Some stuff that didn't fit into the last uploads concept:
Re: STompa's Videos
Posted: 2016-01-22 18:50
by STompa
Re: STompa's Videos
Posted: 2016-01-22 19:25
by Geronimo
Those poor public squads.
Re: STompa's Videos
Posted: 2016-01-22 20:10
by Outlawz7
HAT, the other AA kit.
Re: STompa's Videos
Posted: 2016-01-23 00:18
by viirusiiseli
[R-DEV]Outlawz7 wrote:HAT, the better AA kit.
Re: STompa's Videos
Posted: 2016-01-23 09:41
by Jacksonez__
good song choices. Stompa's HAT is guided by God.
Re: STompa's Videos
Posted: 2016-01-23 14:59
by Spook
2dope4me. incredible scenes as always and cool music.
Re: STompa's Videos
Posted: 2016-05-30 22:07
by Mineral
Not happening We won't feature 3ti65's videos on this forum anymore. He's banned, he doesn't get the right to see his vids here anymore. Banned users lose those privileges. Not your fault stompa, not mine. Only his. No need for PM's or discussion. And if you can tell him I don't need PM's on Based forums neither.
No need to be a smart-*** about it neither by sharing vids or anything, you'll regret it.
Re: STompa's Videos
Posted: 2016-05-30 22:20
by STompa
Re: STompa's Videos
Posted: 2016-05-30 22:26
by Mineral
You have no past infractions so I don't know why are wish to act this way. If you wish to defend your friend I understand. Just relax for a bit. I'm not trying to boss you around, I'm telling that this forum has no place for users that we already removed. And therefore will see their content removed. And a discussion on that is not needed. If you don't follow me in this logic that's fine. If you have a real issue with this talk to Nate/Spec. They are actual moderators, unlike me. If they disagree with me I'm willing to listen to them. But not to you.
Re: STompa's Videos
Posted: 2016-05-30 22:53
by STompa
Re: STompa's Videos
Posted: 2016-05-30 22:58
by Mineral
I didn't mean that sentence in the way that I'll be adding infractions or anything I meant it in a way that you don't have any reason to be infracted/banned.
Re: STompa's Videos
Posted: 2016-05-31 07:00
by fecht_niko
There might be people in this community who want to watch these vids Mineral, so try to act with less wicca logic!
Re: STompa's Videos
Posted: 2016-05-31 07:07
by Mineral
I'm sure people in this community want a lot of things, including me They will need to find other ways to find them. I'm sure they'll manage. Now please let this thread go towards what it's intended for, videos by stompa.
Re: STompa's Videos
Posted: 2016-05-31 07:39
by fecht_niko
Last thing I want you to explain me: A hacker has the privileges to have servermod access but someone who looked once into them gets witch hunted and posting anything about him is forbidden?
Re: STompa's Videos
Posted: 2016-05-31 07:57
by Aijt
Oh guys for fucks sake, if they say no it is no. There are more places to post his gameplay videos then just Subreddit, our forum, other fora.
And alleged hacker fecht_niko. Stop making us look bad.
Re: STompa's Videos
Posted: 2016-05-31 07:58
by Mineral
just FYI I don't mind people mentioning 3ti's name or talking about him. This about having his content featured here. For all I care create a thread dedicated to admiring him as a player. But we won't feature his created content.
As far as my personal opinion on that, It's a tricky case. And not really ontopic here. We like to keep our distance from how servers are run. We also don't have any rules as far as dealing with hackers and griefers in respect to their forum accounts here AFAIK. As for his access to the PR private forums and other details, if you wanna discuss that you can PM me or something similar if you want. Just highly offtopic here, as it would just be my personal opinion. For actually dealing with that you need to ask Spec.
Re: STompa's Videos
Posted: 2016-05-31 08:03
by STompa
Re: STompa's Videos
Posted: 2016-05-31 10:14
by LiamBai
It'd be great if all this cancer could be contained on the based forums where it belongs. This isn't a human rights struggle or something.
It's hardly unreasonable that somebody who got banned can't have their videos here.