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Posted: 2007-09-20 01:23
by agentscar
I'm loving the patch so far,especially the new Brit. desert skin,but the AH-64 Apache Longbow being taken out of Al Basrah,and sounding near silent,along with the wrench being removed from the crewman kit :| was the only dissapointment.GREAT JOB ON PATCH,been waiting on it. :razz:

Posted: 2007-09-20 06:57
by dbzao
Some other screenshots I took:

Posted: 2007-09-20 08:20
by Outlawz7
zeidmaan wrote:Is it possible that you actually didnt pull the parachute?
Instructor says pressing 9 once is never enough. :D

From The Pwn3d Life :p

Posted: 2007-09-20 08:58
by Harmless_Mad_Man

After a year I can finally play again! WOOOP :D

Amazing work you've done! :shock:

Posted: 2007-09-20 09:08
by zeidmaan
Outlawz wrote:Instructor says pressing 9 once is never enough. :D

From The Pwn3d Life :p
yeah I remember that :) Also with the increased view distance it feels like you are falling much slower. Remember kids, everything is relative.

Anyway anyone else having problems with that end round summary thing. You know the score tab, best players and best squads tab, than the tab with best combat, teamwork, medic, rifleman etc. I played few rounds yesterday on iGi and after every round I got the same summary from mestia (first round I played). Even when it switched to Ejod, I kept getting the summary from Mestia ???

Posted: 2007-09-20 14:41
by StalkerZERO
Ummm....I apologize in advanced if this has been asked before but....
Isn't the rifle for the rifleman's kit suppose to have an acog scope or something? I think you guys mentioned it was supposed to be but was left out of the 0.6 update. Its kind of silly for a rifle to have that kind of zoom without a scope.
Its just that I thought it was going to be included in any new patch....thats all.

*ducks doesn't want to get hit*

Posted: 2007-09-20 14:45
by dbzao
We never said it was coming in the patch. It's a 0.7 thing.

Posted: 2007-09-20 14:59
by [EC]DR.NOobFragger
ya... i like the Apache and the Silence in the cockpit and in the tanks... its really nice... but it seems like it takes longer for me to load into PR and Out of PR... i havent changed any settings or anything exept installing .61... but anyways.. nice work on the Skins and the patch guys.

Posted: 2007-09-20 16:01
by Onil
Well i think i only pressed the parachute key once but i could hear the sound of the parachute and i don't think the fall was that quick for me not to be using the parachute... anyway i will test it again and see if it works.

Posted: 2007-09-20 21:35
by General Dragosh
Its a nice SILENT fix for vehicles.......but i dont like when its too silent, too bad that u cant hear the engine instead if the SILENCE... !

Posted: 2007-09-21 03:59
by pasfreak
yeah i want engine sounds and NOT air whooshing sounds or gravel sounds.

Posted: 2007-09-21 05:38
by AfterDune
Well, I kinda like it to be honest. I just imagine I'm wearing that hat-thing with the silencers in it (or whatever it's called).
But I have to get used to it a bit, 'cause last night on Mestia, people were shooting all around me, I could see 'em do it, but couldn't hear the gunfire :o . So.. being more cautious with armor is what one needs to be now ;) .

Posted: 2007-09-21 06:12
by -=TB=-Tobakfromcuba
release.61 = beauty

Posted: 2007-09-21 11:02
by Le_Damner
After some hours of playing : Realy nice ! Very good looking skins for British ! Thanks to have put the two tower flags on Mestia grey ...

Posted: 2007-09-22 13:11
by agentscar
WOOT,I'm with you Emnyron!

Posted: 2007-09-22 14:41
by hurts
Eheheh! I was just playing World in Conflict, rembered this, and find epicness! And also, was that a russian team i saw in the screenshots? > :D ...FOR THE MOTHERLAND!

Posted: 2007-09-22 22:50
by (IDF)ZedTank
Great mod, great update. i just don't understand why crewmen can't fix their tanks and apcs anymore? crewman, at list where i come ffrom have the tools and equipment to fix various types of damage from chains to armor damage..Image

Posted: 2007-09-23 08:20
by AfterDune
(IDF)ZedTank wrote:Great mod, great update. i just don't understand why crewmen can't fix their tanks and apcs anymore? crewman, at list where i come ffrom have the tools and equipment to fix various types of damage from chains to armor damage..Image
I see where you're coming from. The problem however is that one-man tanks for example could do hit-and-runs. They get hit, they retreat, quickly repair and attack again. Whilst in real life it takes just a liiitle longer to repair a tank ( ;) ), in-game it's a matter of seconds. To get rid of hit-and-runs and to "force" teamwork, you now need an engineer to repair your armor. If no engy is around, you better be careful! :)

Posted: 2007-09-23 14:34
by sav112
Can someone tell if its safe to delete BF2 mods folder before I install this new pr from scratch?

Thanks lads!