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Re: Current SP work

Posted: 2010-04-26 11:21
by Wakain
welcome to the forums kingslayer,
in regard to your question: you could've read that eventually coop support will be granted for official 0.9 maps, those might or might not include yamalia, gaza strip and beirut
I believe gaza and beirut were confirmed, I'm not entirely sure about yamalia but let's hope ;)

Re: Current SP work

Posted: 2010-04-26 15:44
by iwillkillyouhun
good stuff ZOMG :D

Re: Current SP work

Posted: 2010-04-27 15:30
by Smiddey723
USMC scout sniper wrote:Project Reality needs more USMC single player maps.There's only 3 as of now.I love the USMC,but now I can't be my favorite faction.The 3 maps they have now,you can't find any bots.I like Falluja!WHAAAAA!
What do you mean ONLY 3 most of the other factions have just 2 or 3. Besides America has 2 factions which are near enough the same equipment wise

Re: Current SP work

Posted: 2010-04-29 23:12
by Sir frags alot
Is it still going to be 8-10 maps or are there going to be a few more.

Also is there a list of all the maps going to be put in

Re: Current SP work

Posted: 2010-05-26 07:34
by StiffyMagnum
nice job guys!