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Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2014-03-19 04:37
by waldov
Yeah id love to see Grozny in PR, lord only knows how much we need another good city assault map (the best maps imo).

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2014-03-19 11:39
by Daniel
Wow, map reminds me of Prypjat outskirts BF2 map... :)

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2014-03-19 16:46
by Spook
Dont scrap it please. Really looking forward for this.

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2014-03-19 16:48
by Psyrus
Yeah don't give up! Admittedly there's a whole bunch to do after you've finalized static placement, but you've done a fantastic job so far... I'm sure you can make it the last stretch :)

Of course, take as long a break as you need :)

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2014-03-20 13:30
by Ason
Thanks for the support guys, it's really nice to know there's some demand for the map. I actually started working on it again today :)

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2014-03-25 05:57
by Ason
Is it possible to generate secondary terrains that fit to the primary terrain with the editor?

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2014-03-25 07:32
by Amok@ndy
not with the editor but with an additional tool

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2014-03-26 06:06
by Ason
[R-DEV]Amok@ndy wrote:not with the editor but with an additional tool
Aha, which tool would that be? You mean a program where I put in my primary heightmap and all the secondary terrains are generated?

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2014-03-26 06:34
by Rhino
Ason wrote:Aha, which tool would that be? You mean a program where I put in my primary heightmap and all the secondary terrains are generated?
I think the tool Andy is on about is a tool that takes your primary heightmap, and then reflects it into all the surrounding terrain slots (which btw you can also do by hand but easier done with the tool).

I wouldn't recommend doing this myself, especially if your map has a long VD as then you will be able to easily see the reflections, especially if your terrain has any significant details like a river or valley and even more so if its a small map.

The best way to go about making surrounding terrain is you make it at the same time you make your primary. but this isn't an option for you but something to note for later if you make another one after this as then you don't run into this problem and you get a far better result, which is what I ended up doing for Muttrah v2 (although tbh could do much better now but it dose the job). If I had just reflected the pri terrain there the USS Essex would have just ended up in a pond rather than be in the sea and would have been very obvious :p

There isn't a tool however that at least I'm aware of that will generate new terrain, based on your primary heightmap to go around it without reflecting your primary.

The simplest fix is just to reflect your heightmap but I would strongly advise after doing this to then do significant edits to them in PS or in the editor (easier in PS) to remove any cloned significant details and to add some new hills/valleys etc. This is what I ended up doing for Muttrah v2 (although could do much better now but it dose the job), if I had just reflected the pri terrain the USS Essex would have just ended up sitting in a rather large pound and would have been very obvious :p

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2014-03-26 14:43
by Ason
[R-DEV]Rhino wrote:I think the tool Andy is on about is a tool that takes your primary heightmap, and then reflects it into all the surrounding terrain slots (which btw you can also do by hand but easier done with the tool).

I wouldn't recommend doing this myself, especially if your map has a long VD as then you will be able to easily see the reflections, especially if your terrain has any significant details like a river or valley and even more so if its a small map.

...The simplest fix is just to reflect your heightmap but I would strongly advise after doing this to then do significant edits to them in PS or in the editor (easier in PS) to remove any cloned significant details and to add some new hills/valleys etc.
Thanks for the info Rhino. The VD is only 500-600m so I guess I can do it this way, and then as you say, edit the unique parts which is probably only the river :) does someone know the name of this tool?

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2014-03-26 15:27
by Amok@ndy
its called BGF v2 Heightmap Tool
make sure its the v2 version other version cant do this step

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2014-03-27 04:03
by sylent/shooter
I use my own method that I highly recommend using Ason.

It is linked under the tutorial section if you haven't noticed it yet. Though I digress you do need to have photoshop installed to use this tutorial properly. But the effects can be quite nice and will look so much better and unique than what the BF2heightmapgenerator will make... Plus, it cuts down on unnecessary detail :)

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2014-03-27 04:26
by Rhino
Video doesn't work atm and don't really have time to watch it. Can you give the jist of it?

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2014-03-27 04:47
by Daniel
sylent/shooter, the stuff that needs to be done in the video (which doesn't work atm. as we all realized) can most probably be done also in the Photoshop-freeware-alternative called "Paint.NET", since "Ason" might not have Photoshop! ;)

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2014-03-27 05:05
by sylent/shooter
Ya I realize the video doesn't work right now. I really don't know why it isn't working :S.

I downloaded the file from youtube and it isn't corrupted. I'll upload it again tomorrow. But the jist of it is basically using the difference cloud filter in photoshop to create a .raw file for the secondary terrain and then stitching it by hand together to match the edge of the primary terrain.

Creates really dynamic and interesting secondary terrain that is highly unique and customizable but still looks really good :) .

Also cuts down on unneeded finite detail that would otherwise be recreated when flipping the primary heightmap. It works especially good if you have weird things on the edge of the map, like mountains going right to the edge.

EDIT: Video is now up

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2014-03-28 03:19
Ason wrote:Nope, I just got a small part left to build on the city but I'm out of motivation, but I might pick it up again soon. Thanks for your interest :)

Hey Ason, just posting some encouragement. I'm very excited to your map come to, and it's looking very promising. Just take a look through this thread whenever you feel less likely to map, the people of PR want Grozny to be a map and we think you can do it.

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2014-03-28 10:48
by Ason
[quote=""'[R-CON"]sylent/shooter;1993821']I use my own method that I highly recommend using Ason.

It is linked under the tutorial section if you haven't noticed it yet. Though I digress you do need to have photoshop installed to use this tutorial properly. But the effects can be quite nice and will look so much better and unique than what the BF2heightmapgenerator will make... Plus, it cuts down on unnecessary detail :)[/quote]

I did that tutorial once but it felt like a bit too much work for the results but I think it was because of my low skill level, I might give it a try again but for now I managed to get pretty good results with the generator.

EDIT: I figured out the first problem but I ran into another one...Can someone explain how to paint the secondary terrain with t-paint? Most tutorials skip that step:/ I always end up with the green/non-painted color. The primary terrain gets the correct colors.

[quote="FRENCH_FRIES""]Hey Ason, just posting some encouragement. I'm very excited to your map come to, and it's looking very promising. Just take a look through this thread whenever you feel less likely to map, the people of PR want Grozny to be a map and we think you can do it.[/quote]

Thanks m8, this gives me alot of energy to finish the map :)

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2014-03-30 11:39
by Ason
I thought it would be fun to see how my map has evolved over time, so I made one more video with the same path as the old one, I hope you like it, and suggestions are more than welcome, if you see some empty road and have an idea what to put there go ahead and tell me. Empty roads is my biggest problem atm :(
12 Aug 2013

30 Mar 2014

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2014-03-30 13:04
by Microwaife
Huuuuge jump forward, especially the lighting.
Love that there are some still relatively nice parts in the city, and then some really destroyed ones.

I'd put more cover on that plaza at 1:54 though...

Re: [Map] Assault on Grozny (2km) [WIP]

Posted: 2014-03-31 15:54
by Dukuu_npanop
Awesome work, Ason!
I think it will be the best reflection of Grozny Battle, compiled from the statics available in BF! Suburbs (little houses) are perfect to me, the only thing I can advise to you is that the city itself looks a bit Middle-Easternish: apartment houses are too close to the traffic ways, sidewalks are too narrow. It is usually a lot of room between the apartment house and the traffic ways in ex-Soviet cities. Here's google streetview link as an example:,52.008588,3a,75y,302.94h,69.71t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sZ2SeDAk_IFGAf6zITF0wig!2e0

It's up to you whether to implement it or not, anyways you have already made a great work. ;-)