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Re: F|H Invictus clan

Posted: 2010-10-07 17:39
by xxxpsychoxxx
dutch wrote:Will do bro :) you bring the shoarma ;)



U know what is shoarma is ? :grin:

Re: F|H Invictus clan

Posted: 2010-10-07 17:49
by Glimmerman
xxxpsychoxxx wrote:LoL


U know what is shoarma is ? :grin:
Who doesnt :) had it yesterday, yummie, with garlic sauce :razz:

Re: F|H Invictus clan

Posted: 2010-10-17 11:16
by dutch
Tonight F|H Invictus is fighting vs RIP Rusty on Beirout.

We try to have a war vs another clan once a week, upcoming week we fight vs PR.IT and the week after vs COFRA, both in a 32 vs 32 format.

We have a 60+ men strong clan and it is devided in different units, see below.

We are stil recruiting but we only look for dedicated players that also like to pub during the week. We are very organized and each unit takes care of their training.

Here are our units, if you are interested to join Invictus then apply here Forgotten Honor - Where Teamwork Meets Gaming or pm me here or reply to this thread. You can also find us on the Invictus public server almost every night.
2eme Regiment Etranger de Parachutistes
"2 REP"

As a frontline unit you will engage enemies at close range as a semi-independent unit relying mostly on your units own skill and expertise. Your main task is to secure the frontline objectives and turn them into an impenetrable fortress wich the enemy cannot capture. Defense is your priority but be ready for attack.

To deal with the lack of mobility you may be give permission to use motorized unarmored vehicles or the transportation services by the 1st Logistical Company. You may be deployed by helicopter or paradrop.

You start as a Legionnaire. First you should master the assault rifle, medic kit, specialist kit and machine gun.

Thereafter you move up and can gain permission to use any of the limited kits. You should try obtain basic knowledge of all limited kits and basic kits. The officer of your unit will give you the necessary instruction if you have trouble with a certain weapon.

You can also obtain permission to operate armoured personnel carriers in combat. The permission is available at trainings. Ask your officer for more information.

Enjoy your stay and fight for Invictus. Your officer is dutch.


82nd Light Infantry Company

Operating mainly as a light infantry company your task is to clean up behind the enemy lines. You do not operate heavy vehicles on your own behalf but are rather focused as a die-hard infantry unit. Therefore it is very important to master all smallarms kits. You are deployed by helicopter or paradrop.

You start as a Legionnaire. First you should master the assaultrifle, medickit, specialistkit and machinegun.

Thereafter you move up and are permitted to get a permission for any of the limited kits. You should try obtain master knowledge of all limited kits and basic kits. The officer of your unit will give you the necessary instruction if you have trouble with a certain weapon.

In combat you may only use the weapon that you are permitted from your officer. Permissions are usually available at trainings.

If you wish to become a squadleader you should have master knowledge of all basic kits and limited kits.

Enjoy your stay and fight for Invictus. Your officer is Mikeros

666th Mechanized Infantry Company
"Ivy Mike"

As a frontline unit you will engage enemies at close range with a reliable support of your own armoured personnel carriers. Be prepared to defend and attack. This unit also hosts the armoured platoon.

You start as a Legionnaire. First you should master the assaultrifle, medickit, specialistkit and machinegun.

Thereafter you move up and are permitted to get a permission for any of the limited kits. You should try obtain basic knowledge of all limited kits and basic kits. The officer of your unit will give you the necessary instruction if you have trouble with a certain weapon.

You can also obtain permission to operate armoured personnel carriers in combat. The permission is available at trainings. Ask your officer for more information.

In combat you may only use the weapon or vehicle that you are permitted from your officer.

If you wish to become a squadleader you should have basic knowledge of all basic kits and the knowledge how to operate an armored personnel carrier.

Enjoy your stay and fight for Invictus. Your officer is Pesticide.


10th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion

Responsible for the supply of ammo and butter to the frontline and our soldiers. We operate the supplytrucks, transportation helicopters, construct steady bases, mortar support, build bridges and footholds and sometimes even assist our main frontline-infantry in their duties.

You start as a Legionnaire. First you should master the assaultrifle, medickit, specialistkit and machinegun.

Thereafter you move up and are permitted to get a permission for any of the limited kits. You should try obtain basic knowledge of all limited kits and basic kits. The officer of your unit will give you the necessary instruction if you have trouble with a certain weapon.

In combat you may only use the weapon that you are permitted from your officer. Permissions are gained at trainings.

Enjoy your stay and fight for Invictus. Your officers are Icratox and Scharfschutze94.

In combat you may only use the weapon or vehicle that you are permitted for.

If you wish to become a squad leader you should have basic knowledge of all basic kits and the knowledge how to operate an armoured personnel carrier.

Enjoy your stay and fight for Invictus. Your officer is Icratox.

Re: F|H Invictus clan

Posted: 2010-10-21 14:34
by Delta-01
yo dutch mate, throw us a link for that wararrangers, i cant find it on there site or forums,

cheers bro


also how is rage havent seen him recently?

Re: F|H Invictus clan

Posted: 2010-10-21 20:22
by MikeBeehan
Rage retired for his service at F|H due to Real Life (I think) Lol

Re: F|H Invictus clan

Posted: 2010-10-22 09:26
by dutch
Hey Delta,

Good that you ask for that link, it is the site to be at with your clan, we are arranging fights every week and there are already over 8 clans active and more coming, this sunday there is a 32 vs 32 fight with PR.IT + RIP vs F|H Invictus + IDF on Jabal al Burj and upcoming week the 31st sunday there is another 32 vs 32 fight and also a scrim 16 vs 16 where RIP needs an oponant, would be very interesting to you guys that scrim.

The link is:

If there is anything ask me.

Rage had to step down for a while with RL getting to much atm, he is good and healthy but he needed time to help others, and take care of his own stuff.

He will be back and he will visiti your forums to say hi when he does.

Re: F|H Invictus clan

Posted: 2010-10-24 22:21
by xxxpsychoxxx
Hey guys , it was a good game tonight VS RIP/ PR.IT .

They kicked ur buts but, it still was a great game mate

The IDF Clan got ur back guys :)

Hope to play with u soon ...

Re: F|H Invictus clan

Posted: 2010-10-30 11:26
by dutch
xxxpsychoxxx wrote:Hey guys , it was a good game tonight VS RIP/ PR.IT .

They kicked ur buts but, it still was a great game mate

The IDF Clan got ur back guys :)

Hope to play with u soon ...

Yeah ashame I was not there, damnit. tomorrow evening we will take our revenge against RIP in a skirmish on Kokan :) Tonight we also will be on the servers with some Invictus squads, hope to see the other clans also.

And last we are still recruiting for new dediacted blood fellas, join Invictus!

Re: F|H Invictus clan

Posted: 2010-11-12 13:40
by dutch
Always recruiting lads, sign up for a good organized clan here:

Forgotten Honor - Where Teamwork Meets Gaming

Re: F|H Invictus clan

Posted: 2010-11-23 23:51
by dutch
Looking for pilots, supply personel and the infantry units needs recruits also. So we are recruiting :)


Posted: 2010-11-26 23:20
by xXxM@DxXx
hi whats up m8 how are u doing ? :)

i want to let u know that my clan cant join tournaments on sundays and saturdays everyone is working early the next day' so if it will be possible to make the tournaments on fridays and thursdays it will be awsome !

anyway good luck in the upcoming tournament on the 28\10 kick *** !


Re: F|H Invictus clan

Posted: 2010-11-30 11:31
by dutch
Oki mate, cheers for the headsup. FU is joining us in the upcoming match this saturday.

Re: F|H Invictus clan

Posted: 2010-11-30 12:04
by dutch
1st post updated with medals, badges and ribbons you can earn being part of [F|H] Invictus.

Re: F|H Invictus clan

Posted: 2010-11-30 15:36
by Sir.Grossi
For which medal to I qualify, for comming up with a Strategy that lead to your Victory on Sunday??


To clarify, I was CO for the opposing team! ;)


Re: F|H Invictus clan

Posted: 2010-11-30 17:48
by dutch

Well I can throw you a ribbon ;)

I hear it was a good fight mate, the lads enjoyed it allot, we are now up for this saturday, we got a 32 vs 32 fight on Asad Kahl vs ODS:Sierra + GDW + LP

Great to have these organized matches, I really love it, thanks for te good fight mate and up to the next one!

Re: F|H Invictus clan

Posted: 2010-12-05 22:23
by seb120
We had an awesome fight today with UNSTF, they won first round 69-64 tickets and we won second round 64-0 tickets. I seriously recommend join invictus if you want intense battles and organized play.


Re: F|H Invictus clan

Posted: 2010-12-05 22:45
by Delta-01
well played lads great fight !!!! can you ask the guy who threw a grenade in my face for my teeth back :)

special credit to your sniper.


Re: F|H Invictus clan

Posted: 2010-12-14 14:58
by dutch
Great game Delta :) We really enjoyed it allot.

Still recruiting fellas, we need some good players that also love to hang out on teamspeak 3 and play pubgames with us in F|H Invictus squads, the more the better :)

Forgotten Honor - Where Teamwork Meets Gaming

Re: F|H Invictus clan

Posted: 2010-12-25 12:15
by dutch
A christmas bump :)