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Mr. AfterDune !!

Posted: 2012-03-04 15:19
by liljiggy
Hi dude !! Just want to let you know that you did an impressive work on PN !! Before playing PR i was strictly playing Day Of Defeat Source, a WWII FPS Game available on STEAM, you caught my eye so much with the PR Normandy that i can't wait to see if there will be more maps and things related to WWII in PR !

If any developpers is patient enough id' be more than happy to learn anything you guys could use... Mapping, navmeshing, anything that could be useful to you guys !!! But indeed, i never modded anything but im' learning very fast !!!!

Keep up the good work, i will simply end with : Thank you for your work !! I appreciate every second played, that is just sad that the servers are empty or using that mumble required dumb feature that makes you get kicked EVEN if you are in the mumble :( hahaha !!!

L'Heureux, si tu veux m'apprendre le mapping (J'ai d?ja mapp? pour DODS) pour bf2 j'serais plus qu'honor? d'te donner un coup d'main sur de futurs projets ! T'as qu'a m'ajouter a xfire ledoc2k7 !!!

Re: Mr. AfterDune !!

Posted: 2012-03-04 19:49
by Doc.Pock
great to see enthusiasm.

if you wanna help here are all the tuts you need.
also u need to get your hands onto Autodesk Max9 (not 2009)(PM me or psyrus if you dont have it)
and bf2editor v3
and photoshop(again PM me if you dont have)

Re: Mr. AfterDune !!

Posted: 2012-03-04 19:58
by AfterDune
Glad you enjoy it! :D

I hope to get you an updated version in the near future, but tbh a little help wouldn't hurt ;) .

Re: Mr. AfterDune !!

Posted: 2012-03-05 13:25
by liljiggy
I'll get my hands on those during the day... I'll start slowly by understanding and learning the basics (Example, i would like to be able to navmesh PR for Co-Op and minor things like that)

I give myself around 2-4 weeks to be able to make another step in my learning !!

If anyone wanna talk ledoc2k7 on xfire !

Re: Mr. AfterDune !!

Posted: 2012-03-05 13:40
by AfterDune
I appreciate the enthusiasm, but be prepared for a steep learning curve ;) .

Re: Mr. AfterDune !!

Posted: 2012-03-05 13:44
by liljiggy
Took me about 3 years in dods to learn how to build a map from scratch all the way to final version...

Im' ready to put the requested energy in my learning hehe !

Re: Mr. AfterDune !!

Posted: 2012-05-16 20:49
ehm, but what about new maps now :P ?

Re: Mr. AfterDune !!

Posted: 2012-05-16 21:37
by Pvt.LHeureux
THE_GRUNGER wrote:ehm, but what about new maps now :P ?
That's what about new maps : ... -pr-n.html


