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[Video] MEC Medic In The Desert

Posted: 2011-10-15 15:02
by OnePigeon
Howdy all, this is my first post so what better way to use it than with a collection of videos from a round on the NwA mixed server a few days ago. This time on Burning Sands with the squad listed below:

SL, drunken Scots wannabe & kilt flasher - *NwA* Danger_6000
AR & bullet spammer - *NwA*Commando-XVI
HAT & wehicle tickler - *NwA* Xasper
Medic & Needle poker - OnePigeon
Rifleman & Ammo ****** - DeFerret
Quip master, perennial latecomer- *NwA*Robskiet

I tried to leave most of the interesting bits in, warts and all. I certainly make a few mistakes but each time there is someone there to cover my arse.
Oh and there's a wee bit of swearing from a certain slightly drunken SL so if you're against that you may need to close your ears ;)

The last vid is a bonus one as showing what happened just before my game and I gave up for the evening. Things got a bit....weird.

Please leave any comments/criticisms/suggestions below or on the videos.


Re: [VIDEO]MEC Medic In The Desert

Posted: 2011-10-15 15:21
by sparks50
When using the youtube tag, only include the code after the = sign.

Re: [VIDEO]MEC Medic In The Desert

Posted: 2011-10-15 15:42
by OnePigeon
Thanks Sparks, much appreciated. I hope that's better.