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EpicElite01 looking for clan

Posted: 2012-04-05 01:27
by EliteOperator01
Hello just wondering who is recruiting. I was hoping on prWARs cause they are good I just never heard back from them. CIA would be good too. I was on =]H[= as a JR for like 5 months and then one day I wasn't on their roster lol I suppose cause I didn't send them money. Anyways if anyone is recruiting let me know. Have been playing since .85 and am in my late 20s just looking to have some fun .... THAT IS if PB heartbeats stops kicking me every freaking round ! Cheers see you on the front.

Re: EpicElite01 looking for clan

Posted: 2012-04-05 11:15
by Frost [3-75]
EliteOperator01 wrote:Hello just wondering who is recruiting. I was hoping on prWARs cause they are good I just never heard back from them. CIA would be good too. I was on =]H[= as a JR for like 5 months and then one day I wasn't on their roster lol I suppose cause I didn't send them money. Anyways if anyone is recruiting let me know. Have been playing since .85 and am in my late 20s just looking to have some fun .... THAT IS if PB heartbeats stops kicking me every freaking round ! Cheers see you on the front.

[3-75] 3rd Ranger Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment


About This Unit
The 3rd Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment is a "Tactical Realism Unit." This means we use a rank system and structure which is close to how a real Army unit operates, we use tactics and strategies that are used by Army units, and we operate like a real Army unit would. However, we don't allow the soldiers' "ranks" to go to their head. Instead, we use our structure to provide a well-run and organized unit.

While our soldiers do play various games, our foundation is based in BF2 :P R . As a Tactical realism unit we do hold drills and operations as well as regular public realism scenarios.

If you think you have what it takes to become a ranger in the 3rd Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, please visit our forums and read the information that pertains to enlistment in the "Enlistment Information" forum. The information contained there will allow you to evaluate whether you wish to be apart of this fine unit or if you would just like to continue playing with us as a civilian. If you have what it takes, submit your enlistment papers as soon as possible!
What We Offer:
Tactics and Maneuvers used in Real Life (Tactics adapted and modified to fit game limitations)
-Military Occupational Specialties (Infantryman, Medic, Engineer, etc)
-Rank Structure based off the United States Army Ranking Structure
-Missions and Operations (Both Training and Public)
-Realistic Training (This includes but is not limited to Basic Combat Training, Air Assault School, Weapons Training, Advanced Individual Training, etc)
-Knowledge of the 3rd Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment and the many aspects of it
-64 Slot BF2 :P R Training Server Running Our PR Custom Maps either Fort Bragg, NC or Fort Benning, GA
-50 Slot Teamspeak 3 Server
What We Expect:
-Mature attitude
-Discipline from each member
-Willingness to learn new tactics and maneuvers
-Commitment to advancing through the ranks
-Respectful to superiors
-Have/plan on getting a working microphone.
-Have a working version of BF2 With 1.5 Patch, PR 0.973 Installed
-Have an up to date copy of Teamspeak 3.
-Have read the information contained in the Enlistment Information & Websites Rules & Regulations
[3-75] Military Entrance And Processing Enlistment Form
Download Link: [3-75] Military Entrance And Processing Enlistment Form.docx
2nd Lieutenant "Frost" Username: teddylamothe025

Staff Sergeant "Gatling" Username: kevune

Positions available upon enlistment:
11-B Infantry
25-C Radio Operator
21-C Combat Engineer
Field 15 Airmen
Field 19 Armor

Enlist At


[Undergoing Maintenance]


Re: EpicElite01 looking for clan

Posted: 2012-04-05 14:40
by Agemman
3rd Armoured Cavalry has a strong American unit nowadays. We have battles almost each weekend as well. Our main philosophy is to have fun, while staying mature and serious when needed. Head over to for more info. Alternatively you can join our TS directly and talk to the people. The ip is Cheers.

Re: EpicElite01 looking for clan

Posted: 2012-04-05 23:01
by MCI
If you interested in an organized and fun realism clan ( Assigned to units, ranks, etc) then look at the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment!
We are internationally based and have members from Europe, North America and Oceania. Tactics and teamwork is a must for our clan.

If you are interested here are our contact details:

PR Forum topic: PR:BF2 Clans - Project Reality Forums
Website: 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment Clan - Home
Forums: 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment Clan - Forum
Xfire: gamer000krm
Email: [email protected]

If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us, if you want to get access to our TeamSpeak to see what we're like before you apply for membership then that can be arranged too.