Re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2023-04-20 16:41
Download links aren't working, please fix!!!
I can't find you on Discord. Does anyone else have the files for PR gem 1.7.1 ???=Jose= wrote:I have the normal PR gem 1.7.1, if you want the file send me a pm on discord: itzJosé#2402
Probably he changed the nickname to the new format without #the12gauge wrote:I can't find you on Discord. Does anyone else have the files for PR gem 1.7.1 ???
any updated Reshade & preset?papadanku wrote:I am the person behind that post lol. I now work on the in-game shaders PR uses
If you guys want, I can make a ReShade shader pack (not preset) for Project Reality. With optimizations and better lighting through gamma correction. Can host it on GitHub as a fork of SweetFX called realityFX or something :v
SAM609 wrote:Hi everyone !
This is a customized ReShade Preset for PR . this tool add some post processing effects such as Color corrections , Bloom , lens effects , Sharpening , FXAA & Vignette to the game !
Installation :
GEMv1.7.1 ReShade
Download the main file from the link below and extract it in your main Project Reality BF2 folder ( where your PRBF2.exe is located ) !
>> DOWNLOAD GEM1.7.1 <<
>>Alternative link<<
>> GEM1.7.1AO<<
Ambient Occlusion Test version
Just turn off Anti-Aliasing in PR graphics options and use this preset
You can use Scroll Lock key to toggle ReShade's effects ON/OFF ingame !
You also can use Home key to open reshade overlay and choose a preset from the included presets . ( How To )
Known bugs :
ReShade only works on windows 7 SP1 or newer operating systems !
ReShade doesn't work if your are using any other app with a overlay feature (Frap , MSI afterburner , ...) ! if you have any problem with the utility itself or you want to know how to tweak some of the effects to your liking , just replay to this thread and I'll be happy to help you with it !![]()
Update #1.7.1 :
#Updated main injector to ReShade 5.0.2
#3 different preset based on previous versions
#Increased performance
#Alt+Tab crash bug Fixed
Credits :
crosire >> ReShade
did you do it ?papadanku wrote: 2022-07-14 22:11I am the person behind that post lol. I now work on the in-game shaders PR usesxpugur wrote:also i saw at their discord(reshade) that they are interested in PR![]()
If you guys want, I can make a ReShade shader pack (not preset) for Project Reality. With optimizations and better lighting through gamma correction. Can host it on GitHub as a fork of SweetFX called realityFX or something :v