-02 17:10
by arjan
Running on karbala running a US army cavalry squad.
We had 2 humvees with 50's and 1 humvee unarmed, our job was to drive to base pick up any guys and bring 'em to cache position, while we would sit stationary around their rally's covering them but also the infantry moving up.
So after some waves of infantry a cache would be clear and they mounted up on our humvees, and we just patrolled around Karbala city, when we had contact we would brake, infantry would bail out and take out any targets, and then seek out the sector we got shot from for caches.
one time we also where at the compounds on the east, and we were stationary with 50 meter spread on the left side of the road, we saw a 2 technicals turning left on the road just 300 meters away, and we tried to kill the gunner first, since they opend fire, at the moment that happend a friendly soldier came running out of the compound area and aimed a AT4 right on 1 technical taking out the driver, and smashing it into a lantarn pole while blowing up.
Second technical got taken out by the 2 50's concetrating fire.
we also where driveing trough a street once, when insurgent where popping up the roofs taking unaccurate fire at us, and our 50's just gave unaimed fire on those roofs while still going top speed, and the squad in the unarmed humvee where just fireing as much as they can wich the result payed off, i saw 2 or 3 insurgents dropping on the ground while i was looking over my steering wheel.
for some reason it felt really awesome when we saw all those humvees in the street, and a squad all around the humvees you could really feel each squad has his own role, i was a designated humvee driver and such, and i didnt care about anything else it felt pretty real hearing people opening up on the technicals over 300 meters killing one and then made it smash into a lantarn pole, while the other got taken out by concentrated fire.
And that was with support of just public people!
think it was on the MIF france server or something
Re: Most Realistic Moment of your time in Project Reality?
Posted: 2009-07-02 17:11
by Outlawz7
cfschris wrote:Muttrah City, .75.
Muttrah wasn't in 0.75, also that's a screenshot from 0.809, which sounds more plausible.
Re: Most Realistic Moment of your time in Project Reality?
Posted: 2009-07-02 17:38
by cyberzomby
Sweet story Arjan! Can see it happening in action movie's
Re: Most Realistic Moment of your time in Project Reality?
Posted: 2009-07-05 00:56
by Quikli
I was playing in Korengal Valley earlier today as the first time being an officer! I started up an "Outpost Def" squad, and the squad got filled up, notably two South Koreans who I could speak to because I know Korean. We spawn in the outpost, beginning with a very rough start. With uncertainty from the lack of experience, I ordered my squad around to take up positions on the machine gun nests. Soon wave upon waves of Taliban come and test our very fragile defenses. My rally point gets overrun very quick, so half my squad is killed, and I'm one of the only ones left up on the lonely hill. I set up a FOB on the hill, but there's no one to build it up. I frantically try to set up a rally point, but I later get overrun by the Taliban and die.
Now the two Korean guys got in an APC, and the rest of my squad was scattered all over the place. We regrouped at a firebase nearby, and I decide to retake the outpost. In mixed Korean, I order the APC to support me and a very helpful teammate named firstfrost or something like that to come with me. The Taliban set up a technical up at the front gate, and there's like five of them in there. So the APC rolls up, and starts blasting away their defenses. Meanwhile, Firstfrost and I sneak up from the side, and we start lobbing grenades. After expending all of our explosives, we charged in as a two man team, and killed EVERYONE! He was a machine gunner, and was doing work. We cleared out the whole base, except we didnt know a Taliban medic was hiding in one of the machine gun nests. He killed my buddy, but I rushed in and capped his head with my M4 Carbine in close range. Another very helpful teammate is up on the mountain top over head, and starts sniping Taliban that came towards me. The APC docked itself in the front entrance, and I set up a rally point and a FOB. The driver left to help build the FOB, while the gunner camped on the hill area furthest away from the entrance of the outpost. So it's just me, the APC gunner, and the APC driver building away on the FOB alone.
My helpful sniper kept me up to date about enemy movement, and picked off about five during the whole session of sniping. I took out about two hostiles, getting injured multiple times, then I would rely on my field dressing from the supply crate for dear life. Amazingly we survived the onslaught, and the FOB is constructed. From there on, it seemed like everything is going to be alright. My squad regrouped at my position on the outpost, and I set up the rally point.
However in a quick turn of events, the enemy starts lobbing grenades at our position, and harasses us in every way possible. The Korean guys in the APC drives off back to base to rearm, leaving us very vulnerable. Our supply crates were blown up, so we couldn't set up any defenses. So we fought tooth and nail, but we quickly were scattered, and died.
Fortunately we re spawned at a firebase pretty close by to the outpost to the west of it. The sniper that covered me earlier came down and regrouped, and I was with a full fighting force. The APC returned, we hopped on, and we began our counter attack. We hopped out about 20 m west of the outpost, and we ordered the APC to spearhead the assault. We received light enemy fire, but we advanced without a hitch. We lobbed a wave of grenades again to send the Taliban defenders back to Allah, and we grappling hooked up our way into the base. Our assault was beautifully executed, and we reseized the outpost in only ten minutes.
Now we had a medic, a gunner, specialist, and an APC crew that was willing to stay and defend us. I finally got the hang of being a squad leader, and reestablished a FOB after a supply drop from a supply truck. I also constructed an MG nest perfectly nestled in front of the entrance, and a barbed wire wall that almost completely sealed off the entire front of the outpost.
We were invincible, nothing could stop us. The APC was in the outpost, obliterating everything that the Taliban threw against us. In one incident, the APC took out two technicals that were approaching from the west of our position. In another event, I harassed a technical that was shooting at us from the mountaintop with my mounted SAW, and the APC finished it off. Our squad persevered through the rain of grenades and bullets, mainly thanks to our medic.
We continued to defend our position for more than 20 minutes, proving ourselves as the ultimate outpost defense squad.
One of my squad members was a sniper, and he all of a sudden spotted an insurgent hide out on a hill top about 537 m away from us! It was hecka far away, and I had to use my GTLD to zoom in and confirm it as a hideout. People stated spawning on top of it, so it had to be it. We couldn't get out of the outpost, so I decided to give the APC's firepower for a spin. I marked the hide out with an attack marker, and the APC rolled on top of our outpost hill. We worked together to coordinate the assault, and the APC started streaming out a torrent of precise fire at the hideout. I didn't think it would work, but amazingly, it did. The hideout was soon shattered into a bare frame, and we just accomplished taking out an enemy asset from such a far distance.
A few minutes later, somebody sniped our sniper who was scouring the battlefield for more hostiles. I ordered the APC back up to look for the sniper, but unfortunately I found out it was out of ammo. Our defenses quickly fell apart when someone alerted us of an RPG insurgent crawling through our entrance. I quickly rushed to kill him, but he expertly knocked me out, and soon knocked everyone else out. All the APC could do was watch.
We respawned at the main base, and I ordered the APC to work its way out and get back to main to re arm and transport us back to retake the outpost once again. However the APC struck an IED along the way or something, and was destroyed. Then the Korean guys left the squad.
I was left with my other helpful teammates, and we started engaging hostiles camping outside our main base. I really loved how the gunner directly told us he was giving us covering fire, suppressive fire, etc. Just like a scene in a war movie, we lay prone on the grassy field, firing at the enemy. We spotted another hideout, and I took it out very swiftly.
Our fight lasted long, but we decided to begin a takeover of the outpost for the last time. By then, we only had like 40 tickets. We moved across the stream from the south, and grappling hooked our way across the mountainous terrain. With a coordinated assault with another squad nearby, we toppled the Taliban for the last time. After wiping off the last of the defenders, the epic match ended.
All the tactics and communication made this experience so realistic.
Re: Most Realistic Moment of your time in Project Reality?
Posted: 2009-07-05 07:44
by Outlawz7
Defending Camp Murphy (although lack of cover sucks) on Korengal is always way more immersing that doing alpine hiking for caches.
Re: Most Realistic Moment of your time in Project Reality?
Posted: 2009-07-08 07:22
by MrScruff
I remember this like it was yesterday.
I played as a civ back in 0.85.
Me and my mate thought it would be funny to try an ambush. He gradded an Al-Quds or whatever its called. We were on Fallujah West, and there were reports of an APC convoy near the Mosque on the dual carriage-way. I ran out infront of the APCs and stood infront on them, a la Tianiman Square. Being a real "peace keeper" lol, I starting throwing rocks at the APC infront of me and they started to get annoyed cause they couldn't seem, to get around me.
An infantry squad who was sitting in the APC decided to dismount and chase me down seeing as I was a real threat. YET. I ran back to my mates position who had his MG set up on a 2nd floor of a building looking down an alley. I ran though the alley and duck for cover. That squad got owned. Hehe.
Quite a realistic ambush I'd say.
Re: Most Realistic Moment of your time in Project Reality?
Posted: 2009-07-08 09:05
by Cheditor
One flaw with that Mcscruff when run you get mowed down by a vehicle as a civi us counts as arresting you.
Re: Most Realistic Moment of your time in Project Reality?
Posted: 2009-07-08 11:52
by flem615
Frankly any good firefight is my most realistic moment. It amazes me how real this game is when im lying behind a small dirt burm, and bullets are zipping over my head and smacking into my cover. The sound of the enemy gunshots, and my own squads return fire, coupled with the suppression effect and the frantic yelling of the squaddies creates a very real picture.