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Re: [Model] British Soldier Model [WIP]

Posted: 2009-06-03 19:28
by Squaddie09
Thank you all for your kind words, I didnt realise it would recieve such interest already :smile: Its great so see that people like it, makes it worth while.

Re: [Model] British Soldier Model [WIP]

Posted: 2009-06-04 09:48
by CareBear
[R-CON]162eRI wrote:Waooo, that's an amazing work you've done you two!!!
This mod will become soon English Project Reality LOL
Can't wait to see more of your models and work.
that was one of the main reasons for project reality, to implement the british army ;-)

looks ace squaddie :D

keep at it mate!

Re: [Model] British Soldier Model [WIP]

Posted: 2009-06-04 20:16
by Squaddie09

Re: [Model] British Soldier Model [WIP]

Posted: 2009-06-04 20:24
by Morgan

But looking cool. Is that a radio whip? What kit geom is that on?

Re: [Model] British Soldier Model [WIP]

Posted: 2009-06-04 20:28
by Scot
Nice work man :)

Re: [Model] British Soldier Model [WIP]

Posted: 2009-06-04 20:30
by Squaddie09
Yea, just been playing around with the animations in max thats all, needed a bit of practice.

The radio is inside the backpack, I just put it there for effect really. But the current kit geom you can see is for the rifleman, but will have a camelbak, where as the officer will have the daypack.

Re: [Model] British Soldier Model [WIP]

Posted: 2009-06-04 20:36
by Rudd

I wonder, will you make the fabrics less smooth?

Re: [Model] British Soldier Model [WIP]

Posted: 2009-06-04 20:39
by Squaddie09
I will, infact im currently working on the bump map as we speak

Re: [Model] British Soldier Model [WIP]

Posted: 2009-06-04 20:39
by Rudd
awesome :)

Re: [Model] British Soldier Model [WIP]

Posted: 2009-06-04 20:41
by jbgeezer
Wow, that image there is just lovely!

Re: [Model] British Soldier Model [WIP]

Posted: 2009-06-04 21:39
by Damian|PL
I think they are looking good, but too clean.

Re: [Model] British Soldier Model [WIP]

Posted: 2009-06-05 04:14
by fOgGy
Here's a good example of a British soldier texture model -


Re: [Model] British Soldier Model [WIP]

Posted: 2009-06-05 07:12
by Priby
tbh i think you need to work on the proportions again.
The size and colour of the camo patterns seems a bit odd too.
And as Damian said, the uniform is too clean and too smooth.
But thats just my 2 cents :P

Re: [Model] British Soldier Model [WIP]

Posted: 2009-06-05 09:12
by motherdear
yeah as the other guys said the proportions are still off, if you want real good feedback on it post it over at in the WIP section and they will give you some really good feedback on what exactly needs changing. but remember to supply them with wireframe shots :)

Re: [Model] British Soldier Model [WIP]

Posted: 2009-06-05 10:37
by Rudd
The body proportions don't look too bad to me, once he's roughed it up the fabric will look alot better I think

But the boots look a bit thick, like his feet are swollen

Re: [Model] British Soldier Model [WIP]

Posted: 2009-06-05 14:29
by Squaddie09
proportions are exactly the same as the bf2 models, before I began work on the texture, I completely rescaled the unit to match the bf2 ones as I was having problems with it.

I based the camo texture on my own, newly issued Desert 95s. The camo is much darker when new, obviously because of general wear and tear and due to the sun. I decided to stick with the newer camo than older camo as it just generally looks nicer.

I know he looks a little too clean, I will change that after I have finished the bump and normal maps for him, so it should look a little more realistic.

Thanks for the comments though, its good to see where im going wrong and I would rather change it while still in development that find out once ive finished the model.

Re: [Model] British Soldier Model [WIP]

Posted: 2009-06-05 16:30
by Mongolian_dude
I dunno, those proportions still look a it bloated in places.

For example, to me those boots look pretty monstrous and chunky. The same goes for the shin-calve area. Where legs naturally begin to decrease in diameter as they approach the ankle and foot, it would seem they remain fairly large and perhaps increase in size.

I dunno about this one, but i kinna get the feeling that the helmets looks a little like those used in the opening boarding assault in starwars: a new hope. :)


Re: [Model] British Soldier Model [WIP]

Posted: 2009-06-08 23:59
by eenis
looks like youre making the model for the Empire Total war mod "Nations at War" also?

kinda strange...


LOL heres an Update before the author got to it!
The new British Texture after the link!Nations at War -Modern Combat 'BRITISH SOLDIER - NEW TEXTURE PREVIEW' - Total War Center Forums

Re: [Model] British Soldier Model [WIP]

Posted: 2009-06-09 00:01
by Rudd
^Since he's not afiliated with BSS isn't the model his property with no constraints?? or joint property of who has worked on it (Tonnie and him?)

So he can use it where he pleases?

I'm really interested in ur ETW mod...though you're in for a real challenge to make that engine work for you...especially with those crappy garrison behaviours.

Re: [Model] British Soldier Model [WIP]

Posted: 2009-06-09 00:13
by eenis
^I would assume so

i have no faith in the ETW mod though, the wrong engine for the mod IMHO.