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[Video] Messing with APC Angry squad

Posted: 2011-09-28 05:26
by Redamare
Video was taken by ellessar

I was the squad leader of this video.. . .. . basically we were defending the hill when we heard an apc roll up at the time we were down the hill a bit and we were figuring out how to evade the apc and not get shot . . . I cant quite remember what made us want to go up and knife the apc but . . . . we decided to give it a try. ENJOY

(If video does not show up)
LINK: Messing with APC Angry Squad!!! - YouTube

THANKS for the help Hulabi!

Re: Messing with APC Angry squad

Posted: 2011-09-28 07:42
by Hulabi
To embed youtube links on the PR forums, you need to do this:

Your link:

What you do: You copy the bolded part of the link -> (always the stuff that comes after the "=")

Then, you paste the bolded part inbetween youtube tags, like so: zvsGhYFcmRA[slashYOUTUBE]

End result:

Re: Messing with APC Angry squad

Posted: 2011-09-28 08:29
by cyberzomby
always nice when one or all crew members decide to step out and hose you down... ;) funny video

Re: Messing with APC Angry squad

Posted: 2011-09-28 23:24
by Epim3theus
Ooh, you said you gave your patch to someone, but seconds later you have a patch in your hand, cheeky.