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Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-25 02:27
by Smegburt_funkledink
Dr2B Rudd wrote:They had to use a 3 boat FSG to get us off swamp after we force their other attack off. Videos are incoming SOOOOON!
Sweet, I didn't manage to spend to much time during Mumble night but it always adds to that unique exerience. :)

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-25 14:51
by masterceo
actually there were 4 boats assaulting swamp, but 1 got blown very early due to chinese HAT :(

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-25 14:58
by MaxBooZe
masterceo wrote:actually there were 4 boats assaulting swamp, but 1 got blown very early due to chinese HAT :(
Yes Jedimushroom was going wild with the HAT there :p

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-25 15:32
by Spaz

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-25 15:49
by hiberNative
i'm actually gonna do that too. didn't know there were that many RIBs.

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-25 20:06
by Outlawz7

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-25 20:14
by 503
Lol. reenactment of D-Day. What server was this on.

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-25 20:23
by ralfidude

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-25 20:30
by gazzthompson

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-25 20:34
by Cpl.Small
Eurocopter? Muttrah? Say wha?

anyway, this is the mini map from mumble night on iGi last night, US forces moving in :D


Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-25 20:43
by Rudd
I really wish I'd taken a screenie of the map when CHi attacked USA main on Qwai, perfect pincermovement.

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-26 08:56
by Spaz
503 wrote:What server was this on.

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-27 19:42
by Zrix
Run Forrest, run!


Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-28 04:02
by Spartan0189
I didn't know it could happen to Technicals D:

McLuv plays?!

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-28 09:11
by KarateDoug
although I did lose the mirage it's still a great shot

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-28 10:38
by Cheditor
Ahh the only thing that would of made that picture better is if the frog was blowing up in the background.

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-28 12:29
by KarateDoug
Cheditor wrote:Ahh the only thing that would of made that picture better is if the frog was blowing up in the background.
I wish. The chute was pulled by then.

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-28 12:31
by KarateDoug
Here's a few of my favorites. All of me.

Re: PR v0.85 Screenshots

Posted: 2009-05-28 15:44
by Rudd