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Re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2016-09-19 19:05
by SAM609
GermanSoldat wrote:preprocessor warning: Could not find application Profile, falling back to default.
any presets for me?

But it does work , right ??!
If you want to remove that warning message go to ReShade > Profiles and rename the "PRBF2" folder to "BF2" ! then go inside that folder and open "Profile.ini" with a text editor like notepad and replace all lines with these one here >>
ProfileModule :d 3d9.dll
ProfilePreset :D efault
ProfileDisplay :D efault

Re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2016-09-25 07:51
by Raklodder
SAM609 wrote:Go to ReShade > Presets > Default and open the "Shaders_by_CeeJay.cfg" with a text editor (notepad),
then find this line under FXAA section: #define USE_FXAA 1 and replace it with this one > #define USE_FXAA 0

Thank you kindly, was to lazy to go through the presets, but now that it has been disabled, i will use it daily.

Re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2016-09-25 23:46
by AlbiK
Hi Sam. Can you help me please . After I extract the files, when I try to launch the game after veryfies client files and starts launching the game , it closes saying : Project reality has closed , clearing up resources. Am I missing something or what 😕. btw you did a great job.

Re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2016-09-26 13:18
by SAM609
AlbiK wrote:Hi Sam. Can you help me please . After I extract the files, when I try to launch the game after veryfies client files and starts launching the game , it closes saying : Project reality has closed , clearing up resources. Am I missing something or what 😕. btw you did a great job.
Hi , I need your "d3d9.log" from PR main folder ! btw did you tried the alternative version too ??!

Re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2016-09-26 17:53
by AlbiK
I fixed it , ty very much

Re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2016-09-28 18:50
by Rammi
I have the same problem as AlibiK, using alternative version is'nt working :( my d3d9.log is here:

28/09/2016 20:50:29:413 [05496] | INFO | Initializing Crosire's ReShade version '' built on '2015-07-04 14:32:47' loaded from "D:\Gry\Project Reality BF2\d3d9.dll" to "D:\Gry\Project Reality BF2\prbf2.exe" ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:446 [05496] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d8.dll" ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:446 [05496] | INFO | > Delayed.
28/09/2016 20:50:29:446 [05496] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll" ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:446 [05496] | INFO | > Delayed.
28/09/2016 20:50:29:446 [05496] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d10.dll" ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:447 [05496] | INFO | > Delayed.
28/09/2016 20:50:29:447 [05496] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d10_1.dll" ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:447 [05496] | INFO | > Delayed.
28/09/2016 20:50:29:447 [05496] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d11.dll" ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:447 [05496] | INFO | > Delayed.
28/09/2016 20:50:29:447 [05496] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\dxgi.dll" ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:447 [05496] | INFO | > Delayed.
28/09/2016 20:50:29:447 [05496] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\opengl32.dll" ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:447 [05496] | INFO | > Delayed.
28/09/2016 20:50:29:447 [05496] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\user32.dll" ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:447 [05496] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
28/09/2016 20:50:29:456 [05496] | INFO | > Found 5 match(es). Installing ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:495 [05496] | INFO | > Installed 5 hook(s).
28/09/2016 20:50:29:495 [05496] | INFO | Registering hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\ws2_32.dll" ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:495 [05496] | INFO | > Libraries loaded.
28/09/2016 20:50:29:497 [05496] | INFO | > Found 8 match(es). Installing ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:552 [05496] | INFO | > Installed 8 hook(s).
28/09/2016 20:50:29:552 [05496] | INFO | Initialized.
28/09/2016 20:50:29:554 [05496] | INFO | Redirecting 'Direct3DCreate9(32)' ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:556 [05496] | INFO | Installing delayed hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll" ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:556 [05496] | INFO | > Found 9 match(es). Installing ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:556 [05496] | INFO | > Installed 9 hook(s).
28/09/2016 20:50:29:583 [05496] | INFO | Installing delayed hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d10.dll" (Just loaded via 'LoadLibraryA("API-MS-Win-Security-LSALookup-L1-1-0.dll")') ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:583 [05496] | INFO | > Found 2 match(es). Installing ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:599 [05496] | INFO | > Installed 2 hook(s).
28/09/2016 20:50:29:599 [05496] | INFO | Installing delayed hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d10_1.dll" (Just loaded via 'LoadLibraryA("API-MS-Win-Security-LSALookup-L1-1-0.dll")') ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:600 [05496] | INFO | > Found 2 match(es). Installing ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:615 [05496] | INFO | > Installed 2 hook(s).
28/09/2016 20:50:29:615 [05496] | INFO | Installing delayed hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\d3d11.dll" (Just loaded via 'LoadLibraryA("API-MS-Win-Security-LSALookup-L1-1-0.dll")') ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:615 [05496] | INFO | > Found 2 match(es). Installing ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:630 [05496] | INFO | > Installed 2 hook(s).
28/09/2016 20:50:29:630 [05496] | INFO | Installing delayed hooks for "C:\Windows\system32\dxgi.dll" (Just loaded via 'LoadLibraryA("API-MS-Win-Security-LSALookup-L1-1-0.dll")') ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:630 [05496] | INFO | > Found 6 match(es). Installing ...
28/09/2016 20:50:29:672 [05496] | INFO | > Installed 6 hook(s).
28/09/2016 20:50:30:746 [05496] | INFO | Redirecting 'CreateDXGIFactory({7B7166EC-21C7-44AE-B21A-C9AE321AE369}, 0018991C)' ...
28/09/2016 20:50:30:747 [05496] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDevice(00FFF4E8, 1, 00000000, 0, 001898FC, 1, 7, 00189910, 00189904, 00000000)' ...
28/09/2016 20:50:30:747 [05496] | INFO | > Passing on to 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain':
28/09/2016 20:50:30:747 [05496] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(00FFF4E8, 1, 00000000, 0, 001898FC, 1, 7, 00000000, 00000000, 00189910, 00189904, 00000000)' ...
28/09/2016 20:50:30:747 [05496] | WARN | > 'D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain' failed with 'E_INVALIDARG'!
28/09/2016 20:50:30:747 [05496] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D10CreateDevice1(00FFF4E8, 0, 00000000, 0, 41216, 32, 0018990 8) ' ...
28/09/2016 20:50:30:747 [05496] | INFO | > Passing on to 'D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain1':
28/09/2016 20:50:30:747 [05496] | INFO | Redirecting 'D3D10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain1(00FFF4E8, 0, 00000000, 0, 0xa100, 32, 00000000, 00000000, 0018990 8) ' ...
28/09/2016 20:50:30:753 [05496] | INFO | Exiting ...
28/09/2016 20:50:30:753 [05496] | INFO | Uninstalling 40 hook(s) ...
28/09/2016 20:50:30:988 [05496] | INFO | Exited.

Re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2016-10-21 15:53
by Mitchell_
i need help. i intalled the 0.6 version and it didnt work now my game just gives me a black screen then closes which means i cant play :( . it says "ERROR 6. unable to find localization please reinstall prbf2

Re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2016-10-21 19:03
by fpspromotion
always use PRlauncher.exe to start Project Reality Game

do not use launcher /button from website Project Reality: PRSPY because it is not up to date and you get this error message: "ERROR 6. unable to find localization please reinstall prbf2

Re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2016-10-27 11:55
by LordFluffyBottom
How do you adjust the depthness with the alternate 0.6GEMO reshade? Its much different CFG files

Re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2016-10-27 20:24
by SAM609
LordFluffyBottom wrote:How do you adjust the depthness with the alternate 0.6GEMO reshade? Its much different CFG files
What you mean by the depthness ??! :confused: I'm guessing that you mean the HDR mimic effect in color correction settings which indeed give a more indepth color range to the game ! and for adjusting its value , you should open the "CustomFX.cfg" with a notepad editor and then under **TUNINGPALETTE** > Color LUT Settings , edit this line >>
#define TuningColorLUTIntensityLuma 0.80
Lower this value , and the image will become less indepth ! :?


Re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2016-10-31 16:56
by FalkeS
Ever since i installed this, i sometimes i can't run only walk very slowly, to get me to be able to run i have to go prone then get up to be able to walk normal speed and run :(

Re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2016-11-22 10:45
by Rezza
Hello all. Did anybody get realistic graphics results with the last version? Do you think it really enchances the visual experience or does it have some downsides?

Re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2016-11-26 17:44
by Ssaferight
Mod no longer works for me since recent update. This is a must have for PR so hope there is a fix. thanks

Re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2016-11-26 20:57
by Rezza
Works for me after I reinstalled it on 1.4.0.

Re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2016-11-27 02:50
by Ssaferight
ya not working for me maybe i screwed up by not removing prior to update?

Re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2016-11-27 09:45
by KaB
Update probably removed or re-wrote some files, just reinstall it and you should be fine.

Re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2016-11-28 07:39
by Okis
After installing the shader and starting up my game i get kind of red outlines on everything.
How do i fix this?

Re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2016-11-28 09:33
by SAM609
Hey guys , I need some tester to check out this new version to make sure ReShade 3.0.5 is working correctly for everyone , before I post it on first page !

I had to re-wright some codes to make it work in ReShade 3 , but the performance wise it totally worth it , cuz now on my R7 260x (which is a pretty lowend graphic card) , I only get less than a single frame drop ! (around 0.3 of a frame per second) :mrgreen:

Re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2016-11-28 10:16
by Rezza
SAM609 wrote:Hey guys , I need some tester to check out this new version to make sure ReShade 3.0.5 is working correctly for everyone , before I post it on first page !

I had to re-wright some codes to make it work in ReShade 3 , but the performance wise it totally worth it , cuz now on my R7 260x (which is a pretty lowend graphic card) , I only get less than a single frame drop ! (around 0.3 of a frame per second) :mrgreen:
Thanks for further work. This mod makes it look pretty fresh and different. Cool addition. Also I think it is used by Civil Let's Plays videos in youtube. His stuff looked pretty cool too.