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[Video] Epic 126 Player Tunnel Complex Battle

Posted: 2011-08-28 02:11
by BoZo_135
This took place on the Sisu server earlier today. We had organized every squad to simultaneously rush the tunnel objective. Everyone was asking for someone to record and post on the forums, so enjoy! :D

Next part being uploaded. ;)

Re: Epic 126 Player Tunnel Complex Battle

Posted: 2011-08-28 07:19
by chrisweb89
Wow, insane. I loved the 6 medics staying back and all screaming "Who needs a medic." And of course all the team kills.

Re: Epic 126 Player Tunnel Complex Battle

Posted: 2011-08-28 08:39
by Ca6e
epic hehe "mediiiiiic!!! I cant feel my legs" hehe this SISU server rulz! :)

Re: Epic 126 Player Tunnel Complex Battle

Posted: 2011-08-28 12:54
by BoZo_135
The other parts are now up :D

Re: Epic 126 Player Tunnel Complex Battle

Posted: 2011-08-28 13:30
by cyberzomby
Looks like a cool game :D Shame I've missed it. Fun people in there as well

Re: Epic 126 Player Tunnel Complex Battle

Posted: 2011-08-28 14:17
by Cossack
As playing medic for most of my time and what I have experienced - THIS IS MADNESS!!!! :D

But I like this. People die left and right and you just pick them up.

Re: Epic 126 Player Tunnel Complex Battle

Posted: 2011-08-28 14:45
by Tte.oteo
was a totally chaos... but really funny :) i was there.

Re: Epic 126 Player Tunnel Complex Battle

Posted: 2011-08-28 15:00
by Rico
Organised chaos. Was great fun, lol. Literally the whole team on one entrance initially - not the best tactic but amusing none the less!

Edit : Had to catch on cam me TK'ing you didnt ya! :D

Re: Epic 126 Player Tunnel Complex Battle

Posted: 2011-08-28 22:03
by Zulnex
Very nice video. 8)

Re: Epic 126 Player Tunnel Complex Battle

Posted: 2011-08-29 00:10
by Psyko
I'm an excellent singer if i do say so myself. epic revives. Probably the best rush I've ever taken part in. This is why rushing doesn't work in PR, and if anything a good reason to remove tunnel complex as a map objective in future.

(i'm going to try not to shout so much in future, you know how you don't really know how you sound to other people? well now i do, and i apologize for all of those i was interrupting and shouting over. but damn was that fun :D )

Re: Epic 126 Player Tunnel Complex Battle

Posted: 2011-08-29 04:28
by 40mmrain
god that was awesome

Re: Epic 126 Player Tunnel Complex Battle

Posted: 2011-08-29 16:29
by colodorian

lol nice vid even though all you heard was medic...

Re: Epic 126 Player Tunnel Complex Battle

Posted: 2011-08-29 16:56
by BoZo_135
Lol half the friendlies had enemy kits, at one point, an enemy even walked right passed me and I didn't notice. T_T

Re: Epic 126 Player Tunnel Complex Battle

Posted: 2011-08-29 18:05
by TeRR0R
Bummer, Video banned in germany because of SME copyrighted music :cussing:

Re: Epic 126 Player Tunnel Complex Battle

Posted: 2011-08-29 18:22
by Tartantyco
I put this up on Reddit, launch it to the stars!

Re: Epic 126 Player Tunnel Complex Battle

Posted: 2011-08-29 19:14
by BoZo_135
Yeh for some stupid reason, Youtube thinks I've violated some copyright concern :/.

Re: Epic 126 Player Tunnel Complex Battle

Posted: 2011-08-29 19:20
by LieutenantNessie
I still demand the Lashkar cave defence video!

Re: [Video] Epic 126 Player Tunnel Complex Battle

Posted: 2011-08-29 20:59
by BoZo_135
Lol butbutbut I didn't record that one D':

Re: [Video] Epic 126 Player Tunnel Complex Battle

Posted: 2011-08-29 23:28
by ForLibertyandFreedom
Oh jesus, I think I'd turn mumble off because everyone talking at the same time! Looks epic as hell though.