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re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-03-24 12:25
by baltimore
Phoenixo_Idaho wrote:Okaaaaay ! Ladieeeeeeees and Gentlemennnnnnnnnn !


So if you like ENB injectors and :
- you can bear ALT-TAB bug for a moment,
- you want Ambiance Occlusion,
- you want the SAM's ENB with less brightness,
- your graphic card is an Nvida one (for AMD graphic cards owners follow only 1 - 2 - 3 - 10 & 11 instructions)
- you can afford a loss of 10 -15 fps (if you don't, follow the procedure for AMD graphic cards owners)

There are my tips :

1 - Be sure you monitor is correctly balanced
2- Be sure you have the latest driver for your Graphic card
2 - Install SAM's ENB
3 - Open enbseries.ini and copy past the settings with the following ones

4 - Install Nvidia inspector

5 - Open it and click on the adjustable spanner icon, near of "Driver version" informations

6 - For Ambiant occlusion compability, select the Fallout 3 ones

7 - in the texture filtering segment, select "8x" for Anisotropic filtering setting, select "-1.500" for Texture filtering - Lod Bias, and select "Quality" for the texture filtering quality

8 - in the Common segment, select "Quality" for the Ambiant Occlusion setting and "Enabled" for Ambiant Occlusion Usage

9 - clic on "Apply changes"

10 - Launch the game, play and Press SHIFT + F12 to see differences :p

11 - ENJOY !

And what if I have Radeon HD6370M , which one to follow the nvidia or the amd instructions?

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-03-24 12:28
by baltimore
sorry I get my anwer , its an AMD.I'm not a big tech suporter yet :)

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-03-24 12:36
by SAM609
@Phoenixo_Idaho : Thank you for your shiny menu fix !
I Updated the first post with new fixed files !!! ;)

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-03-24 12:45
by baltimore
SAM609 wrote:@Phoenixo_Idaho : Thank you for your shiny menu fix !
I Updated the first post with new fixed files !!! ;)
Pls write ack now!
Is the video card upgdrage neccesary?

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-03-24 13:39
by SAM609
baltimore wrote:Pls write ack now!
Is the video card upgdrage neccesary?
If you mean video card driver update , I don't think so ! but I suggest using this for all AMD/ATI user :
open enbseries.ini with notepad and change this line under GLOBAL :
BugFixMode=0 (change this value to 1)

It will run faster with this parameter !

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-03-24 14:55
by Phoenixo_Idaho
SAM609 wrote:@Phoenixo_Idaho : Thank you for your shiny menu fix !
I Updated the first post with new fixed files !!! ;)
I've just tried the 0.1 version. Finally you were right to reduce the bloom even so the colours seems a little bit too saturated now ( a little cartoonish). to fix that last little issue, i made this following tweak :



Now with this ENB + Ambiance occlusion, ambiance for several maps has been improved for sure (Falklands, Ia Drang, Charlie Point, Silent Eagle... even the holiday map pack :razz :)

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-03-24 17:29
by cpt.capper
ok so i am having problems getting this to work properly. I have it installed in programs (x86)/EAGAMES/mods/pr, which is where the pr.exe is. I got nvidia inspector and made the proper corrections with respect to what phoenixo_idaho said, and i also copy and pasted his settings into my enbseries.ini file. the problem is that whenever i start PR and get into a game nothing happens, even when i hit RIGHT shift + F12. I feel like im missing something really obvious but i dont know what it is. Can anyone help me out?

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-03-24 18:17
by BulletFizz
cpt.capper wrote:ok so i am having problems getting this to work properly. I have it installed in programs (x86)/EAGAMES/mods/pr, which is where the pr.exe is. I got nvidia inspector and made the proper corrections with respect to what phoenixo_idaho said, and i also copy and pasted his settings into my enbseries.ini file. the problem is that whenever i start PR and get into a game nothing happens, even when i hit RIGHT shift + F12. I feel like im missing something really obvious but i dont know what it is. Can anyone help me out?
Installation :
You just need to download the zip file and extract it in your main BF2 directory (where your BF2.exe is) !

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-03-24 19:03
by cpt.capper

Thanks ill try again when i get home. I knew it was something really obvious like that haha.

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-03-24 19:46
by Subscyed
SAM609 wrote:For doing that you only need to edit the enbpalette.bmp with a image editor software !
Here is a short descriptions from enbdev website :
"Colors from left to right of texture represent pixel colors of screen, for example left black means that original game black will be mapped to black. If it is green, then black pixels of game will be green. Colors from top to bottom represent screen brightness, upper means that overal game screen brightness is black (0) and bottom of the palette texture means that screen is white(256). So you can adopt colors depending from screen brightness"
I can fix it myself but right now my first priority is finding a solution for alt+tabing problem !
Sorry, I meant to make Kashan less bright as well as well as other daytime maps.
Whereas it can be resolved through the palette, there's no issues with it. It's the actual brightness the ENBseries injector here has.

I'll keep tweaking away.

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-03-24 20:50
by ComradeHX
What does everyone else's depth of field effect look like?

Mine looks weird with too much blur towards center of screen and keeps blurring top half of object when I look under it, instead of blurring what is above an object.

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-03-25 00:55
by Inspektura43
Is there a way to turn off all the other effects except for the saturation and the motion blur?
I mean, is there any motion blur at all because I didnt notice it. Thanks for this program

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-03-25 01:07
by LITOralis.nMd
I think you missed two steps:
Phoenixo_Idaho wrote:Okaaaaay ! Ladieeeeeeees and Gentlemennnnnnnnnn !


So if you like ENB injectors and :
- you can bear ALT-TAB bug for a moment,
- you want Ambiance Occlusion,
- you want the SAM's ENB with less brightness,
- your graphic card is an Nvida one (for AMD graphic cards owners follow only 1 - 2 - 3 - 10 & 11 instructions)
- you can afford a loss of 10 -15 fps (if you don't, follow the procedure for AMD graphic cards owners)

There are my tips :

1 - Be sure you monitor is correctly balanced
2- Be sure you have the latest driver for your Graphic card
2 - Install SAM's ENB
3 - Open enbseries.ini and copy past the settings with the following ones

4 - Install Nvidia inspector

5 - Open it and click on the adjustable spanner icon, near of "Driver version" informations

6 - For Ambiant occlusion compability, select the Fallout 3 ones

6A: In the menu screen, click the A+ button, add your BF2.exe , add PR.exe add TR.exe

6B: In the Fallout 3 Name, click it to rename it BF2.exe PR.exe and Fallout 3 .

6C: Click "Apply Changes" in top right menu bar

7 - in the texture filtering segment, select "8x" for Anisotropic filtering setting, select "-1.500" for Texture filtering - Lod Bias, and select "Quality" for the texture filtering quality

8 - in the Common segment, select "Quality" for the Ambiant Occlusion setting and "Enabled" for Ambiant Occlusion Usage

9 - clic on "Apply changes"

10 - Launch the game, play and Press SHIFT + F12 to see differences :p

11 - ENJOY !

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-03-25 10:53
by SAM609
First post has been UPDATED with a more tweaked version ! ;)

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-03-25 12:46
by Phoenixo_Idaho
[R-COM]LITOralis.nMd wrote:I think you missed two steps:
I use my steps since 2 months and it works well. 6A ; 6B and 6C are not really necessary.

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-03-27 02:37
by DDS
I'm not understanding this. If it crashes on Alt+Tab what is the point of testing this. And more directly, why did you apply the Alt+Tab fix if your re-adapting this bug? Fix THAT and then you have something people can USE.

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-03-27 03:37
by Ason
I haven't read all post but seems like alt tab isn't working, I just wanted to say I always use Ctrl+Esc to get to desktop.

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-03-27 04:51
by ComradeHX
Mrslobodan wrote:I haven't read all post but seems like alt tab isn't working, I just wanted to say I always use Ctrl+Esc to get to desktop.
It is not just alt+tab; if you switch to desktop then back, BF2 will shutdown.

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-03-27 06:16
by Ason
ComradeHX wrote:It is not just alt+tab; if you switch to desktop then back, BF2 will shutdown.
Ah i thought that could be the problem. Too bad :(

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-03-27 07:50
by Phoenixo_Idaho
DDS wrote:I'm not understanding this. If it crashes on Alt+Tab what is the point of testing this. And more directly, why did you apply the Alt+Tab fix if your re-adapting this bug? Fix THAT and then you have something people can USE.
what do we have to wait an Alt-TAB fix to improve aesthetics parts of this new feature ? it will saves your time later ;)