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[AAR] Have you ever been this high?

Posted: 2012-01-03 17:12
by Bufl4x
So i got bored while seeding the server and i decided i'll see how high can i go with one of the jets.

I was so high, the vacuum started to crush my jet.


Shortly after passing 500000, the game thought i must be retarded so it stopped rendering the plane.


Altitude: 1013727 bf2 units.

I was gonna skydive back to the ground but i fell asleep halfway through.

Re: Have you ever been this high?

Posted: 2012-01-03 17:16
by Adriaan
Huh, that's... Peculiar... Yeah, let's go with that. :p

I seriously have no idea why it would deform geometry like that.

Re: Have you ever been this high?

Posted: 2012-01-03 17:20
by Mikemonster
The Vaccuum would suck it apart, not crush it :P

Must have been all those rays burning your head, making your eyes go fuzzy lol

Re: Have you ever been this high?

Posted: 2012-01-03 17:39
by Bufl4x
The geometry kept vibrating too, like z-fighting gone horribly wrong.
Mikemonster wrote:The Vaccuum would suck it apart, not crush it :P
It's PR vacuum, it can crush while sucking at the same time :)

Re: Have you ever been this high?

Posted: 2012-01-03 18:00
by LieutenantNessie
Aint nothing, a friend made it to about 2000000, I'll ask him for a screenshot

Edit: When I saw the title I thought of butterflies.

EDIT: I get that it was intended to be humorous, and it was, but still no illegal subjects. - Darkcloak

Re: Have you ever been this high?

Posted: 2012-01-03 18:05
by Tarranauha200
First I thought some idiot was playing high and wasted every asset in team.

It starts to crush your jet as there is secret DEV room when you go high enough. Game doesnt want to let you there.

Re: Have you ever been this high?

Posted: 2012-01-03 18:58
by Zoddom
wow i think this is the worst case of z fighting ive ever seen oO

Re: Have you ever been this high?

Posted: 2012-01-03 19:43
by Souls Of Mischief
I've been slightly less higher, but in a different kind of sense.

Re: Have you ever been this high?

Posted: 2012-01-03 20:42
by karambaitos
if thats the cockpit, what kind of monstrosity did the entire plane turn into

Re: Have you ever been this high?

Posted: 2012-01-04 00:12
by Tim270
Back when testing sandbox mod we found that if you deleted a object that a player was in it would place it up somewhere near the altitude you go to all in a huge pile with all other deleted/destroyed objects. No idea why it looks that way though xD

Re: Have you ever been this high?

Posted: 2012-01-04 02:51
by Spook
btw same thing happens, when you just fly out of bonds. Turning off the death timer i flew for about 15min till my plane started to deform and shake like crazy....sadly the geometries did not disappear but exploded like they hit an invisible wall.

Re: Have you ever been this high?

Posted: 2012-01-04 15:10
by xambone
I got in a british jet and got to 25,000 then got bored so i tried to stall/turn and realized I COULDNT! I had to hold reversed (S) and eventually i started going backwards. I manged to eject at 21,000, due to lameness, and was able to fly back to jet twice! load of fun

Re: Have you ever been this high?

Posted: 2012-01-07 14:59
by Ca6e
Uf thats high, never been there even in RL :D

I think this happend becouse going of limits of mathematical models, x become -y and y become -x, so conections between points are mixed up crossed,... 3d models in Comp, are not like in world, they always have preplaced point od origin. Its like being in a bubble, on inside thing u see are placed right on outsde things are mirrored, meshed,...
This is just my opinion, and this should hapend in coords system wich is based only on positive axis +x. +y, +z. I think the solution will be to put point of orgign of the world somewere in the meadle of the 3d map, not on plane of field.

First pic is something BF2 use, second is in RL modeling.

Re: Have you ever been this high?

Posted: 2012-01-07 21:08
by pr_profile
Warp drive active 10 AU/s :)