what vehicle is that?
Helo, object name: jep_technical2, there are others in the map, i don´t know if it real or no.
what vehicle is that?
lol, that reminded my of the roflbox mec helo=PTomato_With_A_Rifle wrote:Pretty cool, why dont you guys put headlights on vehicles? I know that this can be done with the bf2 engine.
[R-CON]marcoelnk wrote:Gets better and better but the terrain is still too bright compared to the sky.
Also i say again : put lightglows into the windows of nonenterable buildings!!!
ma21212 wrote:EOD2 has added a few maps with thunder n lightning in their mod
YouTube - Lightning sky test
and they also have added headlights to jeeps that work well
Eve of Destruction
(a bit down the page ull see a pic)
Dr2B Rudd wrote:do archer after thispweeese
excellent work
but is it me or are the arms of ur avatar too bright for the lighting?