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[Video] The Best Briefing EVER. LOL!

Posted: 2011-07-31 04:22
by AurianTitan
Server: TacticalGamer

We were desperately trying to hold docks on Operation Barracuda while attempting to capture airstrip but failed. So we remained defensive for the longest time. Our commander rallied us up for a briefing on tactics and strategy... then the most unfortunate happens...

Re: The Best Briefing EVER. LOL!

Posted: 2011-07-31 04:57
by dtacs
Noice, Foxxy obviously aliasing there :) You wouldn't have happened to be in the boats that assaulted docks eh? My squad shot those three boats that landed right on the beach, it was like D-Day, killed two of the boats with one leaving. We tried assaulting docks multiple times but got killed constantly :(

I left like halfway through, the GPO on Barracuda 16 is abysmally bad.

Re: The Best Briefing EVER. LOL!

Posted: 2011-07-31 05:14
by AurianTitan
dtacs wrote:Noice, Foxxy obviously aliasing there :) You wouldn't have happened to be in the boats that assaulted docks eh? My squad shot those three boats that landed right on the beach, it was like D-Day, killed two of the boats with one leaving. We tried assaulting docks multiple times but got killed constantly :(

I left like halfway through, the GPO on Barracuda 16 is abysmally bad.
Lol yeah, I was like, "That strangely sounds like Foxxy...." xD but the other Fox told me it was Foxxy. I was first or second(?) of the boats that hit the beachhead and died immediately lol.

Re: The Best Briefing EVER. LOL!

Posted: 2011-07-31 05:30
by Rhino
LMAO! I was on the other team and dbzao was on the mortars at airstrip hehe :D

Also it was our squad that was engaging you at waypoint E if you did end up going there :p

Re: The Best Briefing EVER. LOL!

Posted: 2011-07-31 05:38
by AurianTitan
[R-DEV]Rhino wrote:LMAO! I was on the other team and dbzao was on the mortars at airstrip hehe :D

Also it was our squad that was engaging you at waypoint E if you did end up going there :p
LOL freakin' db xD
that mortar literally killed like 10 people lol

I was gunna go to Waypoint E (in the middle of flight) until docks went neutral so we had to go back and defend it.

Re: The Best Briefing EVER. LOL!

Posted: 2011-07-31 07:02
by Foxxy
lol. best brief ever

THis wouldnt have happened with only the squadleaders came near me and the rest pulled up security xD

Re: The Best Briefing EVER. LOL!

Posted: 2011-07-31 07:37
by AurianTitan
Foxxy wrote:lol. best brief ever

THis wouldnt have happened with only the squadleaders came near me and the rest pulled up security xD
LoL, never do big briefings on the front lines xD. The carrier would be ok.

Re: The Best Briefing EVER. LOL!

Posted: 2011-07-31 08:20
by Bradley364
I think my random saluting really brought an air of authenticity to the whole briefing.

Re: The Best Briefing EVER. LOL!

Posted: 2011-07-31 11:12
by Curry
dtacs wrote:Noice, Foxxy obviously aliasing there :) You wouldn't have happened to be in the boats that assaulted docks eh? My squad shot those three boats that landed right on the beach, it was like D-Day, killed two of the boats with one leaving. We tried assaulting docks multiple times but got killed constantly :(

I left like halfway through, the GPO on Barracuda 16 is abysmally bad.
was that ur sqd at the corner of the docks - half in the water?

Re: The Best Briefing EVER. LOL!

Posted: 2011-07-31 11:29
by dtacs
No that was Absolute_Killer's, I got a firebase up just north of the Chinese main to try and make an assault on docks. We then made a move along the east side of the docks along the beach but got killed by a SAW.

No shit, me and 2 squad members died by walking into a certain tree that killed us instantly.

Re: The Best Briefing EVER. LOL!

Posted: 2011-07-31 15:09
by Ford_Jam
dtacs wrote:No shit, me and 2 squad members died by walking into a certain tree that killed us instantly.
Because you're terrible at this game :razz:
But seriously, our squad was shit out of luck that round tacs :(

Re: The Best Briefing EVER. LOL!

Posted: 2011-07-31 15:32
by sharpie
Ah that was brilliant...cheers to whomever called that in ;D

Re: The Best Briefing EVER. LOL!

Posted: 2011-07-31 19:12
by TheAmazingYant
The part you don't see is myself and another medic coming down to revive the whole mess of them, only to have another mortar drop on the exact same spot. We still managed to get about half the guys out of there.

That was a surprisingly good round - Earlier this week on the same layer the USMC got crushed in about 25 minutes. I was on the second or third boat that hit DTacs on the beach. Once we saw the first one go in and get torn up we just started spraying fire into the area to little effect. We were able to pull out after losing 3 guys and land on the East side, but got picked off trying to climb the hill. The worst part is that we ran out of boats 5 minutes into the round, and had to wait for the hueys to spawn in.

I hope that layer never gets into the rotation on TG again.

Re: The Best Briefing EVER. LOL!

Posted: 2011-07-31 19:52
by colodorian
Now i wasnt there because when ever i go on TG is always full :/ but i lol'd at the dude in the back ground saying "Frag Grenade'

Re: The Best Briefing EVER. LOL!

Posted: 2011-08-01 01:10
by Gore
:mrgreen: awesome

Re: The Best Briefing EVER. LOL!

Posted: 2011-08-01 08:14
by dtacs
TheAmazingYant wrote: I hope that layer never gets into the rotation on TG again.
Too right mate, that GPO needs alotta fixing before its up to TG standard. Or PR standard for that matter.

Re: The Best Briefing EVER. LOL!

Posted: 2011-08-02 03:14
by Murphy
I asked for that joke I said "please mortar right in the middle of that cluster fk". Like 4 mins later the Chinese answered, thank you for being on target with the first rounds. I spent most of the round alone because everyone kept dying on me, but it was quite fun assaulting the beach. We were the 3rd boat to land, we flew by some guys sitting in a boat out on the water spraying at the trees like "wtf?" then all hell broke loose.

Re: The Best Briefing EVER. LOL!

Posted: 2011-08-03 05:37
by TheAmazingYant
The Assailants:
Compressed JPEG from 1080p is... ugly. Also for some reason Battlefield Recorder doesn't seem to run in the proper widescreen resolution. Db's on the front mortar, JouninSpriggan's in the back. 3D-Chris watches.

The Victims:
From Left to Right: D1G1t-V3, fischauge226, ElephantMan, |TG-Irr|Mr.SaxoBeat (someone operating incognito), #!|TG|AurianTitan, bradley364, |TG-Irr|Aeron_CD41, omegatacos, Fear10u5.



Re: The Best Briefing EVER. LOL!

Posted: 2011-08-03 07:05
by AurianTitan
TheAmazingYant;1638744 wrote:The Assailants:


LOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!! Awesome work Yant! I never used Battlerecorder.

Here's the Aftermath Video:

Re: The Best Briefing EVER. LOL!

Posted: 2011-08-04 14:24
by ytman
While awesome that round should not have done so much damage. It looks like it impacted a good ways a way but still killed so many. The lethal range of them is a diameter of 30m which equates to a radius of 15... if it were an Airburst no issue... but I feel that mortars are kind of powerful against reality and these pictures show it.

The lesson anyways? Don't do breifings in the combat zone.