Gonna drop the old [F|H] tag.

Or put it at the end of the line.
Nice idea! Love it!
EDIT: Had some trouble combining the tags since the prefix cant be unlimitedly long, but now I am happy, check out the attachment.
Looking forward to play with other f-tards!
Again - very great idea. This way we can have a good idea of "how skilled" the teams are. Having the tag means that the guy was in the forums and this is already a big step forward for a new guy.

And new guys will have to know who to ask if they have questions.
Not being an f-tard also means not saying "GO RTFM" all the time.

Usually I help the guy out 2-3 times and then I say that after this great round which I am enjoying because he is learning so fast he should quit the game for half an hour, make himself a cup of tea and read the manual in detail to be prepared for more difficult matches.
That usually gives em enough motivation. Had people grabt their old mic out and restart the game to be able to communicate properly.
Absolutely love new guys.
But enuff my chit chat, let the # begin!