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PRTA Infantry Wednesday 26 October

Posted: 2011-10-20 10:57
by Dunehunter
Disclaimer: this was posted by me on behalf of PLODDITHANLEY. This project is not affiliated with the PR team.
PLODDITHANLEY wrote:PRTA Infantry Wednesday 26 October
PRTA return to the fray with a Passworded (from mumble) ultimate teamwork and communication event.
Infantry night

Kokan skirm - when population is enough

Fools Road Inf

Burning sands Inf

Barracuda Inf

Silent Eagle inf

Wednesday 26 Oct at 1800PRT .... 1900GMT .... 2000 CET
Many of us believe that Infantry only represents the best of PR teamwork without the huge impact of assets squads competence levels. We've all been there, the enemy CAS or tank squad is so awesome it's a game killer conversely your own heavy asset squad is so bad it'd be better if they built FOB's.

We're going to need patient teamwork orientated SL's, very good pilots and one hell of a mortar squad who can target two targets at the same time....

What we want to hear:

We'll defend others move up
SQ3 flanking, SQ2 maintain suppresive fire on the building
We need heli extract no AA sighted
Mortars smoke in front of us we'll advance
Bring up the trans behind us medic

What we don't want to hear:

But I'm in TS with my mates
SQ3 come in .... SQ3 $*?#!
Can't get my mumble to work has the IP changed?
Don't call a heli in to a hot zoneee ..... explosion
Why are all the vehicles dumped all over the place?

We are of course aiming for 100% PR 0.5 Mumble use if this proves an impossible objective at the very least all SL's, medics and pilots MUST be in and responding via mumble.

We've tried to choose maps that have the space for tactics with enough trans to not make it a walking simulator - but you'll still have to value that Humvee/truck or land rover, before your squad is destroyed get someone to pull it back to the nearest spawnable FOB.
If this event proves popular and enhjoyable we may well make it a regular midweek thing.

Mumble small print: run mumble and PR as admin/ can mute other applications in win7 go to sound check do nothing/ before spawning in check SL names against SL channel to join the right channel - or join any channel and you'll know which it is before you're loaded in.

Re: PRTA Infantry Wednesday 26 October

Posted: 2011-10-26 09:00
by otom24
Oh, it`s today :D *surpriseSurpriseBump*
I`ll be there

Re: PRTA Infantry Wednesday 26 October

Posted: 2011-10-26 10:39
by dutch
F|H Invictus will try to be there also, looks like great fun!

Re: PRTA Infantry Wednesday 26 October

Posted: 2011-10-26 13:18
by DenvH
If this event proves popular and enjoyable we may well make it a regular midweek thing.
Got my vote, Infantry game play in PR is in my opinion the best out their. Looking forward to playing tonight.

Should Squad Leaders sign up somewhere or is anyone able to be Squad Leader?

Re: PRTA Infantry Wednesday 26 October

Posted: 2011-10-26 13:47
by Curry
3dAC will be present. inf for the win!


Re: PRTA Infantry Wednesday 26 October

Posted: 2011-10-26 13:51
by Agemman
Not Kokan Skirmish :( It is a bottleneck and sucks balls.

Re: PRTA Infantry Wednesday 26 October

Posted: 2011-10-26 15:33
by wehrmann
I'll bring the horse archers from Hungary :D

Re: PRTA Infantry Wednesday 26 October

Posted: 2011-10-26 22:02
Nice rounds.

Fools was nice without all that brit armour, BS was cool - had someone moaning about teamstacking (u know who you are) to be greeted by a 3-0 MEC victory (wingers side).

Even Barra was nice as US managed to get a good fast foothold on docks so it was good pure inf fun.

Thanks all the guys for coming, SRF, KSK, OD-S, 3D-ac were clans heavily present thanks to all a fun night!!

Re: PRTA Infantry Wednesday 26 October

Posted: 2011-10-26 22:33
by Web_cole
Was a fun few games, gg guys :)

Re: PRTA Infantry Wednesday 26 October

Posted: 2011-10-27 17:44
by otom24
Thanks for organizing this great event, ploddiT.

Re: PRTA Infantry Wednesday 26 October

Posted: 2011-10-27 20:39
Thinking we'll make this a regular - inf only Wednesdays?

Anyone keen?