[Solved] PR MUMBLE: Server connection failed: Connection Timed out
Posted: 2012-02-14 01:29
yo guys i am used to run pr mumble every time i play but today it doesnt connect
[2:26:54] Opening URL mumble://mumble.realitymod.com:64739/?version=1.2.0
[2:26:56] Connecting to server mumble.realitymod.com.
[2:27:26] Server connection failed: Connection timed out.
[2:27:36] Reconnecting.
[2:28:06] Server connection failed: Connection timed out.
[2:28:16] Reconnecting.
[2:28:46] Server connection failed: Connection timed out.
[2:28:56] Reconnecting.
[2:29:26] Server connection failed: Connection timed out.
[2:29:36] Reconnecting.
[2:26:54] Opening URL mumble://mumble.realitymod.com:64739/?version=1.2.0
[2:26:56] Connecting to server mumble.realitymod.com.
[2:27:26] Server connection failed: Connection timed out.
[2:27:36] Reconnecting.
[2:28:06] Server connection failed: Connection timed out.
[2:28:16] Reconnecting.
[2:28:46] Server connection failed: Connection timed out.
[2:28:56] Reconnecting.
[2:29:26] Server connection failed: Connection timed out.
[2:29:36] Reconnecting.