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[Video] Another epic PR wtf moment

Posted: 2011-08-23 21:51
by gregjlanders
I do know what happens when you do this on Kashan, I was just seeing what i could congure up by going straight into the gates, turns out it doesn't end too well for me, hehe


Super epic wtf moment PR - Xfire Video


Re: Another epic PR wtf moment

Posted: 2011-08-24 15:17
by ForLibertyandFreedom
Just imagine being one of the opfor and seeing that...

Re: Another epic PR wtf moment

Posted: 2011-08-24 19:30
by Triggerfinger
Can't seem to load the video :(

Edit; didn't see the link below the video.


Re: Another epic PR wtf moment

Posted: 2011-08-30 07:07
by Soldierman
Video doesent load :( Give us direct link

Re: Another epic PR wtf moment

Posted: 2011-09-16 13:54
by bruellwitz
Nice - played Bad Company a bit too much? ;-)

Re: Another epic PR wtf moment

Posted: 2011-09-16 14:29
Known bug - drive into fences slowly.

Re: Another epic PR wtf moment

Posted: 2011-09-16 21:17
by tankninja1
Heres another strange moment, fire my ak shovel comes flying out, only happened once so i have no clue what it was all about?

Re: Another epic PR wtf moment

Posted: 2011-09-18 11:27
by Von_Gnome
Maybe you managed to hit your scroll wheel...

Re: Another epic PR wtf moment

Posted: 2011-09-18 19:15
by sweedensniiperr
gregjlanders wrote:[xfire]4c920e[/xfire]
as with youtube videos, xfire videos only need the video ID


and then use the [xfire?]4c920e[/xfire] command

just wanted to say that ;)

Re: Another epic PR wtf moment

Posted: 2011-09-30 19:36
by gregjlanders
Oh cool cheers man! :D