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Re: PR v0.91 Screenshots

Posted: 2010-05-08 19:08
by CareBear
iv never even got on Dragon Fly ever :(

Re: PR v0.91 Screenshots

Posted: 2010-05-08 21:05
by myles
CareBear wrote:^
iv never even got on Dragon Fly ever :(
same as 0.9 couldint play it due to CTD but able to play all maps 0.91 but servers never play dragon fly

Re: PR v0.91 Screenshots

Posted: 2010-05-08 21:38
by masterceo
i played 5 mins on it so far, no one plays it.

Re: PR v0.91 Screenshots

Posted: 2010-05-08 22:48
by Jigsaw
Which is such a massive disappointment, as it is such a quality map. Anywho back to screenshots :)
Yo dawg, I heard you like SAWs so we put a SAW on yo SAW so yo can pwn while yo pwn

Teh faildam

Oh hai :)

Hiding from enemy inf and two warriors next to my crippled Spandy... Just thought this looked cinematic :)

Re: PR v0.91 Screenshots

Posted: 2010-05-09 03:20
by Stealth Clobber
Started a Sniper squad at the beginning of the round on VIRGINA 24/7 Muttrah earlier and near the end of the round, it ended up like this...


Made some pretty awesome 700 m kills that round from one H-AT guy who kept going on the South City Hotel Roof, and a sniper (both made the mistake of going to the ladder to get down, where it was easier to kill them)

Re: PR v0.91 Screenshots

Posted: 2010-05-09 09:41
by rampo
can't see much on that screenshot :P

not that big of a deal though

Re: PR v0.91 Screenshots

Posted: 2010-05-09 15:41
by masterceo


this dude didn't here me coming, even tho there was no one else in a 100m radius and there wasn't anything going on


Re: PR v0.91 Screenshots

Posted: 2010-05-09 16:05
by myles
Image which 1 is the fake lol

Re: PR v0.91 Screenshots

Posted: 2010-05-09 17:33
by sakils2
The one who hasn't got an officer kit.

Re: PR v0.91 Screenshots

Posted: 2010-05-09 18:48
by killonsight95
it was actauyl quite good and would've been welomcing if not for the guy who complained personaly i liked it although i couldn't see any of your squad... except you....

Re: PR v0.91 Screenshots

Posted: 2010-05-09 19:08
by Stealth Clobber
Well we were all together earlier on in the round, but the MEC side had a squad bug so they were all dicking around at base until later on in the round, so we split up

Re: PR v0.91 Screenshots

Posted: 2010-05-09 19:44
by risyboy
random pictures

Re: PR v0.91 Screenshots

Posted: 2010-05-10 03:13
by Stealth Clobber
Man those are some small pictures! I like the first one though lol

Re: PR v0.91 Screenshots

Posted: 2010-05-10 06:36
by 503

Re: PR v0.91 Screenshots

Posted: 2010-05-10 21:15
by risyboy
Stealth Clobber wrote:Man those are some small pictures! I like the first one though lol
Yeah dont know how to get the pictures like all the other guys have XD
Hehe yeah the first picture was of an Russian pilot captured by IDF soldiers :D Got some more pictures from that, but didn't bother uploading :P

Re: PR v0.91 Screenshots

Posted: 2010-05-10 23:47
by Sir frags alot
Some pics i took on coop. I just went around the the fob being useless and taking pics of people.

How do you get the pics to be big and not attatched files?

Re: PR v0.91 Screenshots

Posted: 2010-05-11 00:49
by Rudd

Myself and Stoffen held a short memorial service for this Bradley, she served her team well, protected her crew and held herself together long enough for us to escape to teh bunker when hit with a fatal TOW strike, she helped kill several of the enemy, destroyed an enemy BMP and saved 12 men from certain death inside that bunker.

She shall be remembered.

Re: PR v0.91 Screenshots

Posted: 2010-05-11 05:31
by Outlawz7
Kashan Inf, for some reason the entire god damn team kept attacking North Bunker, even after we got JDAM'd off and even towards the end when we lost MEC Outpost. My guess was because there was a firebase in A3 with some USA defending, which also got JDAM'd in retaliation after we got JDAM'd, but theyjust kept going to NB. Most senseless and retarded round in a while.



Re: PR v0.91 Screenshots

Posted: 2010-05-11 06:09
by Stealth Clobber
I could understand one, two, maybe 3 people not understanding where to attack.

But 29 people? The big orange attack marker is on South Bunker for a reason!

Also, what's with the lone wolf down in E8? :lol:

Re: PR v0.91 Screenshots

Posted: 2010-05-11 21:37
by tophdawg
the dead body was spinning in the air though I don't have fraps.