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Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-04-21 15:34
by Mineral
it's very simple really, wherever you get the statics from, if you have .samples files in the staticname/meshes folder then you have the samples, if the files are not there then you have to get them. Either see if they ever existed and ask around if somebody has them and make them yourselves with bf2meshviewer.

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-04-21 15:36
by Rudd
negative I'm afraid, all teh booster and xpack statics do not have samples, they are in your editor because PR is using them on certain maps and in those cases they were lightmapped using Bf2meshviewer or 3dsmax (99% probability on it being done with 3dsmax)

Adding statics from other PR maps is fine, just be aware that if they are xpack/booster they won't have samples, if they are PR/BSS made, they probably have samples (though I think a couple do not)

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-04-21 23:25
by Ason
Alright thanks guys.)

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-04-22 21:11
by Ason
is there a way of fixing the UG in the editor so it doesn't show through the ground like this?

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-04-22 21:13
by Rudd
Nope, you'll just have to load it ingame afaik

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-04-22 21:16
by rodrigoma
I think in hemimap mode or something it doesn't show but then the terrain looks **** so no, you have to load it ingame

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-04-22 21:34
by Ason
alright, thanks :)

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-04-22 22:45
by Rabbit
Anyone else thing some Op. Harvest Ambient could really make this level perfect.

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-04-25 05:58
by Ason
forgive me for my noobishness but is Ambient the "background sounds" ?

Also is there a tutorial for how to put in new statics/statics from other maps to work with in the editor ? I saw Rhino updated the "bad statics thread" with some new oil barrels, I just don't know where to extract them and stuff.

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-04-25 06:10
by Rhino
yes and extract the objects folder in the .rar over your pr_edit/objects/ folder, the sub structure is all done for you.

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-04-26 10:41
by Ason
[R-DEV]Rhino wrote:yes and extract the objects folder in the .rar over your pr_edit/objects/ folder, the sub structure is all done for you.
Alright so like this ? And also what will happen with all the old barrels in my map ? should i delete them from the map before extracting the new ones?

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-04-26 11:02
by BroCop
Best option is to open up your StaticObjects.con and use the Replace All function for both barrels. For example search for the static objects path first (in this case its the white barrel) which looks like this:
run /objects/staticobjects/pr/new_misc/oildrum_white/oildrum_white.con
and replace it with this line
run /objects/staticobjects/pr/common/props/oil_barrels/oil_barrel_01_white/oil_barrel_01_white.con
and then after that just use the Replace function, type in Find what: "oildrum_white" and Replace with: "oil_barrel_01_white" and hit Replace All

Tbh, if you only have a few dozen barrels on the map then you may aswell just delete the old ones. I for instance have around 400-500 barrels, so naturally I aint gonna replace them all by hand

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-04-26 15:26
by Ason
Alright thanks, I will see if i can figure it out, the "replace function" is in notepad++ right ?

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-04-26 15:32
by Rabbit
You can do it in Notepad "edit" "replace". Or you can just do it in the editor. Find the barrel you want to replace, click it, browse through your top bar in the editor till you see "level editor" (not the one where you switch back and forth between terrain and level) Go through the drop down list and find "select all of type" then find "replace objects" and then find the new object.

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-04-26 15:33
by Rhino
The central point of the old and new barrels is a little different so it isn't quite a simple find and replace, afterwards you will need to re-position each barrel slightly. Also keep in mind your replacing 2 barrels with 16 new ones in different colours and you should try and use a few more than the basic yellow and white.

And its also just a simple drag and drop of the objects folder in the .rar, over the objects folder in your pr_edit, don't use the extraction window that only complicates things, the way it looks like your doing it you would end up with a pr_edit/objects/objects/staticobjects/ rather than pr_edit/objects/staticobjects/....

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-04-26 16:26
by Ason
Ah ok thanks guys :)

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-04-26 20:43
by Ason
Does someone know what the apartment buildings with metal "balcony-walls" are called? the ones that are also in vadso city, there is 3 of them lined up at the coast in vadso. I extracted the Objects_client from vadso city but I can't find anything with a fitting name. Also is this where I can find if the objects got lightmap samples, because I've looked at some and none of the folders got any files named sample.

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-04-26 22:55
by sylent/shooter
Russian apartment_3 or something like that. I know it's the third one.

But don't use a lot of them together. I remember there being some performance issues with them

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-05-03 15:40
by Ason
Thanks Sylent, but I still can't find it, but nvm I will not use them, I will just keep to the stuff that's in the editor :)
gx wrote:You can do it in Notepad "edit" "replace". Or you can just do it in the editor. Find the barrel you want to replace, click it, browse through your top bar in the editor till you see "level editor" (not the one where you switch back and forth between terrain and level) Go through the drop down list and find "select all of type" then find "replace objects" and then find the new object.
I tried to do as you said, I guess by "and then find the new objects" you mean I should type the name of the new objects in the last bar? Since if I select the new object I lose the "Select all" thing on all other barrels. Anyway I typed the name of the grey oil barrel and nothing happened except I got this message:

Code: Select all

ExecuteCommand: levelEditor.ReplaceObjects oil_barrel_01_grey
Too many arguments, the max no of arguments is 0!
Does someone know what I'm doing wrong?

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-05-03 16:43
by BroCop
You can select the objects, click on EditorTools>ReplaceObjects and it will give you a drop down menu, search for the static you want to replace the selected objects with and click OK. This method is really useful if you wanna mix in more types of barrels if you got a crapton of same coloured ones, just select randomly a bunch and pick a colour, fix their position (all barrels that were in upright position will slightly float), repeat process with a different barrel