Start with that when you find somebody or time until you can get everyone a binded feasible way to drag. This way you already have crate drag physics done. Would love a crate on the 3rd floor of a building in a safe spot by dragging it up the stairs.ALFABETAS wrote:But now this is not a problem any more. We have local communication and you can start asking him on local.
For dragging ammo. Let the medic use same drag on ammo box. It is a bit nonsense but on purpose on team work it works as helper roll. Where medic cant help dig but can relocate the ammo boxes.
Also for collision if you found time for this, players could slowly push crates while sprinting, this would help getting them upstairs. They are dangerously heavy though if it slips.
Depending on the terrain there are different speeds, level, uphill and down hill. Plus textures. Short grass and tall thin blade grass is fast, concrete is slower because of friction.