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Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-21 23:52
by =Romagnolo=
you must send it to, hahahha

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-22 01:12
by LeChuckle
when i saw that head, the only word that i thought of was "SPAAARTAAAAA"

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-22 07:00
by ralfidude
Actually, dunno if anybody remembers theres a scene very much similar to that head in the oldie "the thing"

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-22 08:39
by (HUN)Rud3bwoy
ralfidude wrote:Actually, dunno if anybody remembers theres a scene very much similar to that head in the oldie "the thing"
Yep, except the head in the pic doesent have creepy spider legs and dont want to spit goo on people.

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-22 16:13
by ralfidude
Maybe it does....

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-22 19:18
by MaxBooZe
ralfidude wrote:On Ramiel, we had a cache spawn inside a building, and the US REALLY wanted to get to it....

At this point, you can tell just how badly they were after it....

I mean they REALLY REALLY wanted to take this thing down...

But eventually they just called in a mortar strike that blew the cache on the first hit.... Bastar*s!!
I was there, On the US team, Jesus I racked my kill up when I walked up there with the SAW and I could see 4 guys in one single room, I opened up on them badly..
After 30 seconds of shooting we noticed that the Insurgents kept spawning on the same damn cache all the time. It was endless.
I think just in 1 minute we had about >40 bodies.. seriously..

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-23 01:45
by Sgt. Ostrander
i love these :D

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-24 17:42
by masterceo
iGi server + mumble= epic win!


Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-24 18:39
by Smegburt_funkledink
masterceo wrote:iGi server + mumble= epic win!
And the screenshots? The idea is Mumble allows you to work close to other squads and communicate with them. Those screen shots would have been kool if each boat had a different squad in them, instead you took 3 for your 1 squad. Imagine assulting the beach with other squads along side you...

If you were using anything other than standard VOIP in those screens, you're daft. :p

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-24 18:43
by Pure_beef
Sgt.Smeg wrote:And the screenshots? The idea is Mumble allows you to work close to other squads and communicate with them. Those screen shots would have been kool if each boat had a different squad in them, instead you took 3 for your 1 squad. Imagine assulting the beach with other squads along side you...

If you were using anything other than standard VOIP in those screens, you're daft. :p
lol! mumble fail!

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-24 19:59
by masterceo
we used mumble to communicate with the fourth boat... then we took over a rock fortification 2 squads working together...

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-24 21:00
by HeXeY
Indeed we did :D

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-24 22:53
by DankE_SPB

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-24 22:55
by Rudd
Sgt.Smeg wrote:And the screenshots? The idea is Mumble allows you to work close to other squads and communicate with them. Those screen shots would have been kool if each boat had a different squad in them, instead you took 3 for your 1 squad. Imagine assulting the beach with other squads along side you...

If you were using anything other than standard VOIP in those screens, you're daft. :p
They had to use a 3 boat FSG to get us off swamp after we force their other attack off. Videos are incoming SOOOOON!

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-24 23:26
Dr2B Rudd wrote:They had to use a 3 boat FSG to get us off swamp after we force their other attack off. Videos are incoming SOOOOON!
I was watching you lot shoot at the boats with a captured chinese sniper rifle from your old firebase at the trench system on the hill. Was a good fight to watch.

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-24 23:32
by LeChuckle
IAJTHOMAS wrote:I was watching you lot shoot at the boats with a captured chinese sniper rifle from your old firebase at the trench system on the hill. Was a good fight to watch. ... 71f26b.png ... 39be52.png

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-24 23:36
by LeChuckle
went to mingle with 2 british squads, although i got close, they didnt appreciate my presence ... 1d3917.png

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-24 23:39
by Welshboy
LeChuck wrote:went to mingle with 2 british squads, although i got close, they didnt appreciate my presence ... 1d3917.png
That was great, we set a firebase just West of them and charged in with a technical. Later on i was a civilian and forgot i couldn't use the gun so i just drove past them shouting "DONT SHOOT ME IM A CIVILIAN!"

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-24 23:52
by Jigsaw
LeChuck wrote:went to mingle with 2 british squads, although i got close, they didnt appreciate my presence ... 1d3917.png
Lol, that was soooo funny we were just standing around doing our shit and all of a sudden we were like aaaaaah insurgent right f*cking there... lol

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-25 00:02
by Rudd
We seriously didn't have a clue u were there, too busy escaping from ur fire and bombcars.

oh and u can also see I'm having to alt tab to mute a dude