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Re: PR0.9 has killed my gaming experience

Posted: 2010-04-11 15:46
by Orford
Even though I am one a big thanks you has to go to the server owners and admins who make sure new players get a chance and players who just want to cause trouble are soon shown the door. So every one else can get on with enjoying a good game of PR.

Re: PR0.9 has killed my gaming experience

Posted: 2010-04-11 15:58
by TH3_BL4CK
Ive noticed that when you play too much PR and you jump on COD you reactions are way too slow coz your playing in a PR state of mind hahah

Re: PR0.9 has killed my gaming experience

Posted: 2010-04-11 20:06
by Scared_420
pr ruined my gaming experience too, its the only game that advertises teamwork and peope actually do it