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Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2012-12-24 16:55
by Curry
[3dAC] Season 2
- We are awesome! -
"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!"

The holidays are here again and it's time to celebrate, so High Command wish all the Ducks, their families and friends Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, may all your wishes come true and make merry not just on this wonderful holiday but all through the year. We would also like to send wishes to our allies and good friends the members of the NEW community. We also send greetings and new year whishes deep into soviet Moldova to our dear friends from .41.
It was an exiting year for 3dAC, we lost some members and we got some new ones. But most inportant we turned a new page when we started with Season 2, it united us more than ever and gave us proper motivation to bring on the battlefield and as a result we played four matches and got four wins, the High Command would once again like to say how proud we are off all the Ducks especially in the last battle agains NWA. In whgich we should our real strength.
Season 2.5 is just arround the corner so enjoy the rest soldiers hard work begins in January 14th at 1900 PRT. For S2.5 the website and portal will be ready. After half a year of development we are on the last fixes, which cause some chaos on the forums at the moment. Check the website daily! A changelog will get announced in the next couple of days.
Like last year, Im using the Christmas News to thank my Senior Officers. Last year Midnight draw us this awesome wallpaper:
Higher resolution:

First of all I would like to thank my CO Agemman for beeing the best wingman you can imagine, even if he doesnt plays PR at the moment. Now I would like to thank my High Command Staff, for supporting and pushing me, at all times. And if needed to stop me. I may raged, I may screamed, I may fucked up. But fuck this, you are the best High Command Staff a SCO can have. I also would like to thank my General Staff Officers for helping and supporting me developing my visions at all times. Thankls for your work and input.
Behind every Senior Officer stands at least one Deputy, which backs the Officer up and helps to develop the projects at a lower level. Thanks for beeing part of the Staff, Deputies. You made Season 2 possible and keep it running.
Now I would like to thank a person, which is not part of 3dAC but makes our Christmas time so awesome, Mr. Midnight. After a month of work he finished the Season 2 Christmas Wallpaper . The most detailed christmas wallpaper 2012 just arrived, but who is who?
High resolution:

I wish you Merry Christmas Ducks, and remember: "Nothing is random, except tactical timeouts." See you in January! For the Season 2.5 Opening!


Disclaimer: 1. Im aware of my swearing in the Christmas News. 2. The Season 2 Christmas Wallpaper shows only Senior Officers, since we dont sleep. 3. All "Lazy Deputies" will get removed after the holidays.

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2012-12-24 20:53
by L4gi
Merry Christmas from OD-S. Hope to kill you next year!

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-01-01 19:19
by DoRn
If you want to take PR to the next level, this is your place!

Im already excited about Season 2.5. Like always, you can count on your allies at [NEW].

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-01-08 17:22
by Jaeger.Pyro
Dorn, allways a pleasure playing with you. (but i prefer playing against you) :P

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-01-12 17:45
by Curry

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-01-19 14:06
by saXoni
I can't access your website anymore. I was able to sign up and post on your forums a week ago, but now it's as if I'm not connected to the internet just for your website. Has anyone else had the same issue with your website?

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-01-19 14:52
by Murkey
saXoni wrote:I can't access your website anymore. I was able to sign up and post on your forums a week ago, but now it's as if I'm not connected to the internet just for your website. Has anyone else had the same issue with your website?
Still up for me. Try going to "" Note the lack of www and co not com.

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-01-19 14:59
by saXoni
"Sorry, Google Chrome can't connect to"

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-01-19 15:09
by WeeD-KilleR
works fine on my side. Both domains. Try to flush your dns by open a cmd and type: ipconfig /flushdns

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-01-19 15:20
by saXoni
Hamachi seemed to be the problem. I deactivated Hamachi and I'm able to access the website now. Thanks for your help anyways :)

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-01-19 18:57
by blip2
yep, often is the case with Hetzner servers + hamachi. can't wait for hamatchi to switch to a better ip range...

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-01-20 09:33
by psychickactivity
Pseudo :p sychickactivity
SQuad LEader :yes
EXperience :5 years
?vent:cata/nato World cup.

I have ? contact With you but cant start s?rius now i am free , and dispose to play.
If you are ok With THat i CAN C?me when you Want

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-01-20 12:34
by WeeD-KilleR
People are always welcome. Go to our website and apply. Also join our TS and talk to us!

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-02-10 10:08
by Squirrel[STF]
Great group of guys. Very polite and talented. Bump

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-02-14 01:15
by WeeD-KilleR
E. Ferree wrote:Great group of guys. Very polite and talented. Bump
Thanks for the free bump. We appreciate your kind words. You'r welcome!

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-02-14 18:29
by Jaeger.Pyro
3dAC website has been changed, Curry is so lazy to change the website so i'll post it here:

[3dAC] Season 2 | Index page

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-02-15 21:35
by WeeD-KilleR
Jaeger.Pyro wrote:3dAC website has been changed, Curry is so lazy to change the website so i'll post it here:

[3dAC] Season 2 | Index page
But our old one should also be valid. Apperantly our hoster thinks otherwise. We are sorting this issue out.

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-03-20 12:39
by Jaeger.Pyro
Hurr durr.

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-03-20 18:51
by dogmaster
Durr hurr.

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-03-20 20:56
by WeeD-KilleR
Unleash the Durrs and Hurrs, derps and herps. Yea....

We are still looking for more guys to play with us, even we are stepping down abit until 1.0 is released. You can visit us or Our TS-IP is So if you are intrested, just come visit us and say hello to our guys.