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Re: It's been a year. Any Progress?

Posted: 2011-09-01 15:00
by Alek-say
People, calm down! Our disputes don't help the mod!

Re: It's been a year. Any Progress?

Posted: 2011-09-01 18:31
by Wakain
sAueR115 wrote:I can't blame anyone for their impatience. A year with out news... that is absurd. We should at least be given the courtesy of a smalled typed out update on the PROGRESS of it at the very least. I am very patient with games and especially mods, but an entire year or more with out news is ridiculous, and there frankly is not excuse for not hearing from the devs for so long.
there have been progress updates last year, but only one had it's own fancy newspost in the highlights section.
check the threads here for some pics and a betavid.

Re: It's been a year. Any Progress?

Posted: 2011-09-01 19:12
by Alek-say
So, let's remember one of the videos:

Re: It's been a year. Any Progress?

Posted: 2011-09-02 18:58
by Alek-say
So, as Project Reality: ArmA2 is released, maybe there would be Project Reality: Vietnam?

Re: It's been a year. Any Progress?

Posted: 2011-09-04 00:45
by BlazeDBe3
Alek-say wrote:So, as Project Reality: ArmA2 is released, maybe there would be Project Reality: Vietnam?
Was going to say that, maybe in a few months once ARMA release is out of BETA.

Re: It's been a year. Any Progress?

Posted: 2011-09-04 05:45
by Alek-say
Developers, please, give some information about the mod!

Re: It's been a year. Any Progress?

Posted: 2011-09-06 12:49
by Geordie-72
Should be fun, Hope this is still in swing.
BF vietnam brings back some epic late night gaming memories.

Re: It's been a year. Any Progress?

Posted: 2011-09-07 00:39
by sell

Re: It's been a year. Any Progress?

Posted: 2011-09-07 16:00
by AfterDune
Alek-say wrote:Developers, please, give some information about the mod!
It's not dead, but progress is going very slow. Me and Trahn Lee have very little time to actively work on it (and PN is a my little sideproject, it helps me to enjoy modding, etc). The other devs have been working their asses off for new PR releases and are now taking a well deserved break to play their own creations and/or working on new features (or other projects).

So again, it's not dead, but progress is really slow. Once I release PN, I'll get back to other projects, including Vietnam.

Re: It's been a year. Any Progress?

Posted: 2011-09-07 16:20
by Alek-say
[R-DEV]AfterDune wrote:It's not dead, but progress is going very slow. Me and Trahn Lee have very little time to actively work on it (and PN is a my little sideproject, it helps me to enjoy modding, etc). The other devs have been working their asses off for new PR releases and are now taking a well deserved break to play their own creations and/or working on new features (or other projects).

So again, it's not dead, but progress is really slow. Once I release PN, I'll get back to other projects, including Vietnam.
Thank you very much!

Re: It's been a year. Any Progress?

Posted: 2011-09-11 14:12
by rock

Re: It's been a year. Any Progress?

Posted: 2011-09-11 14:42
by Alek-say
rock wrote:PN...??????
"Project Normandy".

Re: It's been a year. Any Progress?

Posted: 2011-09-13 04:32
by rock
[R-DEV]AfterDune wrote:It's not dead, but progress is going very slow. Me and Trahn Lee have very little time to actively work on it (and PN is a my little sideproject, it helps me to enjoy modding, etc). The other devs have been working their asses off for new PR releases and are now taking a well deserved break to play their own creations and/or working on new features (or other projects).

So again, it's not dead, but progress is really slow. Once I release PN, I'll get back to other projects, including Vietnam.
Thanks for the update AfterDune... A few questions if u got time. First, seems like PR/V always gets the back burner when it comes to devs working on projects??? (The other devs have been working their asses off for new PR releases) Ive been waiting 17 months now (along with numerous others) for this Mod to release!!! You would think this mod would get a little priorty from devs, since people have been waiting paintently for some time now..

(It's not dead, but progress is going very slow) IS A MAJOR UNDERSTATEMENT :shock:
(and PN is a my little sideproject) SEEMS LIKE PR/V WOULD BE A GOOD SIDE PROJECT :idea:

Re: It's been a year. Any Progress?

Posted: 2011-09-13 10:40
by Alek-say
Thanks for the update AfterDune... A few questions if u got time. First, seems like PR/V always gets the back burner when it comes to devs working on projects??? (The other devs have been working their asses off for new PR releases) Ive been waiting 17 months now (along with numerous others) for this Mod to release!!! You would think this mod would get a little priorty from devs, since people have been waiting paintently for some time now..

(It's not dead, but progress is going very slow) IS A MAJOR UNDERSTATEMENT
(and PN is a my little sideproject) SEEMS LIKE PR/V WOULD BE A GOOD SIDE PROJECT
I know that it isn't so easy to say, but just relax, man. The only thing we can do is just to hope and wait for this project.

Re: It's been a year. Any Progress?

Posted: 2011-09-13 12:59
by Wakain
Alek-say wrote:I know that it isn't so easy to say, but just relax, man.
lol, this says the most impatient pr:v communitymember, you literally own these threads dude ;)

Re: It's been a year. Any Progress?

Posted: 2011-09-13 13:14
by rock
Wakain wrote:lol, this says the most impatient pr:v communitymember, you literally own these threads dude ;)
OK MY FRIEND I AM RELAXED...Just have itcheee trigger finger...!!!

CHARLIE ...ME KILL YOU LONG TIME...g.i. :firing: :firing:

Re: It's been a year. Any Progress?

Posted: 2011-09-13 14:44
by Alek-say
Roger that! Let's Rock'n'Roll!

Re: It's been a year. Any Progress?

Posted: 2011-09-14 02:12
by rock
Alek-say wrote:Roger that! Let's Rock'n'Roll!


Re: It's been a year. Any Progress?

Posted: 2011-09-14 03:46
by Alek-say

THANKS ... 0807_1.gif

Re: It's been a year. Any Progress?

Posted: 2011-09-14 07:24
by AfterDune