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Posted: 2007-06-06 05:16
by Jaymz
Posted: 2007-06-06 15:43
by Battlepudel
why is the guy on the left not on my minimap?
Posted: 2007-06-06 18:19
by Hardtman
NYgurkha wrote:Civ on Civ violence in Bashra!
order needs to be restored immediately.
"He said Jehova!"
Posted: 2007-06-06 20:07
by tele-loe-
LMFAO. Civi violence pics are FTW.
Posted: 2007-06-09 19:13
by GeZe
Look at the chat.
We were taking the flag, when one of DB's heat rounds accidentally hit some friendlies. He of course apologized.
Then this guy replies:
This is sort of wierd, I was in a truck and it flipped:
And the ever popular civilian smooshing:
Posted: 2007-06-09 20:48
by dbzao
lol... I don't want to point fingers but the guilty of all those TKs was Falkun that spawned at the driver seat of the warrior and made it bounce all crazy and then my cannon hit them...
Posted: 2007-06-09 21:25
by Outlawz7
Yeah, btw, whats up with the IFV bouncing, when someone spawns in the driver seat?
The USMC APC never did that...
Posted: 2007-06-09 21:27
by Outlawz7
Ok, this one is just weird...
Posted: 2007-06-09 21:29
by eddie
Outlawz wrote:Yeah, btw, whats up with the IFV bouncing, when someone spawns in the driver seat?
The USMC APC never did that...
The USMC APC isn't phat like the Warrior.
Posted: 2007-06-09 21:47
by Desertfox
'[R-DEV wrote:dbzao']lol... I don't want to point fingers but the guilty of all those TKs was Falkun that spawned at the driver seat of the warrior and made it bounce all crazy and then my cannon hit them...
Did the same thing happen when you tk'd me on kashan
Posted: 2007-06-10 01:15
by daranz
Here, civvie civvie!
Keep on truckin'
Don't do it, Ahmed!
This poor guy kept getting pelted with rocks... and couldn't do anything about it!
Riding in a car, insurgent style
Mine happy?
Base rape underway
I can reach the sky!
I wonder how this guy can aim...
Two is better than one!
What's wrong with this picture?
Wait, what?
Posted: 2007-06-14 11:11
by Butmonkey
Posted: 2007-06-14 19:02
by brianFL1
Couple Random ones from me...
200 km/h !!!
Giant Civ
Die hard batteries
Posted: 2007-06-21 05:12
by hoc_xfirestormx
so, guys, get me more screenshots so i can make neato wallpapers and the such. i havent gotten the chance to lately, especially since its so difficult for me to get good screenshots (i have a laptop). anyway, here is the new wallpaper i made, the setting isnt as good as my previous ones... the wall on the left is lit up for what appears to be no real reason, but its actually the muzzle flash light. but since pr has no muzzle flash... yeah. magic light that im too lazy to fix. anyway, hope you guys like it:
normal is better...
i will upgrade the normal one to 1280 x 1024 when i get the chance. there are a few issues with both of them. anyway, feedback please fo sho.
Posted: 2007-06-21 06:48
by hoc_xfirestormx
PlayPR! wrote:Wow, you should really make one of those for each army...
Could I have a copy in 1680 X 1050 for my desktop? That would be an awsome wall paper!
anyway, fo sho, i will work on a bigger normal resolution wallpaper for the new usmc tomorrow.
im also planning on doing pr .6 sigs to get people into it. basically people will get to put a sig of their favorite kit into their signature. i dunno if people will like it (most people like custom sigs), but ill have fun making them in any case.
Posted: 2007-06-21 20:45
by Alex6714
I like those backgrounds, I´m using one now if thats ok!
Here are my 2 for now.
Posted: 2007-06-21 22:49
by .:iGi:.U.G.H.
The release of 0.606 RC1 led to a certain squad cutting a rug down in Kashan.
Posted: 2007-06-22 18:20
by hoc_xfirestormx
Posted: 2007-06-24 06:52
by DarkTalon