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Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 18:05
by maarit
if i decrease view distance scale from video options is it same thing when you have decreased view distance in 0.91?
is there anymore fixes what will do perfomance better?

im just scared cos changing those video options just dont give me result what i want.
my pc is **** but everything in low,everything off and view distance lowered 50% and getting still below 20 fps.
I JUST NEED 30! ;)

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 18:40
by SGT_Griggs
Exitin insidde the chinook!? :D

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 19:01
by motherdear
maarit wrote:if i decrease view distance scale from video options is it same thing when you have decreased view distance in 0.91?
is there anymore fixes what will do perfomance better?
yeah pretty much, but ingame there is a "fog" just before the view distance ends, this results in the view distance not being so drastic. if you reduce the video option though this fog won't follow and results in the game looking like ****.

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 19:16
by Tannhauser
Glad that these changes are being made... Have the sidewalks been fixed themselves? I heard they were the main reason Fallujah was a lagfest?

It also seems to be the same issue I experience when looking at too many of Rhino's new overgrowth fields on Qwai.

Looking forward to see if I will be able to play on something else than low for 0.91! :)

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 19:39
by Arnoldio
And yeah, forgot to mention, exiting in chinooks fuselage is win!

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 20:06
by dbzao
hmm that was actually reverted, should be removed from the list.

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 20:08
by usmcguy
is the up armored hummer going to be added?

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 20:22
by alec89
usmcguy wrote:is the up armored hummer going to be added?
As they said, "no new assets will be added in this patch". 0.92 will have new assets. Thats what I heard.

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 21:26
by Dragonfire43560
How drastic is the performance increase?

Is it as good as .87?

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 21:29
by Spartan0189
Good to see an improvement on Fallujah :D

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 21:30
by All_American_Pilot
these are some good changes, hopefully fix all that lag on fallujah people complain about

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 21:33
by frankwilliam
I really hope that the random fps drops is fixed, or else...!

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 21:49
by ZephyrDark
Added rangefinder to GLTD.
Me thinks markers might be disappearing soon.., or at least losing their range-finding ability.

Good changes though. Can't wait to play with less FPS drops. :D

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 22:26
by Human_001
Have you guys fixed the QBZ-95B rate of fire for Chinese crewman yet?

It should be at 800RPM, and normal rifle at 650RPM.

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-08 02:12
by Jafar Ironclad
Will Lashkar Valley have a Dome of Death for British main base?

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-08 06:15
by AFsoccer
Thanks for all the awesome work! We really appreciate the constant "love" that you guys put into this mod!!

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-08 06:42
by mangeface
[R-DEV]Chuc wrote:Darkside - Indeed we are still developing our own FN MAG to use, which is why no updates on the matter have been given out yet.
Well, that's enought info to keep me happy.


Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-08 07:23
by LarryEF
Looks fantastic! Hope this patch helps the people who have problems since 0.9!

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-08 13:35
by Andy[EEF]
McLuv wrote:Don't like the reduction of View distance on maps. SE is already pretty horid when it comes to attack helicopter gunning and landing aircraft.
Agree fully. I mean, the view distance is short of what it should be already (on Silent Eagle), and the fact that the havoc gunner camera has a filter on it, as well as the fact it is such a dark map, its hard enough gunning as it is. With an even lower view distance you'll have to be forced to fly even lower in order for the gunner to see things (or in this case not see them), and then risk being shot by a tank that can probably elevate to hit you without even being on a hill.

You might as well put a frogfoot on the map instead because I don't see the point in having a havoc if you're not able to see any targets yourself and thereby being forced to fire at targets from beyond visual range to avoid being shot down by armour; the frogfoot does a much better job as that role (firing from beyond visual range) than the havoc does.

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-08 20:45
by Ratking
Thank you, good job Devs, looking forward to seeing v0.92 changelog this year too ;)