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Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-09-05 12:51
by rodrigoma
nice screens it is looking really great!
maybe add some more cover and detail in the roads? like debry piles or roadblocks?
keep it up :)

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-09-05 15:30
by Ason
Yes Rodrigoma, will be done :)

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-09-05 17:07
by [FSA]IrRahman
Mrslobodan wrote:Ok so here is the new minimap with medium terrain lightmaps. I will make the terrain a bit brighter and also change some other lightsettings.
( There are some objects in some random places which I will move/delete later)
Scale of this city is not even comparable to the size of Grozny, but good job man.

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-09-05 17:57
by Ason
I know but there is a limit to how many buildings you can use, especially when it's enterables, and about 95% of the map is enterables. of all PR maps only Muttrah is the size of the real city afaik.

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-09-05 20:06
by waldov
With 100 players you wouldn't want it any bigger anyways, you want the fighting to be close up and intense.

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-09-05 20:16
by Ason
yeah, I don't think there are any major problems with the size of the city.
Managed to get minimap which shows almost all trees on the map, the previous one only showed the shadows for some reason.

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-09-05 22:58
by BroCop
There isnt a exact limit per se, but the general guideline is to not densely place them (read: dont clump too many in a small area). Judging by the screens though, you shouldnt have too much issues as the houses dont cause that much of a strain as the buildings.

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-09-05 23:37
by Mineral
Yeah, city could be larger. Its really not that big. Although I would keep it like this. Looks perfectly fine to me. You can fit a flag or 2 in there which is more then enough. I would instead of expanding the city just focus on nice detail inside.

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-09-06 01:25
by LITOralis.nMd
Just wanted to add a suggestion:
Some of the maps, particularly Dovre, have somewhat realistic sand bars and cut banks in the river,

with your very curvy river, you should try to model a natural looking environment, creating point bars and cut banks, and maybe add a oxbow pond just for some variation.
Point bar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oxbow lake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is a quick presentation to get you understanding how to model this:
Meanders. Animation.

As always, you're modelling a game environment, not trying to make it perfect, but you can use this as a guide to simulate natural river banks.

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-09-06 21:21
by waldov
Yeah detail over size any day, any bigger and the fighting will be too dispersed, this is Grozny after all.

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-09-06 22:26
by Ason
crocop:There isnt a exact limit per se, but the general guideline is to not densely place them
Well yeah, but that does mean there is some limit, I'm not saying exactly where it's at, just that you can't make a 2-4 km map with 100% city, or you can but as you say there will have to be alot of space between the buildings, which I guess would't look too good.
As sylent told me:
Sylent/shooter: 2. You will not be able to make a full city map in a 4km map. Its too big and it won't even be playable. 2km is even pushing it a bit... If you take a look at other pr maps that have cities look at how they are done, muttrah for example has a lot of dead space because of the ocean.
4km maps = 16km^2
And the area of Grozny is about 100km^2 so it would be impossible to make it exactly like in real life just to answer IrRahman

If I remember correctly I asked alot about map sizes in the beginning when I started and I got to the conclusion that I should aim for a city size like Dragon Fly but not as dense.
(I remember my brother always got lag and CTD when entering that city, and he got a good computer, so I thought I wouldn't make it as big as Dragon Fly)
And I also wanted to have more surrounding terrain so it would really feel like there is a city which actually needs to be assaulted and captured, I could have made it like Fallujah west but I didn't just want to have a small part of the city I want the entire feeling of a war about a city, and I honestly don't think it's any worse than Dragon Fly or Al basrah if we are talking size.
Just wanted to explain because I felt like it :)

@Litoralis: Thanks, will do my best to make it like that.

@waldow: yeah, especially in grozny you want to have massive concentrated fights.

Oh well, I hope it turns out okay :)

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-09-07 17:00
by Ason
I'm having some problems with lightmaps, they won't show after I'm finished generating them, and one time I got a message saying The terrain doesn't match the lightmaps or something.
So I'm just wondering if it's okey to delete the lightmaps folder in the level folder and regenerate lightmaps after that.
Can I delete the entire lightmaps folder or only what's inside it or will something bad happen if I touch anything in the lightmaps folder ? :P

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-09-07 17:19
by Mineral
terrain lightmaps require a editor restart in order to show up. Objects should show instant after rendering them. This is assuming you rendered everything correctly :)

removing lightmaps doesn't cause issues.

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-09-07 17:34
by Ason
alright thanks Mineral :)

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-09-08 07:14
by Amok@ndy
if you eneable the right settings the lightmaps get reloaded automatically, would need to check though which setting it was

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-09-08 07:19
by Rhino
[R-DEV]Amok@ndy wrote:if you eneable the right settings the lightmaps get reloaded automatically, would need to check though which setting it was
This is news to me, unless you mean modified textures not by the BF2editor or non-object LMs?

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-09-08 18:43
by Amok@ndy
when i do terrainLMs in the editor after its done it reloads all terrainLM files and i can directly view the new LMs without restarting the editor

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-09-08 20:11
by Rhino
Ye, dose that if you have reload textures checked. Use to do the same for modified object LMs too until the editor shaders broke after LMing in Win7.

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-09-08 20:36
by rodrigoma
where is that option located, thanks

Re: [Map] Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2013-09-09 04:36
by Rhino
Tools > Options, Expand "Reload File Settings", check all the boxes (although textures is the main one you want) and it will reload modified textures and other files, most of the time.