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Re: [Map] Operation Sandpiper (4km) [WIP]

Posted: 2011-08-27 18:42
by Wakain
sylent/shooter wrote:what about operation Icarus? or something like that, refering to the story of icarus' wings melted off because he flew to close to the sun. I.E this is a desert map and some other connections I could probably think of :P
nice input, I imagine it must've been pretty tense for poor Icarus when his wings burned/melted (?), which refers nicely to the precarious (if correct english) situation both parties find themselves in on this map.

also, the american military seems to love biblical, classical (or mythological) greek and roman names so that's a plus again :)

Re: [Map] Operation Sandpiper (4km) [WIP]

Posted: 2011-08-27 19:54
by sylent/shooter
precarious is correct. I think regardless if what this map is named it has good potential already :) . but seeing as i dont want to be biased towards my idea i wont say anything more about my name vs. sandpiper.