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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-04 21:09
by Gozjh
lol goguapsy

It means...

YouTube - DOUBLE RAINBOW SONG!! (now on iTunes)

and what you remind me of whatshisname55... (fast forward to 2:40-3:16) ... tion_65977

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-04 21:11
by whatshisname55
I know, I was just saying one of the lyrics >.>

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-04 21:21
by doop-de-doo
Could I interest you in adding the extended symbol alongside the main # tag per version? It could help people through visual association. ;)

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-04 21:38
by Gozjh
I thought I found the perfect opportunity to post a video... and you done ruined it.

What’s worse is that I did not get the italics :0

so... YouTube - Keith Urban - Im Sorry

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-04 21:54
by whatshisname55
doop-de-doo wrote:Could I interest you in adding the extended symbol alongside the main # tag per version? It could help people through visual association. ;)
Sure thing, I'll get on it.

Lol sorry Gozjh :'(
The italics allow you to make use of the code tags. (Of course they let you place the code even without the code tags too so the code tags are just wtfbbq broken.

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-04 22:30
by goguapsy
Alright I'll add all the userbars on the OP when you tell me they're done.

Will you keep it as it is (looking great all of them!) or perhaps add what doop-de-doo suggested?

BTW... That's starting to look like a TRIPLE r4inbow... I like what I see 8) XD

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-04 22:40
by whatshisname55
I edited the original too because I didn't like how the # left looked, but now I'm satisfied. These are the final products unless anyone has something to say about it:


Code: Select all



Code: Select all



Code: Select all



Code: Select all


Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-05 01:08
by doop-de-doo
Beautiful...sniff... Thank you.

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-05 05:29
by Johncro
Everyone if you didn't notice, whathisname has taken the pic off of his photobucket, so get the userbar from the first page :)

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-05 05:36
by whatshisname55
ImageShack actually. When I edit my images I replace them on my site to reduce clutter. :)

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-05 17:37
by goguapsy
Gotta say whatshisname55... those are beautiful :cry:

I cry just of looking ;)

Updated OP.

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-05 19:19
by whatshisname55
I make sigs too, so if you ever need a new one let me know! :D

Examples are my sig and Johncro's.

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-05 19:53
by BIGsmalll
Nice idea and concept. I wonder how this will turn out when actually on the servers.

Soon to be #!

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-05 23:23
by Arnoldio
Win, I think Lenghtier tags should be used yes, even though if you run air with #! sometimes...

Also, i think if you play with a person for a long time and you wear the # tag, you can "promote" him by saying if he doesnt mind to put # into his prefix.

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-05 23:48
by AquaticPenguin
Seems like a very good idea to me, hopefully it will incorporate some more teamwork without me needing to join a clan

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-06 00:48
by goguapsy
ChizNizzle wrote:Also, i think if you play with a person for a long time and you wear the # tag, you can "promote" him by saying if he doesnt mind to put # into his prefix.
Yeah, that's the word-of-mouth philosophy. If you play with someone and you trust him, suggest him to use the tag, explain what it is.

This is not limited at all, I mean, I know what you mean by "promotion", but I just wanted to point out, we are not superior to anyone, you know ;)

AquaticPenguin wrote:Seems like a very good idea to me, hopefully it will incorporate some more teamwork without me needing to join a clan
Haha, precisely our idea ;)

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-06 00:59
by Zach1923
Awesome I will be #!

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-06 01:50
by lromero
Im going to be INFANTRY!!!!!!

p.s: sig isn't working for me

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-06 01:56
by goguapsy
lromero wrote:Im going to be INFANTRY!!!!!!

p.s: sig isn't working for me

Have you tried copying this exactly as it is?




(Press quote and copy/paste what is between the dashes. If that doesn't work, let us know).

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"

Posted: 2010-12-06 01:59
by lromero
goguapsy wrote:Hello!

Have you tried copying this exactly as it is?




(Press quote and copy/paste what is between the dashes. If that doesn't work, let us know).
Nvm i got it to work thanks :m1helmet: