'[R-DEV wrote:ZZEZ;1258829']Sorry buddy, but geforce 8200 is really trash..onboard graphic cards don't fit in to gaming..your amount of ram and cpu cores is useless if your graphic lacks horsepower.
The game is 5 years old correct but all the weapons and models were made in modern standards with far higher view distances and draw ranges then vBF2, its unacceptable to demand that a 4 or 5 years old will run PR perfectly smooth on high graphics when we continue advancing graphically.
I have 3 computers in my house:
1)Q6600[2.6ghz quad core], 4gig ram and 4870 1gig ram.
2)E6300[1.86ghz dual core], 4gig ram and 8800GT 512 ram
3)Laptop - 2ghz dual core, 3gig ram and 8600GS 512 ram
All of them currently run PR fully maxxed out at 1440x900/1280x1024 and its playable on all of them, sure I get frame drops on heavy maps like Gaza and Fallujah to roughly 25-30 but its playable and if it really bothered me I would have reduced the AA to give me more FPS.
Yea currently there are performance issues and the team is trying its best to solve them so calm down
We all know what happen back in Battlefield 1942, when one of the latest Forgotten Hope mod patches was released, it had so good graphics that many pcs come to a crawl, but, it still had a very good option to lower the graphics, and still be very playable.
Right now that does not happen.
I tryed this on my brothers 3month old pc (800 euro upgrade on just main components), and it was also choppy, same as in my 4yr old 2000 euro machine.
So this isnt simply a problem of pure performance drops, its a problem with the way it was built. I know you guys did your best, but you have a big team, and all it takes is one person to mess up somewhere and cause all this problems, sometimes all it takes is a simple missing destructor or a condition running way more times than it actually need to.
I remember crashing a server with a simple PHP script where i forgot a simple condition when accessing the MySQL db, it was simple, yet, it crashed a very good machine.
At risk of sounding like i am teaching you how to do your job (i am not!) retrace your steps and see if theres really a need for some objects to be drawn so far away on some maps, or even behind buildings and such. I am not sure if you have this kind of control, since i never programmed any mod, but theres something you guys can do to help us out.
If anything, allow us with lower grade computers to manually turn down our view distance, i dont mind beeing sniped from 4km away or beeing blasted away, or what ever, if i can just play the game i will be happy.
Once again, thank you for your great job =) I love the new features, and i actually had a some minutes of fun when i learn i could travel the streets looking at the ground so i wouldnt actually crash, and managed to load quinlin after 7 timeouts.