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Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-03-23 20:00
by DDS
Your website link in first post is broken

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-03-23 21:05
by Nate.
DDS wrote:Your website link in first post is broken
Not for me.

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-03-26 19:13
by WeeD-KilleR
We do have two domains: &
The domain does not work when you put an www. infront of it. This has to do how the provider set up the domain. DDS clicked on the link far into currys post (which is indeed broken) and Nate just clicked on the big domain that said

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-04-01 10:27
by Agemman
Today I am happy to announce a few changes for 3dAC. The High Command has decided that we shall move beyond PR as a main focus, and venture into becoming a more open group of players. We will focus on several games, as long as we have a Game Organiser in charge of them. This means that we will recruit new people to join our ranks from several different games, expanding as we do so.

This change has come in lieu of recent developments in our community. People seem to enjoy playing more games in addition to PR, and we are simply opening up for that. Creating new game forums was a first step in the plan that we wrote down after turning into a more community-like mode. The next step is one of the more drastic ones in the history of 3dAC – we are changing our name.

The new name will be announced here in about two weeks. We are currently holding an internal competition to determine what it will be.

We hope to see you all in PR and other games! In the near future we will most likely be able to accept challenges in L4D2, Men of War: Assault Squad, Red Orchestra, War Thunder, and a bunch of other ones.

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-04-01 12:02
by dutch
Great initiative,

We are there to play some warm up matches vs you guys whenever you are ready. For each game you mentioned we have a group of players to compete, our RO2 clan however is very competitive, the rest are fun players. You know where to find us, otherwise here: just challenge away :)

Good luck and welcome in the community world.

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-04-01 14:04
by L4gi
Not sure if April fools. :d

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-04-01 15:53
by Curry
L4gi wrote:Not sure if April fools. :d
PR has become stuck. So the winter is over and PR1.0 is still not released so Im guessing that we have to wait another year (well half a year, till next winter, or what ever). Which game developer is releasing a game in the middle of the summer? I never expected that I will turn away from PR but it is not worth it at the moment.


Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-04-01 16:44
by Agemman
Curry-Chicken wrote:PR has become stuck. So the winter is over and PR1.0 is still not released so Im guessing that we have to wait another year (well half a year, till next winter, or what ever). Which game developer is releasing a game in the middle of the summer? I never expected that I will turn away from PR but it is not worth it at the moment.

This being said we will still have people playing PR. We were formed under PR and we can probably never let it go completely. We do expect a return for when 1.0 comes closer, but until then we've decided to focus a bit more on other games as an addition.

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-04-01 20:19
by Tiger1
PR has become stuck. So the winter is over and PR1.0 is still not released so Im guessing that we have to wait another year (well half a year, till next winter, or what ever). Which game developer is releasing a game in the middle of the summer? I never expected that I will turn away from PR but it is not worth it at the moment.
Aye !

I've said this repeatedly the past year since the PR team closed down the 128 man server. The wait has been long for 1.0 patch. In august last year they said christmas, in christmas 2012 they said feb/march and now its so far as april.

There are very high expectations of this new release, so far so that I am afraid people only can become disappointed at its release.

Without the very important 100+ server possiblity and the return of the big events and servers I am afraid PR as we know it will slowly see the end of it.

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-04-24 16:02
by Nate.
Hey Ducks,

I played in your 'playpond' the past days and really enjoyed it. Admins (WeeD) did a got job imo.

Since I found no information on the server itself I was wondering if you guys wanted to make this a long-term effort or not.
Would be great to have another server up.

/Edit: Uh, found something :D

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-04-24 18:28
by WeeD-KilleR
Nate(GER) wrote:Hey Ducks,

I played in your 'playpond' the past days and really enjoyed it. Admins (WeeD) did a got job imo.

Since I found no information on the server itself I was wondering if you guys wanted to make this a long-term effort or not.
Would be great to have another server up.

/Edit: Uh, found something [3dAC] Season 2 | View forum - [3dAC] Project Reality server :D
Nice to hear the good feedback. About the forum. Dogmaster and me will work on it on the weekend and we hope we can set it up. With the rules in full length and a place to moan about us. :mrgreen:

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-04-27 11:18
by Professorson
how long does season 2 last ?

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-04-27 11:24
by WeeD-KilleR
For at least another 90 episodes

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-05-12 22:15
by Curry
Great round tonight! Thanks everyone. What a comeback!!!

GG! Cheers,

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-05-12 22:18
by fenex87
Curry-Chicken wrote:Great round tonight! Thanks everyone. What a comeback!!!

GG! Cheers,
Really nice :)

Hope there will be several sundays like this!

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-05-13 17:32
by dogmaster
Great round on Beirut yesterday, We as IDF thought it was over really fast and we would win.
Well that changed quickly,
Damn impressive battle, Fair and balanced on both side's

Next time bring Half of Italy again, I would really like to play more of this kind of battle's
Thank you!

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-06-29 14:56
by Curry
Will get updated soonish.


Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-06-29 17:37
by K4on
3dAC gogogo!

Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-06-29 20:16
by Curry
[R-DEV]K4on wrote:3dAC gogogo!
I could bite myself in the *** right now... missing the BETA. But I will get to play the last few days of it, I guess... can't await to have a proper round with the NEW guys and the Ducks!


Re: [3dAC] Season 2 - Recruitment

Posted: 2013-07-26 17:20
by Curry
Still here and still looking for dedicated PR players.
