SAM609 wrote:Hey guys , I need some tester to check out this new version to make sure ReShade 3.0.5 is working correctly for everyone , before I post it on first page ! PR_GEM0.64
I had to re-wright some codes to make it work in ReShade 3 , but the performance wise it totally worth it , cuz now on my R7 260x (which is a pretty lowend graphic card) , I only get less than a single frame drop ! (around 0.3 of a frame per second)
OK, I removed GEM 0.6 completely before applying GEM 0.64 (hope that's the right procedure) and result is pretty darn awesome. Playing on a PC from 2008 and I have literally NO fps drop. Not only that but you can use the in-game configuration(shift+F2) to disable and enable specific filter and even FPS counter and clock.
MisTyK wrote:Same as Der_Landser said, and it workd great.
The clock and fps counter is a great thing, i have just to reduce the fond and set color to a grey/white.
Are they the same preset than the GEM0.6?
Thanks for your feedback ! No , I tweaked the color correction again ! but if you prefer the old version you can get its LUT from "ReShade\Shaders\Ganossa\Textures\5E.png" ,then rename it to "64A.png" and put it in "reshade-shaders\Textures" ! or if you want to fine tune the color grading to how you like it , you can use this tutorial to edit the LUT >>
ENBPR0.4x = Crash sometimes when the next map is loading/ or When you minimize the game. ( This is the only mod that I can play without lagging my PC )
GEMv0.64 = Is there any option to turn off some effects? It causes me low fps in my game.
FlOwMaKeRs wrote:ENBPR0.4x = Crash sometimes when the next map is loading/ or When you minimize the game. ( This is the only mod that I can play without lagging my PC )
GEMv0.64 = Is there any option to turn off some effects? It causes me low fps in my game.
Yes, you can, go where the PR_GEM0.64.ini is and locate the following lines :
had the same problem before because I didn't have windows 7 Pack 1.. I downloaded it, it worked ... but now the same thing happened again, game closes.
Project Reality Log File
PRLauncher.exe started at: 2016-11-27T10:50:12
Warning: Error validating video settings: TerrainQuality: -1
Warning: 1353: Error while game running.
I had that error as well. The fix for me was found in the forums. Find video.con file and make it read only. I guess a hotfix is supposed to fix this item later.
I think the PR crashes and GEM crashes are getting mixed up. It seems to be that the former crashes not GEM. The hotfix will get stuff fixed. Hopefully this week!
Project Reality Log File
PRLauncher.exe started at: 2016-11-30T19:59:43
Warning: Unable to load version information for v1.4.1.0
>Remote server error: (404) Could not find.
Warning: 1221: Unable to obtain an update list.
'Limeni[BiH wrote:;2150800']It works, I like it. Great job and thank you.
There's one issues that might or might not be related with it. Sometimes the clock/fps overlay moves to the right, of the screen so I can see only half of it.
It looks like the whole screen somehow gets zoomed in. Now I don't know if it PR, my computer or GEM...
I found why
When you pressing CTRL + mouse wheel that change the zoom of the texte like in any webpage!
So, that always happen when you crouch and changing weapon & stuff
On Project Reality, since v0.87 released 09-04-2009
Hey I just found about this , but I have a problem. When I applied this 0.64 version the game started to lag even in the intro video !
Am I doing anything wrong? I put the files in the pr directory