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Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95
Posted: 2010-10-03 01:58
by JohnnyTheIED
DeltaFart wrote:Ewwww dude really?
Doesnt it intrigue you to think that, given that we all cream our pants over .95, Anthrax actually goes sprinkler over it?
Think about it, hes surfing these threads *commando*.

Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95
Posted: 2010-10-03 02:49
by =Toasted=
JohnnyTheIED wrote:
Think about it, hes surfing these threads *commando*.
I would rather not think about it, thanks.
Also, Foregrips ftw.
Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95
Posted: 2010-10-03 09:52
by usmcguy
shit! Ive been wanting that HMMWV bad..
Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95
Posted: 2010-10-05 06:51
by EW_SK
Now theese are very cool weapons and sight , but question
I think i read somewhere that Specialist kit will be requestable , so will you be able to choose beetween the mossberg 590 or the M1014 and if you take like the M590 you 'll have an EOTECH and if you take the M1014 you'll have aim point or vice versa.
And how with the brits will you choose beetween ACOG , SUSAT and iron sight?
Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95
Posted: 2010-10-05 12:36
by spawncaptain
EW_SK wrote:And how with the brits will you choose beetween ACOG , SUSAT and iron sight?
Maybe a new kit selection system where you can customize your weapon is the secret new feature that has yet to be revealed.
Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95
Posted: 2010-10-05 12:55
by Outlawz7
Err, no there isn't one. It's same as always, support/alternate kits get ironsights, most will get ACOG and a few keep the SUSAT sight.
Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95
Posted: 2010-10-05 12:57
by spawncaptain
Thanks Outlawz, now I have, again, absolutely no idea what that secret feature might be.

Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95
Posted: 2010-10-05 13:02
by Maxfragg
is it really that hard to guess?
Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95
Posted: 2010-10-05 13:08
by usmcguy
I need to know for shure if that HMMWV is gonna be in 0.95! I keep getting mixed answers..
Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95
Posted: 2010-10-05 13:33
by Snazz
usmcguy wrote:I need to know for shure if that HMMWV is gonna be in 0.95! I keep getting mixed answers..
Based on Pride's response and the trailer, it's not going to be in 0.95.
'[R-DEV wrote:Pride;1454525']One of these is statements is wrong...but which one is it?!
- Up-Armored HMMWV will probably not been in,
- British kit geo will more than likely stay the same.
New British kit geo can be seen in the trailer multiple times and the same old HMMWV appears at 2:01.
Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95
Posted: 2010-10-05 13:37
by usmcguy
ok thanks snazz
Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95
Posted: 2010-10-05 15:28
by driver-ch-driver
Sexy new L85 handguards are sexy.
Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95
Posted: 2010-10-05 19:34
by dtacs
Maxfragg wrote:is it really that hard to guess?
Its easy to guess, the hard part is being confident in it.
Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95
Posted: 2010-10-05 19:40
by Jaymz
The new Up-Armoured HMMWV won't be in this release. Definitely in the next one though.
Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95
Posted: 2010-10-05 20:21
by Herbiie
Nebsif wrote:L85 is still not smexy
L85 if the sexiest gun in the world!
Thank God there's still L85s with SUSAT, I didn't see any in the Trailer lol
Hope More guys have SUSAT than ACOG, only Infantry people get ACOGs atm, whereas most troops (likely the Lowly Yeomanry types

) Get SUSAT (My Suggestion would be Officer & Rifleman ACOG, Specialist SUSAT, Grenadier ACOG, LAT ACOG, Rest SUSAT).
Looking awesome though

Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95
Posted: 2010-10-05 20:21
by pfhatoa
[R-DEV]Jaymz wrote:The new Up-Armoured HMMWV won't be in this release. Definitely in the next one though.
Will this next release be v1.0?
Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95
Posted: 2010-10-06 00:15
so the US lost the Beneli M4? ? ? Why? ? ?
Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95
Posted: 2010-10-06 00:58
by WhatMan
Brits can't aim so we added a EOTECH on the shotgun
jk <3
Again very beautiful work there DEV's
Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95
Posted: 2010-10-06 01:20
by Rhino
pfhatoa wrote:Will this next release be v1.0?
Next version will most likley be v0.96 and I wouldn't say the HMWWV would be defiantly in there myself, all depends on if who ever is working on it has time to work on it as we all do have r/l stuff going on that can all stop things dead in there tracks.
Re: US/UK Arsenal Additions for v0.95
Posted: 2010-10-06 10:25
by usmcguy
I hope it is.